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November 29, 2021


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I visited the Arizona resting place over 20 years ago. A deeply moving site. My lasting memory from that day was all the other visitors appeared to be Japanese.

Great article. It has always seemed interesting that the driest state's name is associated with one of the most well known naval tragedies. I too toured the memorial and found it to be solemn and fitting, as most everyone does.

Rogue, as an aside, the superstructure is the part of the Arizona that's gone, with the hull and deck the part that remains. Famously, also remaining is many gallons of fuel oil that still leak out several drops an hour every day, which can be seen when touring the site.

Fixed, Jon. Thanks. I work without a net.

A fine piece. Thanks.

Excellent article. I took my then-7-year-old son to Los Angeles for the day last summer to tour the USS Iowa. It was a reward for good behavior, and I was just so proud of how he did in school despite the pandemic. We had such a wonderful time. I have told him stories about growing up in Arizona and about the USS Arizona's destruction at Pearl Harbor; I hope to someday soon take him to tour the memorial.

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