It seems impossible that we've reached this crossroads. The choice between a disgraced, convicted felon who denies the validity of the 2020 election and incited an insurrection versus a seasoned, if flawed, vice president in one of the most successful administrations in my lifetime. But here we are. And Arizona might represent the tipping point that allows Donald Trump to win the election.
If he does, America's experiment in self-governance will be over. In the future, our "elections" will be similar to those in Russia and China. Anyone who believes we can live through a second Trump presidency and move on is kidding themselves. Trump 2.0, with the lying J.D. Vance (who was no hillbilly but grew up in a middle-class family and attended Yale), will utterly change the nation.
Anxious? I certainly am. And you should be as well.
When I was growing up, Arizona was a state with a small population and it didn't figure in national politics aside from Barry Goldwater's 1964 presidential run (I don't include John McCain because his campaign for the White House came later). Now, it's the third most populous state in the (real) West. And what happens in Arizona will be enormously consequential in November.
Arizona is so critical to the election that the Wall Street Journal dispatched a reporter to Phoenix. Among his observations:
As Nov. 5 looms, the election headquarters in the most populous county in the crucial battleground state of Arizona has become a fortress.
“You’d have to be a psychopath to say you enjoy this,” said Maricopa County’s top election official for voting by mail, Stephen Richer, a Republican. The building has added metal detectors and armed guards. On Election Day, as workers tabulate ballots behind new fencing and concrete barriers, drones will patrol the skies overhead, police snipers will perch on rooftops and mounted patrols will stand ready.
Across the state, election workers have gone through active-shooter drills and learned to barricade themselves or wield fire hoses to repel armed mobs. At the ready are trauma kits containing tourniquets and bandages designed to pack chest wounds and stanch serious bleeding.
Under President Biden, the U.S. economy has performed better than that in any other advanced nation. Inflation is coming down and the wages of average and low-wage workers actually outpaced rising prices. To be sure, presidents receive more praise and blame for the economy than warranted. Millions of actors influence events, not least the Federal Reserve. Still, an uninformed or reckless chief executive can upend the economy. Nationally, the employment rate for people between the ages of 24 and 55 is around 81%.
Despite the shambolic evacuation from Afghanistan, the Biden foreign policy is strong in most respects, especially regarding Russia's brutal invasion of Ukraine. Under Biden and Harris, the United States galvanized NATO to support Kyiv.
Trump — who's enjoyed multiple conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin — and Vance would pull American support from Ukraine and possibly detach from NATO, an alliance that has kept the peace in Europe for more than 70 years (despite the protestations of our Front Page Editor emeritus). Trump admires strongmen dictators.
Despite Trump claiming to distance himself from Project 2025 — the radical, far-right agenda for a second Trump term — many of his staff members are involved in producing it.
Trump's national security adviser now says he's a fascist.
As I wrote in my Seattle Times column, "A second Trump term would mean even higher tariffs with damaging results. Writing in Financial Times, Martin Wolf argued 'Trump’s tariffs are, in sum, a grotesque idea: they will help the less competitive sectors of the economy, while harming the more competitive parts; they will damage many of his own supporters; and they will inflict grave harm on international trade, the world economy and international relations.' ”
Trump promises to use the military against "enemies from within," including political opponents and journalists.
To be sure, the Democrats have their problems. Unlike the GOP, which is now a cult of Donald Trump, the Democrats are still a mass party, with centrists, liberals, and the far left. The latter, with "defund the police," critical racial and gender policies, and failed but costly projects to address homelessness leave the Republicans an opportunity to portray the Democrats as nutty, soft on crime virtue posturers who would allow parents to change the gender of nine-year-olds.
If Trump wins especially with a Republican Congress, the EPA will be gone, Amtrak will be defunded and the Northeast Corridor privatized, National Parks, Monuments and Forests in danger, and a retrograde move on addressing climate change.
