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December 19, 2016


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How refreshing to return to the "normalcy" of Phoenix 101.

My father's family came to Phoenix in 1920 and lived at 7th st and Portland. This was basically on the outskirts. I can remember the city limits as only slighty larger than mentioned. 16th street was, however on the east not the west.
Thanks Jon

Thanks for the typo catch.

I hate to go OT, but here's the final certified tally of the 2016 presidential vote:

Clinton: 65,844,610 (48.2%)
Trump: 62,979,636 (46.1%)
Others: 7,804,213 (5.7%)

The flag is just awesome! Thanks for the history tour!

Since you went OT, John, I'll just add my 2-cents here; most of the 2.5M Clinton votes came from CA.

That explains the 'popular vote'.

And, now I'm going away for a week, so again, I wish you all a happy Christmas.

Hugs to you all, including Solieri who is underground.

These PHX time capsule posts are a trip. I'm less than halfway through Concrete Desert and I feel like it's an alternate history novel sometimes -- it's hard to imagine McDowell on the north end of town.

That said, I visited Prescott yesterday and am still surprised to see how much growth that place experiences between each visit. The terrain, among other factors, will prevent it from reaching the growth rate that Phoenix saw (forecasts are for a 300% population increase over the next decade) but I'm sure my sense of awe (probably not the correct word) at the development is similar to what many old timey Phoenicians must have felt.

"The unleashed power of the atom had changed everything save our method of thinking, and thus we drift toward unparalleled catastrophe".
Albert Einstein May 24 1946.

Come 20 January 2017 we RUSH toward unparalleled catastrophe.

Happy Holidays to all who contribute to this forum.
Enjoy them they may not be so happy in the future.

Most of my family began moving west into Arizona in the 1920s. My grandmother was born in 1921 in Las Cruces, New Mexico before moving to Flagstaff where her younger siblings were born. Before that my great grandparents would travel to Phoenix and other towns, like Williams, for work and trade. They finally settled near the town of Buckeye in the mid 1920s and bought land outside of Tolleson. My first relatives did not move into the actual city limits of Phoenix until the 1970s. Our family still owns land in Flagstaff and New Mexico; however, most of the land our family owned oiutside of Phoenix was sold to developers or families like the Rousseaus who still farm the land.

From the stories I remember from older relatives, Phoenix was seen as a distant city. The idea that Buckeye is now considered part of metro Phoenix would be crazy. I don't recall any stories of segregation from older relatives, only that they weren't permitted to speak Spanish in classrooms but did so openly in public and often taught Whites to speak Spanish (or at least a few choice phrases and words). I envision that many of the more rural towns and communities felt more like Tucson where Hispanics and whites lived, worked, and learned together more so than in Phoenix at the time.

Although I was never raised in Arizona or Phoenix it had a special draw. I remember visiting nearly every summer and swimming in relatives deep diving pools. The small shallow pools that fewer and fewer residents install today are mere puddles in comparison. I loved the heat in Phoenix compared to the horrible humidity of the South and East Coast were my father happened to be stationed while in the Army. When he was finally given orders for Ft. Lewis south of Seattle I was the happiest teen. I still often traded nice Seattle summers for Phoenix heat and day trips throughout the state, including Slide Rock, Flagstaff, and Fossil Creek.

Old Phoenix brings back memories of my grandmother. I recently had drinks and dinner with friends at Hanny's and recalled stories of her being sent into stores in downtown Phoenix to buy fancier clothes for the family. My grandmother had the lightest skin out of all her siblings and never had an issue shopping for her father in Hanny's and Goldwater's. I wish I could find pictures of what those department stores looked like inside during the 1930s-1960s.

Now it seems I will have to makes new memories of Phoenix the same way I did as a kid, flying into Sky Harbor for the summer. I hope downtown Phoenix continues to improve so that when I return there is more to see. I will be moving to Boston for a few year to freeze my ass off and pay exorbitant rent. However, I look forward to a new adventure and a challenging promotion. I will be back if the opportunity in Phoenix presents itself a few years down the road. For now it's on to a new chapter.

I hope you keep writing these columns so that I can enjoy them from 3,000 miles away.

I would like to see pictures of this time frame of the location where the Talking Stick Resort Arena is now at first street and Jefferson.

In regards to the photo "A busy Central Avenue in 1921" ... well not exactly. That vehicle clearly shows an Arizona 1930 license plate.

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