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August 07, 2023


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Root beer float at Lutes.
Ice cream counter at Walgreens. Thirty one flavors? Nope, three plus two sherbet flavors.

High School Pharmacy 1920?

Was the Phoenix Thrifty drugstore the same as the California Thrifty drugstore chain? (About 25 years ago, it became Rite Aid. The Thrifty name lives on as Rite Aid's high-quality house ice cream brand.)

Thanks, Jon!
I remember several of those places; many when I was a very young boy.

Great article and photos. Thank you so much for writing this.
One that I believe wasn't listed was Markgraf Pharmacy, at Uptown Plaza on Central Avenue, that we used to go to when I was in high school.

There was also Stults drugs 1925. Also known as Stults Eagle drugs. Mr EC Stults was the owner.

Shouldn't this be 'statue'?

"Another Walgreen's was located at Park Central beside the Sun Worshipper status and Smuggler's Inn..."

I recall that my favorite drug store was a horse drawn covered wagon selling Laudanum.

cal, I knew you were older than you've been letting on.

So, I'm guessing the rumors going around Tombstone about you and Big Nose Kate are true. You've been leaving women standing at the altar for a very long time, my two-timing friend.

Never cared for Tombstone and its Europeans. Better happenings at Maria's Cantina in Naco.
In case you didnt know the Mexican joke about the Horse honoring Pancho Villa Mexico gave the Gringos in Tucson for a park, it is a Gelding.
Pancho only rode Stallions.
Last week i had breakfast at Siete in Tucson with a 102 year old Dama.
She confirmed what my 109 year old lady friend, Carmen told me about Pancho.
Always good to hear from You, HELEN.


Note: Danny Seiden. CEO of Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry stated Arizona has plenty of water and workers. Dont know when Danny got to town but seems to be from off planet.
You can tell he is out of touch as he is wearing a tie.
Tough to ride a sandworm in a east coast suit. Gotta get the dude a "Still Suit."

Who owned MacAlpine Drug store in Phoenix in the 1970s? I worked there and I was trying to remember their names. Don and Virginia?

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