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September 21, 2021


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Great series - very informative. The author certainly knows this town.

This is a keeper. I'd like to read the columns you wrote during this period from week to week.

Thanks, Stephanie. You can find them with a subscription to newspapers.com

Stephanie, WARNING: it will break your heart.

You will find sensible suggestions from Jon, followed by the titans of the city and county doing exactly the opposite.

Personal side note. As my ancestors did 800 to 1000 years ago, my wife and I are preparing to vacate Arizona and relocate to the western slopes the Rockies in Colorado.

I can't take the craziness anymore.

Also, that drought thing.

Ruben i recommend Uruguay.
Very small percentages of cultists.

Victoria BC is very nice. Canada worked for Sitting Bull

Reading Taltons Seattle Times column posted in Rogue Front Pages. I think Musk is correct and Im betting on Arnold.

During the 2000s, there was a major acceleration of decline in west Phoenix, particularly the areas just west of I-17, from Camelback Road to at least Bell Road.

I was going to write a detailed analysis of the causes and effects of these demographic changes. However, I'll just keep this to my main point:

In what healthy society are well-located neighborhoods of well-built brick and block homes abandoned by the middle class, who move into frame-and-chicken wire homes in distant suburbs, and then drive past their former neighborhoods on their way to and from work every day?

Another great column of historical significance!

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