Pinned post (for newer columns see below):
I want to write about the future of Rogue Columnist. When I began the blog in 2008, my primary mission was to write about the issues and news with perspective and context that no one else provided. Also, I wanted to write about Phoenix history that wasn't easily available elsewhere. This was strictly pro bono — no charge to readers and no ads on the site itself.
The history essays are most popular, especially the ones with photo galleries.
Otherwise, I've written on issues large and small. And I have to bring a big barrel of humility here: Not a damned thing has changed. Or what was bad has gotten worse.
Climate change, sprawl, gravel, pavement, freeways, underfunded education, chopped down shade trees, impasse at the border, morally bankrupt politicians, the GOP's stranglehold on the Legislature — all have grown like kudzu in the desert. The Real Estate Industrial Complex continues its dominance on Phoenix. And the nation is more divided than any time since the eve of the Civil War.
I'll take a little credit for the revival of downtown and Midtown, ASU downtown, the biomedical campus, convention center, and light rail (WBIYB). I made Kookocracy a household term. I'm very grateful for the readers and commenters who have stuck with me.
And, yes, I've been becalmed and discouraged before.
I'll quote Soleri's critique again:
I understand your unique voice here regarding Arizona. At the same time, the blog feels too small now, which is ironic given how challenging life is becoming there (and, indeed, everywhere). I would like to see you enlarge your scope to take this into account.Your perspective is personally rooted and sui generis, which grants you an authority most writers don't have. Who else is "doing" Arizona? Who else is writing about the growing border crisis? Or the looming water catastrophe along with climate change? Or the yawning collapse of Arizona's political comity and legitimacy? Or the tectonic shifts in Arizona's economy? Why not write about Arizona's emerging crises as if you were a reporter covering Europe in the 1930s?I think we're both a little shocked just how dark the future appears. This isn't the time to retire your blog. If anything, it's time to take a deep breath and cast an eagle's eye on what may be the penultimate chapters in Arizona's epic hubris. Go deep and wide. Arizona deserves a writer who's ready to tackle these subjects. I don't want to sound overly portentous but the fireworks are just beginning.
I've taken that deep breath. Written on all those big topics. "Done" Arizona. I've tackled the most important topics. And nothing has changed. Even some of our most important commenters have left. What drives traffic? The galleries of Phoenix history photos.
The paradox, of course, is that local news is dying, largely reduced to repurposed press releases (with some honorable but too few exceptions). Under the new Gannett (merged with GateHouse), the Republic has seen a startling 75% decline in circulation between the third quarter of 2018 and the same period of this past year. According to a report from NiemanLab:
By December 31, 2019, the combined company was down to 21,255 employees in the U.S. By the end of 2020, that had dropped to 18,141. A year later: 13,800. And its most recent SEC filing reports that, as of the end of 2022, Gannett had just 11,200 U.S. employees remaining (plus another roughly 3,000 overseas).
But I can't fix that here. I don't have the time or resources to do enterprise or investigative reporting. To sit through hours of city council meetings, legislative hearings, or "turn every page" as a young Robert Caro was instructed by his editor, especially on the water and land corruption going on in Arizona. I already exposed the scams of the groundwater act, Superstition Vistas, the South Mountain Freeway, data centers, and other boondoggles. And nothing changed.
Something's gotta give and I welcome your thoughts.
Soldier on, Jon. If not you, then who?
Posted by: Joe Schallan | April 04, 2023 at 04:28 PM
If not you, then who?
Montini and Laurie Roberts. They continue to carry the torch that Jon lit.
Jon, I have been with you, as many others have been, since the pre-blog days.
You raise a difficult question. I will need to think on it further.
Posted by: Ruben | April 04, 2023 at 05:51 PM
'A pen warmed up in hell'
I am of the opinion that first and foremost is the health and welfare of you and your bride. All else comes second or third or ceases.
Probably the time has come for you to drink more Martinis, listen to more opera and maybe pen a few more mysteries. Not necessarily limited to Mapstone.
You are correct in that you have made great effort to inspire sanity in an insane place and been punished for pointing out how kooky things can get. And the insanity has not lessened but gone full throttle driven by fanatical bi polar mania.
