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May 25, 2016


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Thanks, Rogue. It was a charming place.

Wonderful essay, Jon.

"Wonderful essay, Jon."
My sentiments, exactly!

Excellent Jon,
Note that the Superstitions still retain great beauty despite our best efforts to build on them. Every 15 minutes is a different color picture.

I don't ever recall a time when charming and Phoenix went together in a sentence. It's a desert. It wants to kill you. It will kill you. It's intent is never, never, never to charm you.

Mombo, true but there is beauty in death.
And "some of the dead are still breathing."
Charming is not beauty. It's like a baby is cute even though they are ugly and are purely selfish. However in my 65 years in the desert I quickly found what I thought was "beauty". The best desert beauty is where the sand meets the sea.

And as Phoenix is in a desert, Phoenix will go the way of the Hohokam. And horn toads will again roam what we're once illegal green places where idiots chased little white balls.

Really enjoy the historical series of essays, Jon. As a seasonal "migratory Canadian" who winters in a decommissioned mining town in western Pima County, it provides some context for what I see (and don't see) whenever we visit the Valley of the Scum (air-quality reference only).

Regarding the Front Pages, I had previously read the articles on Bolles and Sanders.
I sent Nate Silver a note on his trolling for Clinton and not proving his case that the Fix is not in.
Regarding Winter's article on Bolles, nice piece. Not much new in the article but some interesting semantical presentation.

Thanks for the history scoop! I really enjoyed it.

"Looking back from 2016, one pertinent characteristic seems obvious: no matter how tenuous, the precariat had jobs. The new dying Americans, the ones killing themselves on purpose or with drugs, don’t. Don’t, won’t, and know it."

"If there’s no economic plan for the Unnecessariat, there’s certainly an abundance for plans to extract value from them."

"What does it mean, to see the world’s narrative retreat into the distance? To know that nothing more is expected of you. One thing it means is: if someone says something about it publicly, you’re sure as hell going to perk up and listen."


CM, I read your word press forward and more crows than eagles and some stuff that was linked in from a conservative blog.
And I think I know what you are saying above but I am not quite sure. For an old farm boy can you maybe put it in simpler talk.

Thank you for sharing this history. Although I grew up here and was part of the 50's and 60's period, I always gain new insights from your behind the scenes stories. Keep up the good work !

Wow, thank you for your excellent article.

Who built the housing development at west Northern Ave and 29th Ave.? I grew up near there and knew it as Alta Vista. I think we also referred to it as Hoffman Homes. Now the name Alta Vista seems to apply to other areas and Hoffman records don’t include it. I was surprised to see that homes in that area now are listing around $250,000.

Ms. Richardson,

Looking at satellite views on Google Maps, I see nothing that looks like a tract home development south of 29th Avenue and Northern, but north of that intersection, along the east side of 29th Avenue, we have Alta Vista, currently labeled as such by Google Maps when viewed a bit zoomed out.

From ads I found in the Arizona Republic, Alta Vista appears to have been launched by Hoffman Homes in 1953. To the west of 29th are what looks like later infill houses, plus townhouses (Northern Manor) by Hallcraft, 1973.

I would say that your memory is spot on!

Loved the picture of North Manor Drive W. For much of 1964, my family lived at 2953 (out of picture to the right). Dell Webb's ex (I think) lived next door in the two-story dwelling, Barry Goldwater's mom across the street.

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