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January 16, 2023


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Thank you Jon. I so appreciate your offerings. My mother died at Good Samaritan in 1940, The father of my children was born at St. Josephs in 1938. My granddaughter was.born at St. Josephs in 1995. Her mother was born in Scottsdale in 1996. My mother was born in Tucson in 1905 and I was born in Morenci, AZ in 1939. Quire a collection of Arizonans! Sandra Stanton Clark

Thank you Jon. I so appreciate your offerings. My mother died at Good Samaritan in 1940, The father of my children was born at St. Josephs in 1938. My granddaughter was.born at St. Josephs in 1995. Her mother was born in Scottsdale in 1996. My mother was born in Tucson in 1905 and I was born in Morenci, AZ in 1939. Quire a collection of Arizonans! Sandra Stanton Clark

Sandra, family involved in mining in early AZ? My grandfather born in Morenci in 1900.


Photo of a group of nurses.
Then you show up in AZ.
Next photo, many of the nurses became nuns.


Thank you, Sandra. I did my paramedic training at Scottsdale Memorial Hospital. Before that it was Scottsdale Baptist Hospital. On the ambulance, I spent much time in all these hospitals, mostly in the ERs.

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