I don't know how much effort it takes to operate Rogue Columnist and maybe its time to shut it down. Or maybe replace it with a monthly or semi monthly comment on a choice of any subject that you prefer. Maybe exclude a comment section.
I think you should not disappear until such time that your gift of penning in writing has finally ran out of ink.
So is the opinion of the Red Dude staring into a glass of red wine at the La Amapola bar.
Posted by: Cal Lash | April 04, 2023 at 10:04 PM
Jon - please don't disappear. Maybe we would be satisfied with once a month edition. But Comments are a Must.
And yes, Cal, it takes a LOT of effort to put the Rogue together, even if you already have the photos from a wide variety of places.
I watched TV for fifteen minutes this evening for the first time in a couple of years. I wanted to see if anyone had a horse and a rope to throw over the tree limb. New York may be trying to grow a tree but looks like it is going to take a long time.
Hugs to all, Mariam
Posted by: Mariam Cheshire | April 04, 2023 at 10:46 PM
Thanks Mariam.
Im probably one of few here that know your old enough to have witnessed hanging by horse and tree.
Well maybe Helen Highwater saw a few.
Posted by: Calvin Lash | April 04, 2023 at 10:51 PM
Well shoot!
I meant until your gift of
penning has ran out of ink.
I left the word writing in the sentence. So much for editing at 82.
Posted by: Calvin Lash | April 04, 2023 at 10:57 PM
Jon -- I spoke too quickly, thinking of what I want (to continue having Rogue) instead of what you may need. Cal is absolutely correct -- your health and relationships, and the writing you most love to do, should come before keeping this blog going.
But I would hate to see it go.
Posted by: Joe Schallan | April 05, 2023 at 12:31 AM
I don't know your Arizona vs other readership profiles, but maybe time to do US and global only. Lots of news to analyze, few with your brain.
Posted by: richard silc | April 05, 2023 at 03:03 AM
After reading this a wave of emotions hit me and surprisingly began to sob. While it's true that we have likely lost the war for Phoenix and AZ, there have been a few wins and your writing, I suspect, has had a much larger influence than you realize. I've been an admirer of your work since AZ Republic and the AZCentral blog. I cannot express how grateful I am for being of service to my home town and in many ways to me as well. I would love it if you continued but I fully understand your thinking. Do what's best for you and your health now.
Posted by: Ex Phx Planner | April 05, 2023 at 06:01 AM
I would miss Rogue Columnist immensely if you retired it, but a writer has to write what's in his heart and mind in the moment. If that's not the history and fate of AZ, let it go. I think the ultimate sadness is not that you did it and may be moving on, but that there are so few, if any, new writers taking on the topic of the past, present and future of Arizona--and Maricopa County--such a vast, diverse subject. Whatever you choose, the very best to you. I need to start getting into your mysteries now, as I'm sure there's a lot of descriptive AZ material there, too!
Posted by: Tiara Crouse | April 05, 2023 at 06:46 AM
I wonder whether we are at the darkest hour. It seems folks across the country are beginning to turn things around. A year ago Kansas beat back an abortion ban. The "red wave" last fall was a ripple. Arizona elected Katie Hobbs instead of Kari Lake. Just yesterday Wisconsin elected Janet Protasiewicz rather than Dan Kelly. To name four positives.
I think the situation is changing. It's just hard to see the progress.
Posted by: iaed | April 05, 2023 at 09:12 AM
As a 40 year Phoenix resident, I am extremely frustrated as to how things have developed. I'm 65 and I could just say screw it; why should I even care at this point. But I take a bit of optimism in that we finally are getting more infil development and real industries not dependent on growth, such as the semiconductor developments. But I admit it is easy to just give up and laugh/cry at what has occurred in the Valley of the Sun. I don't know what else can be done by Jon that he already hasn't done and it's unfair to put in on him. But how about a You Tube channel? Maybe that would generate more interest and allow for interviews, discussions, etc. Any thoughts here?
Posted by: Rich Weinroth | April 05, 2023 at 11:38 AM
Return on investment.
(Investment of your time, health, physical and mental well-being of you and family)
Your Seattle Times column has grown and evolved so that it is a voice to be reckoned with in the region.