He uses immigration to scare voters but lacks any realistic plan to address it. If we don't reduce greenhouse-gas emissions behind human-caused climate change, people from the global south will keep coming here. And the unsustainable cities of the Sunbelt are living on borrowed time.
I'll leave it for you to discuss. I wish our many former commenters would come back.
If Trump wins, my life's calling will be a failure, as will be so for millions of people. But this will be the least of our problems.
Wondering specifically how Vice-President Harris is flawed in a way worth calling out here anymore than an other individual who has sought this office has been human and therefore flawed. I believe that she will be a very hard working and competent leader. The alternative is completely untenable, as you have made very clear. Seeing a person like Trump rise to this level is one of the biggest tragedies of our lifetime. That so many will support this racist, misogynistic,narcissistic con man is indicative of a largely lost nation.
Posted by: Junctionite | October 22, 2024 at 02:10 PM
"It can't happen here"
Posted by: Cal Lash | October 22, 2024 at 04:01 PM
Even if Harris somehow pulls it off, it won't be by a margin that's strong enough to shut down bogus cries of fraud and put the nation solidly behind her.
The Democrats knew what they were up against. And they fucked it up. Badly. And they STILL don't get it.
Biden was weak and slipping badly yet they doubled down on him and lied to everyone until it was way too late. And then they went with someone who's also deeply flawed and unconvincing but, hey, shiny object, first woman, woman of color, Black, South Asian, etc.
Too many would rather pat themselves on the back, paint themselves into a corner of presumed virtue, and lose an election than get real and lead a nation.
Meanwhile, Harris, Walz, Obama and others have repeatedly lowered themselves in recent public appearances with crude references, stupid expressions, and celebrity trotting, proving that they're not so above vapid populism after all.
Trump makes up wild nonsense about Springfield Haitians eating dogs, but the bubble-dwelling Dems can't bring themselves to utter "illegal immigration." And the stupid mainstream media trip over themselves to knock down the dog munching and piously proclaim that most of those Haitians are legally in the country, while dutifully skipping over the fact that so many entered illegally and enjoy legal status now only because it was later bestowed upon them.
So Trump panders to his base, promotes fear and loathing, and peddles illusions of strength. And it works.
This shit isn't even complicated. It's more of the same.
Yeah, many voters are angry, misogynistic, racist etc. But we all knew that. And we knew Trump would embrace them and motivate them. we are.
Trump is full of shit. And so are the Democrats. And if they lose this one, it's their own fucking fault. They deserve to lose.
Unfortunately, everyone else will have to live with it.
Start drinking heavily.
Posted by: Reality Street | October 22, 2024 at 11:52 PM
Reality Street:
Can't say i disagree with you.
Posted by: Cal Lash | October 23, 2024 at 08:57 AM
Let's forget the financial crimes.
Let's forget the rape(s).
Let's forget the serial adultery.
Let's forget the overall moral turpitude.
Let's forget all the bankruptcies.
Let's forget the general incompetence.
Let's forget 30,000+ lies
Let's forget Project 2025.
Let's forget the word salad gibberish and the apparent slide into dementia.
Those are just "Trump being Trump", after all.
Forget everything else, but remember that Trump Is A Traitor.
That should be all anyone needs to know.
And, by my way of thinking, the people who support him are traitors, too.
So, if one party is nothing but traitors.
And one party is "full of shit" it might be time to leave.
Or...maybe one party isn't "full of shit" after all.
Maybe some people are expecting a "perfect" candidate who doesn't exist, who has never existed.
Maybe some people are expecting "perfect" solutions that only exist in their minds.
Maybe some people are happy finding fault with
seemingly everything.
Maybe some people are dying to see it all burn, so they can say "See, I was right! If only you had listened to me!"
Posted by: B. Franklin | October 23, 2024 at 05:11 PM
Latest Wall Street Journal poll: Trump takes narrow lead over Harris.
Posted by: Rogue Columnist | October 23, 2024 at 06:27 PM
Polling is dead.
2/3 of voters lie.
