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August 05, 2019


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My "no" votes are in the mail. Thanks for reminding me why both initiatives are bogus. I suspect all civic solutions proposed by the Cissydude. As for 106 specifically, it is just wrong to allow an unlimited budget (that could include a lot of empty carbs) for public safety while forcing other Phoenix public services to follow a post gastric bypass meal plan.

Jon, you really know how to assemble all the facts and present them lucudly. Our two NO votes are in the mail as, I trust, are thousands more. One of the biggest threats to democracy is misinformation. Those who would lie to voters, or even muddle the issues, are anathema to self-determination. The true sabotage here is that this proposition goes well beyond any gripes a South Central merchant might have about construction disruption. This prop attacks any and all rail of any kind, in perpetuity! That's precisely what the Koch Gang wants. They don't give a rip about what is best for the South Phoenix community. They'd like to kill rail of all types. Everywhere. In the entire country. Just as Phoenix said "no" to Donald Trump years ago when he sought a zoning variance on East Camelback, it needs to resoundingly say "no" to the Kochs on August 27.

Good luck.There are a lot of folks opposed that reside from Central Avenue to 1-10 from Southern Avenue to the foothills of South Montana. Interestingly, driving down Camelback Road from Scottsdale to Phoenix are signs for a yes vote on both propositions.

There was actually a flyer that we got in South Mountain that claimed Catherine Miranda was on the "Yes" side. That's false - she is against the measure.
Our No votes on both propositions will be in the mail on Friday. I will keep harping on people to vote against both of these destructive measures.

I'm seeing 'vote yes' on both props up in Paradise Valley and north of there. I keep wanting to rip them out of the ground.

I will be voting 'no' if and when my mail in ballot comes (which is strange, I have been getting one for years and have yet to receive one).

Better check Roger. They mailed them out a couple of weeks ago

- I don't believe I've read as disingenuous an article, absent of so many facts, and instead packed with intentionally misleading words - near zero actual factual information - that you clearly could have included - and chose to leave it out. The comments of followers are so typical - no one is aware of the facts of this light rail system, and seem perfectly willing to allow someone to mislead them. - SAD indeed.

Barry spouted a lot of nonsense and provided no information? Bad indeed!

No and no.

You educated me and convinced me. Well done.

No and no (sent in last week). A friend of a friend was the guy that sold Trump that land. He got his price, but he left the meeting disoriented and wondering what the hell just happened!

Yesterday we drove through the Roosevelt, Louise Quarles, Willow. Encanto and Coronado Historical residential districts. Quite a few No/No signs.

I think both Props are poorly worded and overreaching. I think people tend to think twice when asked to prohibit something forever-ever, even if they don't care about light rail.

I have no idea what America's solution to civic and state pension debts will be; indeed, I think the very lack of political will to find a solution may someday lead to a lot of involuntary haircuts and a few defaults.

But, even as someone who is resolutely in favor of serious pension reform, this plan is too simplistic. It does not seem fair to exempt public safety from the budgetary effects of funding the generous pensions its own members earn.

Koch will win the pave the roads vs lite rail by almost 2 to 1. It would even be by more if not for the Fire Fighter's support for lite rail. Here's to the, more Asphalt and concrete heat sink, nuts.

Didn't this ruckus get started because the city decided to extend the light rail to an area of town that did not want it (south Phoenix) ? Maybe extend the light rail to an area that will welcome it.

Check any municipality that has the kind of trolley Phoenix has and you will see it is not only wrought with massive cost over-runs but also has caused or somehow been included in auto accidents.

The so-called "light rail" (really a trolley) is a jobs program for Phoenix's elite to dole out to its constituents for its present-day Chicago-style political machine brought to you by former Chicago resident and ex-Phoenix mayor Anton "Skip" Rimsza.

You've written about the Phoenix 40, will you be writing about the machine that dominates Phoenix's politics and has since about the beginning of the century? I have and I am not even a journalist.

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