Your Facebook footprint is active, well followed, broad spectrum of friends/ followers.
Rogue Columnist? Only you can judge the ROI at this point.
Kenny Rogers would tell you, “you gotta know when to hold em and know when to fold em “.
Posted by: Ruben | April 05, 2023 at 11:57 AM
Selfishly, I hope you keep writing here forever. But as others have said, you have done good work here and if you feel it doesn't work in your life or you no longer get enough out of the work, I respect whatever you decide.
I honestly thought you were going to retire it when we went for a year or so with no new posts. I was glad to see you return. I don't think the break helped the health of the commentariat (and I suspect the size of the readership).
If I have a complaint about the posts, it would be that it feels a bit like the writing is on autopilot at times (this goes way back, not just since the break). Not the history posts so much as the weightier topics. You write mostly conclusions without trying to really build a case or convince. Like drive-by opinions. This is almost always the case with national or international topics, less so with AZ affairs but even those feel a bit underdeveloped oftentimes.
I say this with respect. Every once in a while you go deep and you're a hell of a writer. When I've occasionally read your Seattle column, it doesn't seem to be the case there. You go into a lot of facts and data to support your opinions and it feels a lot more robust.
I understand this is a side gig, and a non-paying one at that. I wouldn't be offended if you sold advertising on it, if that would help. I don't know how much community impact is reasonable to expect from a small blog, but a quality voice is always a valuable thing. It would be a loss to many if you returned your pen to hell.
Posted by: Jon7190 | April 05, 2023 at 08:24 PM
What you have changed that is invisible to you is the education and enlightenment your blog provided. Uncounted strangers that were motivated to learn more and development opinions on local matters that impact them. You brought light to ignorant desert rats like myself.
Posted by: Mike V Orrock | April 06, 2023 at 04:45 AM
I'm just a nobody and relatively new reader (only a couple of years) who did arrive by way of the historical posts. But I really enjoy how this blog tells a bigger story than anyone else does, laced with real history and not made "commercially appealing" by holding back any punches.
This publication explores root causes, rather than just reporting something that happened recently (and often the local papers don't want to step on any toes, to the detriment of the reader).
I sometimes contemplate how much a single person can really do, and when to keep up the effort vs when to regroup and refocus. I don't have any answers on that topic, other than staying between the lines of "packing up and shutting up" and "letting them chew you up and burn you out".
It's true that the average person doesn't want to pay attention to politics and just be blissfully unaware in what they hope is a fair & free world. But when folks get pulled too close to the grinder gears, some of us start paying attention.
I know that the disaffected (an invisible disparate community who all found themselves, surprisingly, affected by these changes in a negative way) are only growing in number. And we need smart people with invaluable knowledge to help guide the way out.
Posted by: hotplants | April 06, 2023 at 09:00 AM
Are you going to sit there and tell me that after decades and decades of precedent, we have catholic parents who willingly turn over their innocent children to predator priests to scar these children FOR LIFE??!!??!!
Catholics !!! You should not leave your child with a priest for one second. Otherwise, it's on you.
Posted by: AzRebel | April 06, 2023 at 02:44 PM
Hi Jon, appreciate what you do and whatever time you can devote to it. Even if you don't write much more, keeping all the old stuff as a resource is much appreciated.
Posted by: calwatch | April 06, 2023 at 09:19 PM
I regularly read this blog and have found it helpful and interesting for quite a few years now, even though I don't comment often.
I agree, though, that the situation in this country generally and in journalism requires something bigger. I, too, have experimented with something like what you are doing here with and a relatively new effort called Law of the West ( that I think would work better as a collaborative, more traditional journalism effort than a solo undertaking.
The profit motive in journalism is, I think, part of the problem. It requires the sale of advertising and the catering to stories that don't really justify it. So I'm enamored more of either the nonprofit model or, if profit-based is the way to go, a subscription model like what we have here with the Colorado Sun.
Independence is crucial. The papers that remain say they have it, but it's more myth than reality. Between the corporate overlords like at Gannett/Gatehouse and the hedge fund vipers like at the Denver Post, the only independence left is that needed to funnel money to the man.