1/3 of voters don't care.
Posted by: Debbie DeNardo | October 23, 2024 at 07:27 PM
Of course Donald and his criminal father should have gone to prison a long time ago.
But they didn't,
so Vote.
I did so I can feel good when on Monday I start getting nuked and chemoed. If I'm mot around for the results I recommend you all stock in a lot of
Red Wine.
Posted by: Cal Lash | October 23, 2024 at 08:53 PM
And, as usual, B. Franklin misses the point entirely.
Rather than expect a perfect candidate, “some people” prefer a candidate who can actually win an election, preferably decisively. The stakes being rather high this time around and all.
As far as dying to see things burn so they can gloat, some other people seem to fancy themselves above it all and are just incapable of getting real, no matter how many times reality bites them.
I hope Harris wins, mostly because she’s not Trump and we have only two choices. But I won’t be surprised if she loses. And I’m not surprised that some people just can’t see it coming.
Posted by: Reality Street | October 24, 2024 at 11:07 AM
Who is this unnamed candidate that can win "preferably decisively"?
Keeping in mind that, because of the Electoral College, winning the popular vote "decisively" may not be enough.
I'd like a name, so, if the Orange Traitor should somehow win, we can chant it tearfully, as we carry you through the streets, as befits someone with your superior understanding of politics.
Posted by: B. Franklin | October 24, 2024 at 04:45 PM
That’s a question that should have been asked nearly four years ago. Obviously.
Posted by: Reality Street | October 24, 2024 at 05:04 PM
B Franklin y reality street. The good thing is u r posting here.
"Keep Scribbling"
Posted by: Cal Lash | October 24, 2024 at 05:20 PM
Oh, what to make of Biden’s impending visit to Arizona tomorrow to apologize for federally sponsored Indian boarding schools and associated cruelties?
Would a lame-duck president really incite racial and cultural controversy in a key battleground state less than two weeks before an election in order to polarize voters and affect the outcome?
Nah, the timing must be a complete coincidence. Nobody should be the least bit concerned that Democrats would shamelessly exploit painful memories of racial injustice for political gain.
Because that would be enormously cynical and offensive. It’s the other guys who do that sort of stuff. Biden would never stoop so low.
(Lest anyone miss the point here: Yes, the history of Indian boarding schools is a very serious and difficult subject. The question is the timing and the intent of this performance.)
It will be interesting to see how things unfolds.
Posted by: Reality Street | October 24, 2024 at 07:10 PM
I'll check with my Yaqui pals
Posted by: Cal Lash | October 24, 2024 at 08:19 PM
The Washington Post has announced that it will not be making an endorsement for President this year or in any future election years (if there are any). This is, indirectly, an endorsement of Donald Trump. Democracy dies in cowardice.
Posted by: Johb | October 25, 2024 at 12:04 PM
Bezos was afraid Trump would make Musk, CIA Director
Posted by: Cal Lash | October 25, 2024 at 01:54 PM
Biden and the indeginous?
They are an important voting block. Mostly democratic.
I recommend the Guadalupe Yaqui ritual of Killing Spaniards.
Posted by: Cal Lash | October 25, 2024 at 02:16 PM
Well, credit where credit is due. The often embarrassingly superficial Associated Press managed to squeeze a drop of reality into its coverage of Biden’s barnstorming to Indian Country today, to wit:
“Democrats hope Biden’s visit to the Gila River Indian Community’s land on the outskirts of Phoenix’s metro area will also provide a boost to Vice President Kamala Harris’ turnout effort in a key battleground state. The moment gave Biden a fuller chance to spotlight his and Harris’ support for tribal nations, a group that historically has favored Democrats, in a state he won just by 10,000 votes in 2020.
The race between Harris and former President Donald Trump is expected to be similarly close, and both campaigns are doing whatever they can to improve turnout among bedrock supporters.”
