I suppose readers expect me to comment on Sen. Krysten Sinema's switch from the Democratic Party to independent. Entire digital forests have already been felled examining it, as shown on the Phoenix and Arizona links over the past several days.
She was obviously afraid of losing a primary to someone such as Rep. Ruben Gallego. This allows her a chance to split the vote among her, the Democratic challenger, and the Republican Senate candidate — and maybe come out on top. Arizona Democrats are furious with her for tag-teaming with Sen. Joe Manchin, D-Coal, to undermine President Biden's agenda, and will do everything to ensure her defeat.
But don't be so sure. Behind the sophisti-cute nerd girl eyeglasses and abundant looks privilege is an ambitious brain. Her hole card is that although she's a Jack Mormon, she earned her bachelor's degree from Brigham Young University and the LDS never give up on their own. The Mormons remain a formidable voting bloc in Arizona.
The first time I met Sinema, she was wearing short-shorts and campaigning for Phoenix City Council as a Green Party candidate. She lost that election and one for the state House as an independent/Green in 2002. The party spokeswoman, she led protests against capitalism and the Iraq war.
Then she wised up, became a Democrat, and won elections as my state representative, state Senator, each time re-elected with handsome margins. Finally, she ascended to Congress, winning two terms in the U.S. House and defeated Martha McSally for the Senate in 2018.
At every step along the way, she was left, right, and center. A cynic might say she's an opportunist, finger to the wind. And that cynic might be right.
Still, in 2021 the Democratic-leaning Americans for Democratic Action gave her a score of 80% in alignment with the group's issues (Sen. Mark Kelly was 90%). The American Conservative Union rated Sinema at only 16 in 2021 (By contrast, Texas Republican Ted Cruz rated 95).
So, if Arizona Democrats miscalculate and a Republican wins the Senate seat, they might pine for the devil they knew (who indeed wears Prada).
If you all were suprised you wre not paying attention.
I seem to recall she said not to worry she could handle Russell.
Like in Russell Pearce.
No one ever said why St Janet flew to Salt Lake shortly after she became Governor.
Had Sinema ran against Lake for Governor Lake wouldn't have registered on the radar.
I dont believe Kristen when she says she isnt interested in being President.
It may be the only way the Quorum of 12 can get there Wo man in the White House
Posted by: Cal Lash | December 13, 2022 at 08:12 AM
The Daily Beast has a good piece about Sinema's "Ex Best Friend "
And Kirsten's ego
Posted by: Cal Lash | December 13, 2022 at 09:21 AM
Once again truly fascinating to listen to the wokesters howling about her switch. Democrats, who notoriously suck at math, don't seem to get that they are third out of three political entities in AZ, behind independents and republicans in terms of registered voters. So they want to emulate the spectacular failure the republicans just employed by nominating a woke extremist, the flip side of Krazi Kari, who cannot win a statewide election. But at least purity will have prevailed...
Posted by: DoggieCombover | December 13, 2022 at 10:00 AM
Regarding Kry$ten $inema, I'm reminded of an old story, apocryphally attributed to Churchill, but more likely originating from Lord Beaverbrook, or George Bernard Shaw, or Groucho Marx, or perhaps Saint Augustine. In the interest of time and space, I will skip to the punchline:
"We have established what you are--we are simply haggling about the price."
Posted by: B. Franklin | December 13, 2022 at 05:06 PM
Posted by: Cal Lash | December 13, 2022 at 07:51 PM
I do not love Sinema, but I still believe she was correct in not wanting to remove the filibuster. Giving dems more legislative power would’ve backfired as soon as they were replaced in congress.
Posted by: hellfire | December 14, 2022 at 08:09 AM
I suspect she will draw very few Republican votes. Why vote for her when they can vote for a real Republican? My fear is that she'll split the Democratic vote and get the R elected.
Posted by: El Kabong | December 14, 2022 at 11:55 AM
I just saw Carville on YouTube saying he doesn't believe she'll even run-for re-election.
A novel viewpoint, IMO, but still plausible.
Posted by: Arizona Eagletarian | December 14, 2022 at 04:25 PM
Even Carville can be wrong.
Posted by: Cal Lash | December 14, 2022 at 07:29 PM
She is the world’s worst communicator. Nobody in AZ knows or understands her politics ( or her personality) and that seems to be her main success - being physically showy and mentally obscure
Posted by: Debbie Gilman | December 14, 2022 at 11:47 PM
If you haven't spent all you money on Trump Trading cards, the following toys will be available online in the next few days.
Doug Ducey doll, When you yell "Trump" at the doll it grabs it's ankles and says, "Welcome to Arizona sir".
Kari Lake doll, When you yell "Loser" at the doll it's skin turns a darker tan and says "I'll sue you, I'll sue you".
The dolls for Andy Biggs,Wendy Rogers, Paul Gosar and Mark Finchem are having production problems. Once they are completed, the heads blow up. Engineers say as soon as they put in the battery, the doll gets a real angry look, asks for money then BOOM.
Feliz Navidad
Posted by: AzRebel | December 16, 2022 at 10:13 AM
The one thing i like about Kyrsten is her religious philosophy. "NONE"
Myth believers are the root of all evil.
I wonder? Given all she has done to protect the capitalistic LDS enterprises if the boys will make it a Quorum of 13.
Or a honorary member of the "Lost Tribe."
U gotta wonder if their still filling their pipes with ground up Missouri river bank maryjane and white lizard.
Posted by: cal Lash | December 17, 2022 at 07:54 PM
In spite of all the advice, criticism and second guessing, here she is, a United States Senator. Ten or twelve years ago how many of us would have predicted that with our crystal ball?
Anyone who challenges the two-party system and the extremism it creates is okay in my book. Imagine being vilified by your own party because you only vote their way 80% of the time! And we call Republicans extremists!
Posted by: John | December 18, 2022 at 02:54 PM
I don't know.
Treason seems pretty "extremist" to me.
But maybe I'm unusual in that belief.
It's a funny little world.
Posted by: B. Franklin | December 18, 2022 at 04:38 PM
I like Sinema because she "moves on "
Bi sexual
Tri politicalism
Next move.
The first non theist president
Gotta be a dry dream for Mitt Romney
Joe Smith and his bro roll over.
And the Mexican/Canadian FLDS high fives.
Polygamy gets approved
Fuck John Calvin.
Posted by: Cal Lash | December 18, 2022 at 09:39 PM
Years ago, on this blog, I posted that since men had screwed up our congress for so long, we should give more women a chance.
I know I didn't mean a woman with purple hair, tennis shoes and a flowery leotard/skirt on the senate floor.
I wasn't clear what I was looking for, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't that.
They say you can't judge a book by it's cover, but ya, you sorta can.
Posted by: Ruben | December 19, 2022 at 09:32 AM
I just counted up the churches in Payson. (my wife and I had been wondering)
TWENTY !!!!!
And the town doesn't have a single place to get good fried chicken.
And no Panda Express.
Life is tough in small town rural AZ.
Posted by: Ruben | December 19, 2022 at 12:37 PM
But plenty of Green Jell-0 and Funeral potatoes
Posted by: Cal Lash | December 19, 2022 at 12:53 PM
@John, yeah, we call Republicans extremists.
Remind me: Who insurrected again?
Posted by: Bobson Dugnutt | December 19, 2022 at 04:08 PM