More collaboration between the whole lot of us in the field that are out here trying to figure out a way forward. That's a start, at least, and maybe the way.
Posted by: Hank Lacey | April 06, 2023 at 11:06 PM
I have greatly appreciated your work chronicling the evolution of my homeland. As a PHX-born man, I have deeply conflicting feelings about the city.
Those of us *from* there all feel this conflict, and through the years, I've felt that you truly *get* that, and you convey it in a way nobody else ever could or would.
Whatever fate awaits your warm pen, I do thank you for your work here. Of course I want you to go on forever, but as Kurt Vonnegut said, "So it goes."
Posted by: Anthony | April 07, 2023 at 03:32 AM
You know what has been one of the biggest casualties of the past hand full of years?? Humor.
If something is humorous to 99 people and then one person doesn't get it or finds it not funny, it's considered bad and the 99 have to stifle their laughing.
I sent the fake photos of trump running from the police and wrestling with the police to my many maga\republican friends and neighbors. Man, were they butt-hurt. It's been two weeks and they're still pissed. Like I told them, trump running?? Hell, that's funny. They think Biden in a Walking Dead photo is funny, so do I. But it goes both ways. If you can't see that, you're going to have a very unfunny future.
I miss the old days. If you had a dense person in the group, you told them to figure out the joke or get the hell out. Now we cater to the dim-bulbs.
Posted by: AzRebel | April 07, 2023 at 08:11 AM
Thank you for all your generous words and for sticking with me.
I also must thank honorary Front Page Editor Richard Silc and Arizona researcher Mike Sampson for their voluntary efforts in providing interesting news links.
I don't know the road ahead. Rogue won't go away, but it won't be exactly the same, aside from those popular photo galleries. Please check back and also enjoy the archives.
Posted by: Rogue Columnist | April 07, 2023 at 03:07 PM
.002% of US population homeless.
99.998% housed.
Posted by: MathMan | April 08, 2023 at 08:06 AM
A very important asset of any state or community is its conscience, even if that conscience is not listened to as often as we'd want, or seemingly at all. An asset is an asset, the loss of which is a real loss. Further, if it's otherwise impossible to move a very heavy thing, use leverage. Use your occasional pieces to inspire many more voices. Sometimes the most effective thing we can do is to nurture a constituency for change—the people who will fill up council chambers or legislative hearings. Consider launching and moderating a non-newspaper, a site for thoughtful research and opinion: or some such thing. Multiply yourself.
Posted by: Dennis Michael Burke | April 08, 2023 at 12:40 PM
Freddie Curtis Adams Jr.
Thank you Dennis M Burke for this great story.
For you that may have missed it just touch on Dennis name at the end of his post
Posted by: Calvin Lash | April 08, 2023 at 08:52 PM
The town of Pine , AZ water system has pipes that are leaking 30% of the water being delivered.
I would hate to think of the percentage of leakage in the pipeline delivering millions of dollars towards the homeless.
I would hate to think of the percentage of leakage in the pipeline delivering billions of dollars towards the classrooms in our schools.
Where did I put that can of Flex Seal ???
Posted by: AzReb | April 09, 2023 at 08:06 AM
Is it still fun? It wasn’t fun for me anymore. It was a good ride for a long time.
Posted by: Bill Richardson | April 09, 2023 at 06:18 PM
I’ve appreciated your work since your days at the Republic. You were - and are - a breath of fresh air. I’ve been a regular Rogue’er almost since the start. Just want to say thanks.
Yep, it’s a frustrating world we live in. The kooks just keep a-kooking. But hasn’t Rogue fostered at least some tiny bit of success? WBIYB indeed.
I would hate to see the end of Rogue. I would hate it even more if the cause were a sense of defeat, that the bastards were winning - that the illigetemi were carborunduming. Are they? I’m an optimist. I smell change in the wind. Aw heck, can’t you stick around for another round?
Thanks, and whatever your decision, you have my best regards.
Posted by: Jeff Johnson | April 09, 2023 at 09:42 PM
"The desert Smells like Rain" by Gary Paul Nabhan is a great book.
Jeff said,
"I smell Change in the Wind."
Here's hoping Jeff
but the developers just keep developing and the air keeps stinking and water has becomes a profit making market.