Biden’s actual performance, however, was a truly cringe-inducing example of woke-scolding polemic suitable for a slow day at Hyde Park Speakers’ Corner. It was truly bad. But don’t take my word for it. Check it out. Seriously.
The fact that he never before visited Indian Country as president and is now obviously using Native people as props for political gain is just sad on so many levels. And angrily smearing white guilt over shitty election prospects will probably actually backfire. Some folks never do catch on.
We all deserve better, but we won’t be getting it this time no matter who wins the election.
With only slight dramatic license, the best we can hope for is the lesser of two weevils.
Posted by: Reality Street | October 25, 2024 at 02:40 PM
I'm not so sure that acknowledging something terrible that happened, and apologizing for it, is such an awful thing to do. Whenever it happens.
Of course, it is something that Republicans would never do. I mean, they're still arguing that maybe slavery wasn't so bad. To their way of thinking, it was kind of like an unpaid internship. After all, think of all the valuable skills the enslaved people learned.
Finally, even if people should be concerned "that Democrats would shamelessly exploit painful memories of racial injustice for political gain" I'd counter with "when you're in a death match with a bunch of traitorous vermin, sometimes your hands get a little dirty".
Posted by: B. Franklin | October 25, 2024 at 03:04 PM
The ol’ Ends Justify The Means rationalization is such a slippery slope…
But whatever. This performance — and that’s exactly what it was — was just tawdry. And ill-advised.
Posted by: Reality Street | October 25, 2024 at 03:57 PM
Biden did put indigenous Deb Haaland in charge of BLM.
"Woke scolding polemic"
WTF is that?
Uall gotta remember I'm a little slow on Greek language.
Posted by: Cal Lash | October 25, 2024 at 04:37 PM
All politics is a performance these days.
Or haven't you seen JD Vance recently?
Or that sweet little Russian asset Elon Musk.
Or every Republican candidate, for that matter.
Trump learned how to behave from Roy Cohn, for Christ's sake.
In 2016. when the Dems tried to follow the dictum "when they go low, we go high" it didn't stop the Republicans from going even lower.
Since there is no apparent bottom to how low Republican rhetoric will sink, the only solution is to counter it by whatever means necessary.
Incredibly naive to think otherwise.
Posted by: B. Franklin | October 25, 2024 at 05:11 PM
Oh, do forgive me for assuming that Trump’s craven insincerity and grotesque posturing was simply a given in polite conversation. At any rate, he wasn’t in Arizona today and thus wasn’t the focus of my recent observations. I keep forgetting that the obvious is not always so to those who are determined not to see.
From my perspective, heedlessly embracing the doctrine of “whatever means necessary” is what’s truly naive. Especially when poorly executed and ineffective.
But there you have it: scratch a self-righteous liberal or lefty and you’re quite likely to discover an intolerant fascist. The circle feeds itself with whatever means necessary.
Posted by: Reality Street | October 25, 2024 at 06:05 PM
Trump appears poised to win by dint of his hard-ass personality. He's running for Commander in Chief, not HR director as most Democrats would do. Hillary made that mistake in 2016 and Kamala is even more pronounced in that congenial if ineffective strategy.
How and why did Democrats start losing blue-collar voters? Partly it's the drift of the party's idealists into post-modernism and its various theories. Instead of embodying the underlying unity of Americans, Democrats now cater to the fringe elements on college campuses and think tanks. The left's Thought Police have a much larger share of intellectual capital than the right but they fail to understand human reality. Most don't want to be coddled like abused children. They want a galvanizing leader who reminds them what their common identity used to feel like. Trump gets that, which is why his horrifying contempt for complexity and nuance gives him an edge with ordinary if not well-informed voters.
Social and cultural cohesion is essential for functional democracies. America's has been eviscerated partly with earnest bromides from zealots. If Democrats want to win, they need to embody the whole nation, not just the upper echelons of academia and non-profit agencies. What voters see on the left is silly virtue-signalling and contempt for actual diversity as opposed to the pretend kind based mainly on gender and race.
