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December 30, 2019


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Let me be the first to wish everyone a happy and prosperous New Year. My fear is 2020 will be the ugliest time we have seen given the political climate and the pending election.

That out of the way, awesome column Jon. This state is so backwards it's painful to watch as the governor touts his plans for a better AZ and the results are little more than looking at a Chamber of Commerce brochure.

It is interesting to note the shifting sands and the idea AZ is purple rather than dead red is intriguing. One wonders where we will be 20 years from now. Sadly, long range planning has never been an AZ benchmark.

This column fits nicely with your last. It begs the question; can any major metropolis thrive without a more progressive agenda focusing on more robust industries than more sub-divisions and tourism?

I think not, but what the hell do i know eh?

Induced demand is a fictitious term when mentioned by itself. We could build larger freeways in North Dakota and it would probably not result in a greater demand for residential land. An appropriate supply of population has to be present for induced demand too even be mentioned. That said, the South Mountain freeway is a welcome addition to the road system in Phoenix. Now, if they could maintain the other roads appropriately we'd be headed the right direction!

Happy New Years!

Worked nearby walked home once PAM to Tempe fourteen miles along the routes scary as fuck it’s far too

Arizona road maintenance is based on political party, religious orientation and wealth zone.
Phoenix was a nice town in 1950.
Now it's just ugly.
Tempe was a nice village in 1950.
But now it is really ugly and gets uglier by the mintue.
Now that Cochise county is growing maybe we can get a freeway from Mexico city to Benson.
Yep Arizona needs more freeways.
I'll notify ADOT next year.
Right after i do a campfire chat with Edward Abbey and his pals.
Hasta manana

Hang on to your drawers, all, 2020 will be a whirlwind year. Cheers!

Yep Teri, should be interesting!
Maybe better than Bush/Cheney as we invade Mexico, Iran and Iraq as Rocket Man, and Trump exchange, I love you Valentine greetings and Putin invites Donald to Russia, again for some unrecorded chit chat.
And of course we keep encouraging the Saudis that have been bankrolling Anerican Politicians since the CIA sailed the Adriatic, to keep bombing "the enemy" into the sand dunes
Hasta luego to 2019 a most insane year!

First Iran and Iraq. Now if Trump can just figure out how to Drone that anti Trump commie in Mexico.

2019 was the year that may have turned me off from Phoenix and Arizona. I got to learn that the only model for growth was ... endless streams of people moving in. Not jobs. Not industries. Not anything else. I learned that the plan for our future water use was... deregulation.

Worse is the fact that the state still believes that the CAP will continue to flow for decades.

Worse-er is that all the industries here don't give a sh... darn.

When Governor Duchey told everyone that the state was "Open for Business" what he meant was the state was "For Sale". Land, water, copper, uranium, public lands- anything not nailed down can be yours for the low low price of making numbers up and getting the local rag and TV personalities to yuck it up a bit. Catherine Reagor for Governor!

I'm channeling my Ed Abbey, now. This state needs some wrenching.

Roger, Wrenching is illegal and soon Boycotting capitalist enterprises will be also. I suspected decades ago that no major film producer would have the fortitude to make a movie out of Abbey's "The Monkey Wrench Gang."

Cal— how about the Coen brothers for doing the movie? The Big Wrenchowski? Oh Billboard Where Art Thou? True Grit (in the Gas Tank)??

Joe, all news to me.
Whats Billboard?
I'll Google your suggestions.
Just in from watching The Song of Names.
Excellent film.

You will have to provide more info.
I couldnt find what your posting about.
I dont see any connection between your post and Edward Abbey's Monkey Wrench Gang novel.

Sorry Joe, i wasnt following. How about the Cohen's doing a movie based on
The Monkey Ranch Gang?
I would prefer that Ridley Scott and Quentin Tarantino collaborated on such.

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