Soon coming to your neighborhood.
Fresh Breathes for sale.
Posted by: Calvin Lash | April 11, 2023 at 11:07 AM
Jon, you know I respect your insights. If you go...history and depth? Just a question is there any conflict for you to engage with the Arizona Mirror or is this not an organization you are comfortable with? Just a thought. It's a tough call. And yes, I get it. crAZy is feeling less and less safe. Wishing you well.
Posted by: Susan Unmacht | April 11, 2023 at 06:23 PM
Google "Unsustainable
at Common Dreams web site.
Posted by: Calvin Lash | April 11, 2023 at 07:21 PM
Susan, I wouldn't be interested in the AZ Mirror. But thanks for thinking of me.
Posted by: Rogue Columnist | April 12, 2023 at 02:54 PM
Jon, consider setting up camp on Substack. There are similar patron-creator newsletter platforms like Medium and, yeech, Twitter.
Substack has launched a Twitter clone too, and you could actually get paid for your Roguing and Columnisting.
You'd be in great company among veteran journalists, academics, authors -- people worth listening to.
Most Substacks I see, and I subscribe to a few, charge in the range of $50-$60 a year or $5 a month.
Try it out and see if your followers will put some cash in your hat.
Posted by: Bobson Dugnutt | April 12, 2023 at 07:48 PM
Thanks for the ideas, Bobson. I write for the Seattle Times and my novels for money. Also, I'm trying to lower my workload. So whatever continues here will be free. I'm slammed on copyediting my next mystery now.
Posted by: Rogue Columnist | April 13, 2023 at 11:13 AM
As you work on “copy editing “ your current and future books please keep this in mind, cal is hanging over the void with one foot on a banana peel, the other foot is attached to a leg that could suffer a blood clot at any moment, I’m hanging on to one of his pant legs. My hand is cramping up. His elastic waistband is rated for 200 lbs. I weight 230 lbs. But, hey, no pressure. Take all the time you need.
Posted by: AzRebel | April 13, 2023 at 03:40 PM
After reading all of the Mapstone series and the other mysteries, I was captivated by the characters. It's impossible not to develop a connection to them. When I take a mid-story break, I find myself thinking about them and eager to get back to the story. Now I finally looked for this wonderful blog, more connected to our reality and zeitgeist. I hope it's not at its end. That would be a shame.
Posted by: Eugene | April 13, 2023 at 06:47 PM
Superman lives in Payson.
He goes by Wayne.
He is about 6'3''
250 lbs
Rides the worlds biggest Harley.
Just ask for him at any coffee shop that offers pancakes.
Posted by: Calvin Lash | April 13, 2023 at 08:20 PM
We lived in Seattle for 35 years - and I enjoyed your column there (and still do - the Seattle Times is a great newspaper, even digital). It was a pleasure to find you in Phoenix as the Rogue Columnist and I've spent many hours reading the recommended articles. Will your column affect change? I hope so, but at the very least, it's given me encouragement to keep on going and not give up among all the negative things out there. In Ahwatukee, we've elected some good people and I have hope. By the way, I'm leaving for a few weeks and downloaded all of your books through Kindle to read on the trip.
Posted by: Andy W. | April 14, 2023 at 06:47 AM
cal, Speaking of coffee shops and pancakes.
In the spring thousands of swallows return to San Juan Capistrano.
In the spring thousands of grey haired Harley riders return to the cafes of Payson.
Posted by: AzRebel | April 14, 2023 at 09:11 AM
Yea but one cant miss Superman.
He usually has his
uniform T-shirt on while riding a Harley twice as big as two regular big Harleys.
He lives up the road from you. Near Arizonas last phone booth.
Posted by: Calvin Lash | April 14, 2023 at 09:04 PM
Another blogger calling it quits in terms of his current posts:
His specialty is water quality vis a vis agriculture in Iowa.
Posted by: iaed | April 15, 2023 at 11:04 AM
Thanks iaed.
Posted by: Calvin Lash | April 15, 2023 at 04:09 PM
Paradise Valley approves 12 new homes
on 17 acres at Mummy Mountain.
Starting price 11 million.
