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January 15, 2019


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Take care of yourself. Your health is more important than this blog.

Yes, do take care Jon and I hope for a speedy recovery.

So as not to tax your reading time I decided not to list all the democrats who are running for president. Instead, I will list all the democrats who are NOT running for president.


Rats, let me get back to you on that.

Hang in there and best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Beat wishes while you recuperate! My mindless internet scrolling will miss your commentary (and the community comments.) I’m looking forward to your triumphant return.

Take care. At our age there’s no minor illnesses 😋get well soon

Take care and get well soon. (First time commenter, long time reader and recommender)

I'm in Phoenix this week feeling very old. The city itself feels much younger, particularly around downtown. The changes are good and bad - lots of new multi-family housing but terrible traffic on the freeways and major arterials. Uptown Plaza looks great! The poorer parts of town look worse. It's a tale of two cities.

Rogue has been the indispensable guide to all things Phoenix. We're all on a speeding train to oblivion but the conversations we have on the way make this dark journey bearable. Get well soon, Jon.

Wishing you renewed health. Thank you for all the reading and thinking you've inspired me to do throughout the years.

Wishing you a swift recovery. Interesting banter regarding development planning for Papago Plaza. It’s the end of that world as we know it.

More concrete frosting on top of the Great Sonoran Desert. Whats left of it!
I suggest they extend The Desert Botanical Gardens east 2 miles.
And turn the current National Guard and Motorola parcels into more Desert Botanical gardens.

Just now found your post about pneumonia diagnosis. Hope all is well by now. Wishing you mindful mediation and some good meds!

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