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June 25, 2020


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Well said!


Thank you for sharing this thoughtful and wide ranging appreciation of your great friend. Professor David Foster stood out among Arizonans for his intelligence, interests and heart.
Thank you as well for remembering my cousin, historian Jack L. August, jr PhD. Jack, like Dr. Foster, cast a large shadow across the region and our country.

I can't believe I'm reading this. I was in ASU last year, invited by David, talking about my literature and about my country. He was an outstanding human being. A super reader, a super intelectual. I can't tell you how much this affects me and literature.

I met David at the AP Reading in Spanish Literature and Culture in 2009 or 2010. I sent him my publications and he was happy to serve as my reference. I'm sure that most of the job offers I received in the past decade were, in part, thanks to him. He always had a kind word for me and time to respond to my emails or whatever phone calls we were able to exchange.
David was a true Latin American academician and he will be sorely missed. Qué en paz descanses David.

A huge loss for the Humanities!!!!

Mamadou Badiane

He sounds like an incredible man, whose passion and purpose in life were one and the same.

Escrevo em português daqui do Brasil para prestar minha homenagem a quem considero um amigo e um brilhante intelectual e pesquisador. Sua colaboração com os trabalhos de pesquisa realizados no Brasil são fundamentais para que continuemos avançando em busca de uma sociedade mais humana e democrática, com vista à construção de uma cidadania plena. Temos muito ainda a aprender com ele disse sua chama continuará ardendo por muito tempo ainda.

[Editor's Note — translation]
I write in Portuguese from here in Brazil to pay my tribute to whom I consider a friend and a brilliant intellectual and researcher.

Your collaboration with the research work carried out in Brazil is essential for us to continue advancing in search of a more humane and democratic society, with a view to building a full citizenship.

We still have a lot to learn from him, and his flame will continue to burn for a long time to come.

Lovely. He leaves behind a far-reaching extended family to retell his stories. Thank you for sharing yours with us.

So many words can be said about this marvelous professor, scholar, curious genius, loving husband and father, and dear friend; and still more words would be wanting! As a fledging author, Dr. Foster took me under his wing and gave me courage when I needed it the most. I am grateful for such nurturing for me and so many others! His life has been a light for us all. Rest in peace, Dear Prof until we meet again!

El día del padre te escribí, incluyendo un texto de la Revista Proceso. Tu contestaste que gracias por acordarme de ti: ya estabas internado en el hospital. Luego enviaste otro mensaje : "Abrazos! Y..." Ya no pude hablar contigo, tu teléfono estaba desconectado. Amigo: tu sabiduría e inteligencia eran enormes y así era tu humildad: nunca negaste ayuda a nadie. Descanza en Paz.

[Editor's note translation] On Father's Day I wrote to you, including a text from the magazine Revolución. You answered that thanks for remembering you: you were already hospitalized. Then you sent another message: "Hugs! And ..." I couldn't talk to you anymore, your phone was disconnected. Friend: your wisdom and intelligence were enormous and so was your humility: you never denied help to anyone. Rest in peace.

I never had the privilege of meeting David William Foster in person but in my email correspondence with him (for publications in Chasqui) he treated me like an old friend -- a human warmth coupled perfectly with scholarly meticulousness. Not even the slightest hint of arrogance considering his monumental achievements. No doubt one of the greats of our profession. QEPD.

Those of us who worked in Hayden Library were very familiar with Dr. Foster. He was always super involved in acquisition matters for the Dept. of Foreign Languages, and would be the first to peruse the LC cataloging records that came in for his area of teaching and research. He also was a huge user of Interlibrary Loan, and I personally typed about a gazillion ILL requests for *Foster, Fac, FL*. He was one of our favorite patrons back in those days, 1970s, 80s. I can’t believe he was only 79 😢. So sorry.

In memoriam, David William Foster. Review Essay: The Conversation We Never Had.




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