I once worked out in the highest house on Mummy mountain with Leona Hemsley as we put Harry through exercises in his lap pool. Leona had her own pool on the other side of their house. I was advised Leona was not able to sell the house for what she wanted. Then I heard but never confirmed it was intentionally burnt done as a fire fighter training exercise.
Coming to your neighborhood for Summer in the Great Sonoran Desert, tents with AC.
Posted by: Calvin Lash | April 15, 2023 at 09:26 PM
Gun violence IS primarily a mental health issue in this country.
The mental illness of NRA members and the mental illness of a good portion of Republicans.
Would a sane person send out a Christmas card with the whole family holding AR-15’s ???
Posted by: Sane and Sad | April 16, 2023 at 09:41 PM
Their the same folks that believe its ok to own non white humans.
Posted by: Calvin Lash | April 17, 2023 at 08:10 PM
Looks like the damn thing blew up.
No, it suffered a rapid unscheduled disassembly.
Back in the day we said "blew up".
I know, but these are gentler times.
Posted by: AzRebel | April 20, 2023 at 07:03 AM
Mr. Baldwin how do you plead? Guilty or not guilty?
"Rich, white, celebrity."
You need to choose guilty or not guilty.
"Rich, white, celebrity."
Case dismissed. May I get your autograph?
Posted by: Helen Highwater | April 20, 2023 at 02:58 PM
Blowing up.
Tesla, Twitter and space ships.
Elon's 9 kids in danger of being poor?
Naw, Elons rich, white and a celebrity.
Posted by: Calvin Lash | April 21, 2023 at 02:53 PM
Probably a relative newcomer to your writings and I’ve enjoyed immensely. With the growth and surge of new people I suspect you’ll continue to gain more followers and hopefully illuminate them to some of the issues of the state. I hope you continue in some form or another, but also hope you do what is best for you.
Affecting change can take a lot of time. Maybe think of it like a great tree—the one who plants the seed may never get to actually see the end result of their early work?
Posted by: RAB | May 11, 2023 at 11:46 PM
As the lateness of this reply demonstrates, I get to your blog and catch up every couple of months, but/and I enjoy it immensely and sometimes send a link to tell my AZ friends. I've read all your Arizona-related books but the latest one which is waiting for me this summer, and I've read just about everything on your blog. I'd say post when you feel like it, but please don't stop completely or shut it down (unless you have to). Your knowledge of Phoenix history, insight into the problems of unsustainable growth in the desert, and the way you connect them are deeper than anything I've found in several other serious books on the subjects. They're really important, you're right, and you might be planting the seeds of change even though it's not as apparent as it should be. I keep learning a lot while enjoying your writing. (P.S. I grew up in Phoenix '61-80, ages 4-24, and visit often. It's home and I stay connected.)
Posted by: Allan Chase | June 03, 2023 at 12:23 PM
Aside from the comments, you're the only one doing any work in this relationship. I could go on and on about what I get out of your work, as others have done. But if change - or the lack of it - is how you are measuring the worth of this column and your efforts, then so be it. It's your yardstick, and it's really the only one that matters.
Posted by: JimmyC | July 17, 2023 at 08:38 PM
The time has come to do whatever you and Susan want. Go for it !!!!!!
Posted by: Cal Lash | November 25, 2023 at 10:29 AM
You deserve to pursue any options you want, of course. But without your voice, I do wonder who will keep watch on Arizona. We don't need watchdogs when there is a thriving and diverse press. We need them when no one else is paying attention. Maybe a Substack? I still pay $50/month for the pamphlet of restaurant press releases that is the AZ Republic. I would gladly pay money for actual journalism.
Posted by: AZ Ranteur | November 26, 2023 at 03:40 PM
See 'New Home of John Kass' for a model, if you're stuck. Kass is the Chicago version of yourself.
Good luck.
Posted by: terry dudas | November 28, 2023 at 02:37 PM
Yoo Hoo !
If you would just scroll down you will find a new post by Rogue.
Posted by: Helen Highwater | December 14, 2023 at 09:44 AM
I want to thank Rogue for his writings and this forum. I will always treasure his insights and friendship. What I'm no longer able to do is pretend I have any kind of deeper knowledge about the ongoing Arizona Problem, which seems almost quaint by comparison to the catastrophe in my new hometown.
