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February 16, 2016


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Jon thanks for this story again at a time once again when Black is a heat issue. Have you researched the black national Championship boxer from Phoenix, John Henry Lewis and his father John Edward Lewis that in 1914 had a boxing club in Phoenix.
Tonite I watched the PBS production of the Black Panthers. Reminds me of a vehicle stop I made as a street cop for the PPD intelligence unit in the sixties.
AND Hillary blew it again meeting with NY Blacks while Bernie is meeting with the largest Black Democratic party in SC.

Thanks for the idea, Cal. Elija Muhammad had a winter residence in Phoenix.

Last i knew the house on Beautiful Lane was still owned by the Black Muslim organization and used by Louis Farakhaan. My long time readings of Malcolm X lead me to believe Louis was instrumental in changing the organization.


Cal, do you know who that large black motorcycle cop was who worked central Phoenix at night back in the late sixties? He and I sure had lot's of fun during our many encounters...well, he did, anyway.

Probably John Davis. He retired out of the Homicide unit and went to work for the cities housing projects office. In the early nineties I ran into him at the projects at 18 st and Monroe.

Pat let me research my memory a little more it may not have been John. I'll get back to U.

Pat, John Davis was the motor per retired cop, Calvin Guy. By coincidence I ran into Calvin today at a Phoenix Gas station.
GAS WAS $1.29
THE Homicide cop was Jim House.
Calvin Guy came on about a year before I did and one nite as he was going on duty he arrested one of the officers that was in my academy class as the idiot was robbing a Circle K.
Guy was a good cop and also a PI for awhile. Funny you should ask and the next day I ran into Calvin.

Calvin Guy? I googled him, and it looks like he's had a rocky life, he sued for discrimination-very interesting story-not just the department, but a bunch of other cops and their spouses, and apparently suffered from depression. Kind of germane to this column, and I'd never even heard about him before. I was always too stoned or scared to read his nametag, so I'll just have to assume that's probably him. Now that I know he's still alive, I'll shut up about him. But if he reads this column, I'd just like to say, "hey, Calvin, sorry your fealty to the white conservative establishment didn't pan out so well!"


The Phoenix Police Department is still corrupt they are the mafia in blue I heard they used to protect and serve I've never seen it just intimidation

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