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June 02, 2018


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Quite beautiful, pastoral, and serene are these snapshots of an era long gone.

I knew some of this--maybe because I read your history of Phoenix--but there's a lot here I didn't know. Thanks.

During my years at Frank Borman Junior High and Maryvale High School in the early 90s, I was a long-distance runner on the track and cross-country teams. My teammates and I spent many afternoons doing endurance training along the banks of the Grand Canal. In the springtime, we'd pluck grapefruits from the branches of trees that hung over backyard fences along the canal, for a refreshing treat.

It seems to have been a huge lost opportunity that Phoenix did not face buildings toward the canals. San Antonio, Venice and Amsterdam did. Water has a special magic in the desert, and I wonder what Phoenix would be like today if the canals had been the centerpieces rather than the back alleys of its urban design.






It is always a pleasure to read these columns. Growing up midtown in the the 70's with a canal close to the house, it was our playground. Hunting mud-puppies, dirt-clod fights and running around down there when they cleared them out. It is nice to see the area's being reclaimed, but with our current economic and homeless problems, they will be underutilized and become problem areas.

The good news-the Hohokam were lovers of the Valley and learned how to harness the Salt River and were people who did all they could to grow items from their handiwork.

The bad news-We are people who are loving the Valley to death.

The one thing we have in common-we are both people.

Bad gene invasion!

Actually the Hohokam were here well before 750 AD. Most archaeologists say they were here as early as 1 AD, and for sure by 300 AD.

Your "usual" (unusual and unique) stuff, Jon. We are in your debt!

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