I've lived in Portland for 10 years now and my focus now is mostly about the catastrophe of good intentions, which has doomed this city. with facile obsessions about identity and "privilege". The homeless crisis here is remarkably grotesque - thousands of "unhoused" drug addicts roaming downtown and much of the city outside it (including my neighborhood). These feral zombies consume shoplifted candy and ice cream for nourishment along with prodigious quantities of meth and fentanyl. They leave their garbage and drug paraphernalia on the sidewalk, which I pick it up on a daily basis and take to dumpsters. I harbor no illusion that I'm somehow rescuing Portland. This city is being destroyed by lawlessness that progressives enable. Happily, their sense of moral superiority is undimmed.
I'm 75 now and the psychic toll this city has taken on my spirit is dreadful. What I can't understand is how progressives have given up on the livability of cities themselves. You can only dodge feces on the sidewalk for so long before you realize that wokesters never cared about cities. What they care about is pretending to be better people than they really are.
Phoenix was the drive-everywhere monstrosity I hoped to escape by moving here. Well, I escaped into a cesspool of anything-goes lawlessness, victim hierarchies, and an obscene amount of lying and self-congratulation. I see myself now as the "enemy" in a culture that elevates skin color above character itself (take that Martin Luther King!). Funny how intolerant the left is about opinions they dislike. It's almost as if they've been taking notes from the mouthbreathing Trumpsters they despise.
I have seen the future and it's ugly, mean, stupid, and grim. The collective good is falling apart before our eyes. How did this happen to us? What bad bargain did we strike when we gave up on necessary order and began celebrating anarchy? We need voices like Rogue's to tell this tragic story. America is being submerged in barbarism and cruelty. This epic collapse will eventually swallow all of us.
Posted by: soleri | December 25, 2023 at 06:58 PM
Posted by: Cal Lash | December 25, 2023 at 10:32 PM
I'm thrilled to have Soleri visit the site again, with his matchless prose, incisive understanding of our myriad issues, and the verve with which he breaks down easy assumptions on all sides.
My situation in Seattle is delicate because one of the understandings between my employer and me is that I don't write about Seattle issues on Rogue Columnist.
That said, however, anyone can see that Seattle suffers from most of the same leftist posturing and destructive policies as the Rose City. I hold out some hope that a backlash has brought in a more centrist City Council majority (in West Coast US translation that means liberal), to back a smart and constructive mayor. Seattle has always been a more ambitious city than Portland and remains far beyond it in terms of corporate headquarters, talent attraction, and the headwaters of advanced industries.
I also share Soleri's assessment of our future outside this take of two cities. I call it a New Dark Age. The "Dark Ages" were called that because the knowledge of the Roman Empire was lost for centuries, replaced by supersitition and fear.
Posted by: Rogue Columnist | December 26, 2023 at 12:15 PM
Hail Caesar
Posted by: Cal Lash | December 26, 2023 at 01:44 PM
"Dark ages"
Brilliant luminescent flashing ages.
Me and my DOG on the Serengity thousands of years before civilization.
The advent of society was the beginning of the End.
Posted by: Cal Lash | December 26, 2023 at 01:52 PM
Posted by: Joe Schallan | December 27, 2023 at 11:34 PM
I told you so, but no, you knew better. Carpe diem, it's going to get much worse.
Posted by: terry dudas | December 31, 2023 at 02:14 PM
What Soleri said. Big time.
Posted by: Reality Street | January 04, 2024 at 12:24 AM
Happy Eugene Goodman Day!
Posted by: Bobson Dugnutt | January 06, 2024 at 01:07 AM
Geez, I guess we should all just kill ourselves, huh? Do the Masada thing?
Or just not plan any trips to Portland...
Posted by: B. Franklin | January 06, 2024 at 03:23 PM
A Quiet Death
by Albert Camus
Posted by: Cal Lash | January 06, 2024 at 06:31 PM
Something good for Arizona readers.
Parachute Earth, a Substack about climate change and resilience, toured a development in Tempe called Culdesac.
The subdivision is intended to be car-free and is built for heat and flood resilience, using many passive architecture features to provide non-electric or -mechanical cooling and capture water runoff.