It may be too late to rescue America from its accelerating descent into factionalism. Trump's instincts are feral and grotesque but he does know something quite well. Voters want to know who the boss is. Trump delivers on that score quite well.
Posted by: soleri | October 26, 2024 at 07:23 AM
Godfather has arrived.
Posted by: Cal Lash | October 26, 2024 at 08:10 AM
Manifest Destiny is a failure.
Posted by: Cal Lash | October 26, 2024 at 08:35 AM
You are all fucking idiots!
Posted by: Phill Trumm | October 26, 2024 at 09:20 AM
Thanks Phil
Posted by: Cal Lash | October 26, 2024 at 10:16 AM
it is Phill with two ls.
Posted by: Phill Trumm | October 26, 2024 at 11:28 AM
Gotta agree with Soleri. Solid analysis.
Posted by: Reality Street | October 26, 2024 at 11:58 AM
Care to elaborate Phil Trum, or are you the local numpty?
Posted by: R. Owens | October 26, 2024 at 01:31 PM
Well where it said write in for president i wrote Bernie/OAC.
Posted by: Cal Lash | October 27, 2024 at 10:24 AM
Gold Star on that essay, Solari.
Posted by: terry dudas | October 27, 2024 at 11:04 AM
I think history shows that the Democrats started losing blue collar voters right around the time that Nixon's crew came up with the Southern Strategy.
Then you had Saint Reagan harping on the evil Welfare Queens, even though a MIC lobbyist in an expensive suit can steal more before lunch than all the welfare queens there ever were or will be could steal in a lifetime.
And today you have Trump with his continual drumbeat of "fear the other" and we all know who he means by "the other".
Now, what do those three examples have in common?
Posted by: B. Franklin | October 27, 2024 at 03:05 PM
Gee, BF. Maybe if you ignore myriad Democrat missteps and failures and boil everything down to simple Republican racism and blue collar ignorance it will convert lots of voters and win the election for Harris. Or at least make you feel superior.
Posted by: Reality Street | October 28, 2024 at 11:12 AM
So, you're willing to conflate the racism of the Southern Strategy, the constant welfare queen drumbeat, the dog whistles, and whatever you want to call Trump's bleatings, with the "myriad Democrat missteps and failures."
Cuz it's all the Democrats fault. They made the Republicans behave that way.
I remember now...Trickle Down economics was a Democratic plan. As was destroying unions. As was the Iraq war.
The Democrats were so pissed off by Brown v the Board of Education that they started an ongoing assault on public education.
And don't get me started on the other civil rights acts. Didn't need 'em. Some people should just learn their place and shut up. Thank God the Democrats do all they can to undermine them.
And the social safety net! What a boondoggle that all is. Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid? Pure socialism. I can't wait for the Democrats to gut them.
I could go on, but what I'd really like is a list of the "myriad missteps and failures."
I'll put it in a locket and keep it close to my heart
Posted by: B. Franklin | October 28, 2024 at 02:08 PM
Pointing out that myopic and overly simplistic analysis is a fool’s tonic does not a conflation make.
If Republican racism were truly the only issue here, Democrats wouldn’t have such a problem.
At any rate, that’s a known quantity. But rather than get their own game in gear, too many on the other side just keep feeding the beast and making it bigger.
Introspection can be difficult. For some, it’s simply impossible.
Posted by: Reality Street | October 28, 2024 at 02:45 PM
No such thing as perfect government.
It's populated by Humans.
So much for
Manifest Destiny
Posted by: Cal Lash | October 28, 2024 at 03:46 PM
Still waiting for the "myriad missteps and failures".
Still waiting for the unnamed Democratic candidate that can win "preferably decisively", too.
In the meantime, does anyone know why my APS bill gets mailed to Boone, Iowa? I'm pretty sure it's a scam of some kind, but I can't figure out what kind of scam it is.
Posted by: B. Franklin | October 29, 2024 at 05:13 PM
APS is still getting coal from Boone Countuy Iowa?
