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May 15, 2023


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Always great stuff. I love the Harpo Marx shot.

Love these photos!
One more - I grew up in Phoenix but never knew about this resort until a few months ago. Castle Hot Springs

the 'geltmore' would close for the summer as it couldn't all be well air-conditioned in the old days...

AZ for the rich, famous and lucky was a seasonal town. carrier figured if we could make ice, we could cool people....

Central AZ Project -- capped the deal...cool houses, water and dirt; buy square miles and sell square feet...the long con.

the future mr. gittes...

El aqua viene por la noche senor.

At 82 and flailing, i manage to drive los calles de Phoenix.
I see streets of asphalt and concrete with grass growing through them. I see alleys chocked with dead weeds and trash. And piles of trash on side streets piled high in front of residences. I see double jointed buses with no passangers. I see and smell the dying air quality.
A black CLOUD hangs over Sky Harbor Airport. I recall terminal ONE.
I see a city decaying in its own shit.
The Sajuaros on the Superstitions are looking good. They caught a lot of rain in the past 14 months.
THE GOOD NEWS is also a book by Edward Abbey about Phoenix burning to the ground while occupied by an insane authoritarian.
But hey the state approved the erection of a Disney Type playworld for the masses recently near the rest of that Glendale sports insanity.
Aint it wonderful.
Not to worry Jake its Fantasytown!

At 82 its obvious that medicine is large chunk of the Valley of the Suns economy. I see more emergency centers than gas stations. Soon drive thru AI brain updates.

I hear you cal.

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