Posted by: Bobson Dugnutt | January 13, 2024 at 11:43 PM
THE TROJAN HORSE STORY adapted for the current US immigration fiasco.
Greeks: Hey guys! We built this totally hollow wooden horse as a gift to your god. This totally hollow, empty wooden horse is a gesture of peace from us.
Mayor of Troy: Duh. Do you think we're stupid? We know it's full of warriors.
Greeks: Damnation. OK, you caught us. But, the guys are hungry and dehydrated. And the smell in there is unbelievable.
Mayor of Troy: Well, we can fix that. Just leave the wooden horse outside and your warriors can come in to the city for lodging, food and water.
Greeks: Why thank you. Is it OK if they bring their weapons in with them? Otherwise, they'll get all rusty and shit.
Mayor of Troy: Sure, but leave that horse out there. Just promise your men will behave until our next city council meeting in six months to three years when we decide what to do with you.
The End
Posted by: Excommunicated Jon Talton Fan club membe | January 17, 2024 at 08:22 AM
Of course, statistically, you're much more likely to be killed by a disaffected angry white male conservative, rather than an immigrant, illegal or otherwise, but other than that, sure. Cool analogy.
Posted by: B. Franklin | January 17, 2024 at 01:31 PM
Yay! Let's play the flippant and reductionist empty talking points game!
Cities are more likely to be bankrupted by hordes of needy migrants that were lionized, welcomed and rhetorically coddled -- until they actually started arriving in large numbers (with a little targeted assistance).
Then shit got real. At least for some folks.
Posted by: Reality Street | January 18, 2024 at 09:27 AM
Migration is not a isolated thing occurring only at the US southern border.
Read Moving Milions, Coyote migration led by US capitalists.
Migration of ALL living species has been with us since the first sperms crawled out of the swamps. Its about survival. Migration today is a planet earth issue in most nations.
Malthus laid this out centuries ago for "manunkind."
Solutions: Wars, Starvation and general human murderous of all living species.
Posted by: Cal Lash | January 18, 2024 at 10:58 AM
I just reread the comments. Can I make a recommendation to Jon? Frame these comments and keep safe from rusting or mildew. The comments tell so well what (I believe) Jon had in mind for this column. And, despite gloominess (golly, it's a gloomy world) I believe Jon accomplished very much to put the picture out for us to see and little bit by little bit, we'll have something cheerful to write about.
I'm hoping to see more Rogue's.
Mariam Cheshire
Posted by: Mariam Cheshire | January 18, 2024 at 09:49 PM
Are we done?
Posted by: terry dudas | April 10, 2024 at 09:12 PM
do you mean the blog or humanity?
Posted by: Helen Lash | April 11, 2024 at 09:08 AM
Adios Mariam Cheshire, you were a bright, innocent, optimistic voice on the blog for the past couple of years. You stood out like a light among all us grumpy old men.
You had a long journey. Rest in Peace.
Posted by: Ruben | May 10, 2024 at 02:25 PM
Ruben thank you. Mariam and i began a email routine after on Rouge she ask me to mail her a copy of Desert Solitare.
She really enjoyed Edward Abbey. Usually every day we would exchange emails. Mostly i sent her landscape photos particularly sunsets as she was in assisted living unit about 4th Avenue and Roosevelt. Previously she sold her east side Phoenix house and lived in the Hotel Westward Ho. She traveled the planet and once had her own plane. In her early 90's she self published 2 books for a total of 8. They are on Amazon. Also she established a scholarship fund at Phoenix College for her deceased son, Dr. Fred Cheshire.
I'll forward you that info from her sister.
Posted by: Cal Lash | May 10, 2024 at 08:41 PM
I miss the blog. I hope everyone is healthy and happy.
Posted by: Richard Brown | June 02, 2024 at 08:38 PM
Richard, the blog is still running. It went underground and is being operated in an adobe hut in Apache Junction, AZ. P.S. Don't tell Rogue. Average age of participants is 75, so, unlike MAGA, we're going for the younger crowd. You may get an invite, you may not.
Posted by: Anonymous | June 05, 2024 at 05:50 PM