Posted by: Cal Lash | October 29, 2024 at 09:56 PM
Still waiting for reading comprehension.
Posted by: Reality Street | October 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM
Who pays bills by mail?
Posted by: R. Owens | October 30, 2024 at 11:07 AM
How else?
Posted by: Cal Lash | October 30, 2024 at 12:36 PM
Just when you though Team Trump may have committed a timely fatal error by insulting Puerto Ricans, along bumbles Biden to help snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Let’s just not suggest it was some kind of misstep. Because there aren’t any.
Posted by: Reality Street | October 30, 2024 at 04:14 PM're going to argue, indignantly no doubt, that after all we've seen and heard and been through in the past 9 years from that Orange Pestilence--all the name calling, all the dog whistling, all the criminality, all the Treason--that President Biden calling some Trump supporters "garbage" is beyond the Pale, and will cost Harris the election.
Posted by: B. Franklin | October 30, 2024 at 05:08 PM
Uhm, no.
I’m simply observing — like many other Democrats — that this gaffe is very untimely and not likely to help Harris. To put it mildly.
Harris clearly understands this as she attempts to distance herself.
Others, not so much.
Posted by: Reality Street | October 30, 2024 at 05:32 PM
The Difference between Joe (made by Jimmy Hoffa) and Donald (made by Roy Cohn) is Joe would pass the NOT a
"The Psychopath Test"
Posted by: Cal Lash | October 30, 2024 at 08:03 PM
Less than 132 hours until the close of the polls in AZ.
A few SECONDS after that will be the start of the 2028 Presidental campaign.
It's all about the media folks. It's all about the media.
Posted by: AzRebel | October 31, 2024 at 07:38 AM
Election officials have gone into hiding accompanied by armed guards?
Posted by: Cal Lash | October 31, 2024 at 12:14 PM
Well, it’s certainly a huge relief to know that Arizona’s attorney general would never weaponize and abuse her office or waste public resources days before a tight election to “investigate” whether a rhetorical public statement in opposition to what’s characterized (wrongly, in my view) as hypocrisy regarding armed conflict might somehow constitute a “death threat.”
Because that would be simply asinine, and only the bad guys abuse their power. And we can always count on mainstream news media to present information in context and never behave like bleating retarded sheep.
Meanwhile, back in reality, there are reasons why this goddamned clown might win…
Posted by: Reality Street | November 01, 2024 at 01:48 PM
Oh sure, it's just another case of "Trump being Trump". He doesn't really mean most of the things he says...
Nothing to see here. Please move along.
By the way, I'd bet that Trump doesn't know what the word "rhetoric" means.
Posted by: B. Franklin | November 01, 2024 at 03:38 PM
And of course BF can be counted on to miss the point yet again…
Is there anyone who didn’t see this coming?
Posted by: Reality Street | November 01, 2024 at 04:09 PM
I noticed Fred and Donald in the 70's when I was assigned to the PPD Organized Crime Bureau.
Posted by: Cal Lash | November 01, 2024 at 05:28 PM
Trump has the gangster’s knack for couching threats in an ingeniously deniable way. Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest? Go up there and fisght like hell …. Peacefully. He did introject just enough Roy Cohn . “ you see , Donny,…. Um I mean Mr. Trump, it’s called plausible deniability. You might want to write that down. … well, have someone write it down.” It’s something he actually learned! Probably only Because it’s congruent with his character. This is a nice example and on some level he feels that it will be taken seriously by one of his minions, whether here in the great unwashed , or in the unwashed DOJ that he will appoint.
Posted by: Dawgzy | November 02, 2024 at 02:19 AM
Reality Street is convinced that I always miss the point. His point, that is.
But I'm pretty sure that I understand him completely.
For whatever that's worth.
Posted by: B. Franklin | November 02, 2024 at 04:18 PM
B Franklin and Reality Street you all remind me of Henry Chinaski.
