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February 21, 2019


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Thank you for sharing these photos, Jon. I’m about to move to downtown Phoenix, so these aerial shots really put everything into perspective, showing what our beloved city once was—and what it still has the potential to be.

I hate to be nitpicky, but it’s not Central United Methodist Church in the upper right-hand corner of your photo of the Westward Ho. That’s Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (of which I am a member). CUMC is a dozen blocks north of the former hotel. Looking forward to the day our respective governing bodies approve full communion between Episcopalians and Methodists!

Thanks for your comment, Trevor. Central Methodist was at Central and Pierce in this photo. It didn’t move to Paln Lane until 1950 and didn’t add “United” until 1968. And John Wesley was an Anglican priest.

I stand corrected—thanks for illuminating that bit of history for me. Today that block is…a surface parking lot?

Here's a useful resource for aerial photography in Maricopa County -


Related -



Also -






Tragically, the church was torn down and today it's a parking lot.

This column gallery has a closeup of the building:


I worked at United Bank on Central and lived on Thomas Road in the late 1970's. I visit Phoenix once in a while and mostly drive up to Sedona when I do. I took an hour a few years ago and drove downtown and the energy there was sad,despondent,almost lifeless.

Ho Hum, Jon

. . . just your "usual" great stuff!

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