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June 16, 2020


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Great?! Now we're going to hear about cal's and Ramjet's high jinks from the late 1800's.


I happen to know that Cal was a member of the crew that laid the first block of what was to become Roosevelt Dam.

Them's is fightin'words Joe. He's probably dusting off his old sap as we speak.

Helen and Joe, look closely at left portion of photo six.

Cute, very cute, Cal - but you're not THAT old. Hang in there, buddy, the best is yet to come.

Thx kid but Moses aint got nuttin on me.
And i still think my best years were
1950 to 1982.
Well its 1600 and the birds are here for a drink.
Another great Summer in the Great Sonoran Desert Paradise
Mas tarde.

Thanks for the pix. Although I didn’t come here until January of 1966 I love to look at the old pix of Az..

Too late to go to the PIX theater in the Slope. The Christians shut it down in the 50's.

Cool pix of the PIX at Rogue Columnist

#tbt the Town' of Sunnyslope.


Summer solstice is upon us. Know how I know? The whole state is on fire.

One thing about the Arizona of the 1800's. The US forest service hadn't screwed up our forests with their misguided ways.

Too late now.

No need for cigarettes in Payson. Just breath in that heavy smoke.

Morecleanair would have been happy about the reduced auto emissions during covid , however he would have been sad about the fire smoke that he probably would have been able to see from his Fountain Hills home.

Thanks for the interesting Phoenix history. I lived in Phoenix between 1945 and 1960, now spend winters here and will probably end my days here. My dad’s family was here from about 1912. I’ve done extensive family history research so always enjoy seeing what my ancestors experienced.

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