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February 18, 2016


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Good luck

So when Hillary beats Trump will you be there in the back room when Bill tells Donald, good job.
The checks is in the mail.

World famous hacker offers to help inept FBI computer analysts. I think he was in the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.


"And why do the best hackers on the planet not work for the FBI? Because the FBI will not hire anyone with a 24-inch purple mohawk, 10-gauge ear piercings, and a tattooed face who demands to smoke weed while working and won't work for less than a half-million dollars a year," he wrote. "But you bet your ass that the Chinese and Russians are hiring similar people with similar demands and have been for many years. It's why we are decades behind in the cyber race."

Except for Lindsey.

But isn't the lady with dragon tattoo Lindsey's long lost child.
It takes a lot to be PI today.
I'm currently unsuccessfully trying to find a person whose name is almost as common as jane smith. I may have to get on my motor cycle and go look at dates on headstones.
Jac Cal

Nice hat!

That gentleman looks tense.

Hattie U see that somewhat reddish thing on the mantle behind the tense person. It's the next president.

LOVE the shirt!

American Spring for sure.

Where can I get one of those shirts?

Front page editor, you should think about maybe getting a flap on the cap that can convert it to read "John Deere," just to be on the safe side.

The Kalamazoo killing is as weirdly portentous as the Trump phenomenon. He was picking up and dropping off passengers during his killing spree, so at least he adhered to the Uber code of driver's ethics right up until he was caught. This is gonna get hot, I bet. Until the next massacre, so at least for a day or two.

Cal, when did Hugh Laurie take up computer hacking for a living?

Chris. The answer is to be found in an episode of WKRP in Cincinnati.

Cal, I never liked that show. I am a product of the mid-1970s, so I watched re-runs of the sitcoms of the '70s and '80s when I was growing up. I liked Sanford & Son, the Brady Bunch (OK, sorry), Gilligan's Island and Knight Rider (OK, I'm really sorry for that one). You'll have to tell me which episode I need to search for. :)

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