Posted by: Cal Lash | November 02, 2024 at 04:29 PM
BF, I’m fairly certain that you could never understand me or much else unless you remove your blinders. Don’t kid yourself.
But to be fair, you’ve got lots of company.
Posted by: Reality Street | November 02, 2024 at 06:29 PM
It's good to see Solari commenting here. Thoughtful as always.
Reading Rogue's essay and the comments certainly illustrates how the Left and Right are so far apart from each other. I can't predict what will happen Tuesday, other than that the result will bring even more discord (even within the Left judging by B.Franklin and Reality Street).
In the interest of understanding how, from the majority of RC reader's perspective, a citizen could vote for Trump I offer two reasons that I think override the merits and demerits of Trump or Harris and their policies:
1. The coordinated prosecution and litigation of the former president and then-likely-future Republican nominee by the incumbent administration and its allies. For the sake of our democracy, this MUST not be allowed to be politically successful.
2. Make America Healthy Again (MAHA). The "unity ticket" concept that offers the first real prospect of reforming our broken and corrupt health regulatory bodies and prioritizing the health of Americans over the interests of commerce.
There are other reasons, of course. One of the more balanced explanations I've read is here:
It also provides a counterpoint essay for why vote Harris
Worth considering, a well-known New York (former?) liberal grudgingly voting Trump explains why:
The most civil political show around is 2Way with Marc Halperin. If you haven't seen it Halperin, as close to a nonpartisan journalist as you're likely to find, analyses the race with a MAGA pro, a moderate Democrat pro, and call in voters.
Posted by: Jon7190 | November 02, 2024 at 07:21 PM
Thanks, Jon
Posted by: Cal Lash | November 02, 2024 at 09:32 PM
Two quarts of egg nog. Already have the Pendelton whiskey. No TV news until Wednesday morning. So, it’s relaxing time while the rest of you stress a few years off the end of your lives.
Update for those of you keeping score. My plan to leave this godforsaken state is on hold. Housing in all the Rocky Mountain states, from Canada to Mexico, is overpriced, unreasonable, and unacceptable.
I would follow cal’s advice to move to Uraguay, but I don’t know where it is?? Much less spell it.
Posted by: Ruben | November 03, 2024 at 10:44 AM
Ruben call my pal
Pepe Mujica at 800rebelgo.
Pepe will pick you up at the airport in his 62 Volkswagon. And he and his wife will serve you food from their garden.
Occasionally Bernie Sanders shows up.
Posted by: Cal Lash | November 03, 2024 at 11:34 AM
People who commit crimes should be prosecuted.
Trump has committed many, many crimes.
Therefore, Trump should be prosecuted.
Because he got away with it for so many years doesn't make him any less culpable.
Why this should be difficult for some people to comprehend is a mystery to me.
PS Putting RFK Jr. in charge of anything, let alone health care, is shear madness.
PPS When you have a second, look up the reason why Mark Halperin got fired by NBC, MSNBC, and Showtime.
Posted by: B. Franklin | November 03, 2024 at 06:14 PM
Posted by: Cal Lash | November 03, 2024 at 08:06 PM
I agree with BF’s most recent observation 100 percent.
Unfortunately, “Tump’s a turd” may not be enough to defeat him with this lineup.
And therein lies the rub.
Certainly no mystery.
Posted by: Reality Street | November 03, 2024 at 09:26 PM
Trump is the evolution of European criminals invading the Americas.
Posted by: Cal Lash | November 04, 2024 at 09:11 AM
Hyperbole, thy name is Lash.
Posted by: terry dudas | November 04, 2024 at 12:22 PM
Terry i looked that up.
I agree. Thank you.
I'll try and keep it up.
Posted by: Cal Lash | November 04, 2024 at 01:36 PM
Ah Fuck,
Bernie lost again.
Posted by: Cal Lash | November 05, 2024 at 11:27 PM
Posted by: AzRebel | November 06, 2024 at 10:57 AM
To: Democratic Party
From: Reality
Re: Virtue vs. victory
FYSA: Until you get real, this shit’s gonna continue.
Your move.
Posted by: Reality Street | November 06, 2024 at 01:33 PM
Real is?
Posted by: Cal Lash | November 06, 2024 at 05:13 PM
One thing about the AZ MAGAts. They are sore losers and they are bad winners. Leading the pack is that wicked witch Wendy Rogers. I sure hope there is a special place in hell for that human pile of shit.
And sadly, any country that regularly reelects folks like Biggs, Gosar, Boebart, MGT, Ted Cruz really deserves to have all the cosmic shit piled on top of it for the next few years. This country is a sick son of a bitch on both sides of the aisle.
This Empire is an engine of death and destruction all over the earth and the only redeeming value for us citizens is that we get to reap the financial benefits to buy the newest high prices iPhones and be able to afford (with credit) the latest Taylor Swift concert tickets.
It's going to be a tough winter here in Trumpland, AZ. There won't be much snow (drought) but the land will be four feet deep in gloating bullshit. We already have a one foot layer on the ground.
While the republicans went after the white vote, the hispanic vote and black vote, 95% of the population, the dumbocrats locked in the LGBTQ population, 5% of the population.
Nice plan dipshits!!
Posted by: Ruben | November 07, 2024 at 07:39 AM
Posted by: ὀστρακισμός | November 07, 2024 at 01:07 PM
Pity the Nation
Posted by: Cal Lash | November 07, 2024 at 04:00 PM
As it turns out, trump IS most Americans. Petty, selfish, self-centered, me first, spoiled brats. Willing to sell democracy down the river (Not just here, help yourself, Vlad!!)and buy the lies that the price of eggs will go down a quarter and gas too.
And it turns out that my belief that most Americans are decent, moral people trying to do the right thing was utter fantasy.
Posted by: DoggieCombover | November 08, 2024 at 08:40 AM
In their defense, and a flimsy defense at that, they know not what they are doing.
Over a period of six decades they have been turned into uneducated, uncurious, unambitious, unreading, uninspired slugs.
And due to the food industrial complex, fat, obese slugs.
Was this done on purpose? Who did it?
I imagine we'll never know.
Up here in Trumpland, it is impossible to have an intelligent conversation with most everyone. They don't have the basic knowledge of knowledge. World geography? World history? US geography? US history? Math? Basic auto maintenance? Basic home maintenance? Their brains are as blank as the stare you get from them when you hit them with ........FACTS.
Their response is usually defensive anger. They think you're pulling a fast one on them.
So, fat, dumb slugs who feel they are victims of an unfair world.
Think they might be susceptible to a cult personality like Trump?
Posted by: Ruben | November 08, 2024 at 09:06 AM
Ruben, I know it's hard losing elections. Seriously, I feel your pain.
Earlier in the comments I posted a couple reasons one might rationally vote for Trump and a couple links to a bunch more, if you have any interest in understanding your red-state fellow citizens. You wrote "due to the food industrial complex, [they are] fat, obese slugs." You might have missed my reason #2 to vote for Trump: the MAHA movement.
RFKjr is expected to lead a team to take on the food/pharma industrial complex which has conspired to make so many in our country unhealthy. Mainstream Democrats would never even acknowledge there is a problem, let alone do anything to take on this entrenched and powerful monkey on our country’s back. I hope they follow through and deliver.
Posted by: Jon7190 | November 08, 2024 at 08:23 PM
RFK Jr would pass the Psychopath test?
That's now at least 3 Psychopaths arriving at the White House.
Posted by: Cal Lash | November 09, 2024 at 06:55 PM
Posted by: Cal Lash | December 21, 2024 at 10:25 AM
And if Hegseth makes
it,there be 4.
He is a religious Psychopath.
Stand by for the Crusades.
Posted by: Cal Lash | December 21, 2024 at 10:32 AM