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January 26, 2016


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Check out the Fuller Paints sign touting its "Pioneer White Lead."
If only Ladmo had won his election bid and made good on his promise to put root beer in school water fountains, Barq's would be a titan in the industry today.

As would Arnold Pickles.

I like Arnold's pickles, you'll like Arnold's too, the only thing that's better than an Arnold's pickle is two!

I wish that I had a few pictures of NW 13 th Ave. here in Portland. Repurposed warehouse chic. The roadway is narrow compared with, say, Jackson St in Phoenix, as is true generally for Portland Streets.
Someone recently told me that the word was that Bridgeport Brewing was crazy to repurpose an old rope factory building there 15 (?) years ago. The area was isolated and sketchy.
I'm neither young nor creative but I like those old buildings, too. The warehouse row in any city isn't going to be Rome, but they along with other old buildings do give me a sense that people lived there before there were cars, give a sense of the scale and means of what they did.
There's a new Ace hardware that's opened north of the newly active Lloyd district that had been a furniture store for decades, but was originally built as a dairy. In what's now the basement I'm told that the areas where horse drawn wagons were parked still shows in features that got preserved over the century, including bays used for feeding the horses. The store shows a lot of the original timber and brick. I wonder what the old Carnation dairy at Central and Indian school might look like today if left standing. By, the way, what's there now?

We at CCBG Architects are a strong advocate of the Warehouse district and are the leading firm of preservation, restoration and adaptive reuse of the Warehouse district. You can find more about our work here on our Website. http://ccbg-arch.com/work/adaptive-reuse/

Busy rail freight traffic may have been the main reason that the 7th Avenue, 7th Street, and 16th Street overpasses were built, but not the only one.

Number Three used to arrive around Midnight every night--about the time many folks were driving home from the area bars. Motor vehicle/"Golden State" grade crossing crashes were so common that I was actually returning home on the train when we hit a car--at 16th Street, I think. New Year's Eve, 1957. We were delayed quite a while and my Grandmother, who didn't make the trip with us and was waiting at home (on West Roma Avenue) was really worried.

Of course, the completion of the overpasses more or less coincided with the cessation of "Golden State"** service. Wish we had those trains now!

**Names of passenger trains should be in italics; quotes is the closest I can provide here.

Wonderful photos that exude a sense of pride. Now only immediate profits for shareholders count.

My agency recently renovated one of the warehouses pictured here. The Smart and Final building at second and Buchanans Streets. It's now owned by R&R Partners, the Arizona office of a national advertising/marketing agency. Would love to give you a tour, John.

Thank you for the images, as they're so difficult to find.

While the "revitalization" currently occurring within the District is making more use of the area than what was there just a few years ago (almost nothing), but there doesn't seem to be a cohesive strategy that focuses on how to leverage the Warehouse District's main assets: its connection to Phoenix's past, it's potential to link downtown and South Phoenix, buildings that are affordable for the creative class, large warehouses isolated enough to be used as live music venues/clubs, proximity to the sports venues, and land that is affordable for affordable/moderately priced housing to support those small businesses.

Instead, the focus seems to be on selling the affordability factor to businesses in order to encourage them to relocate. That's great if these companies arrive as part of a larger plan, but that's not the case. The Sun Merc is being turned into a medical facility; the old Jackson's on 3rd is now a dental training school. Jackson's potential comes from its link to Chase and Talking Stick; it should be lined with bars, restaurants, music, art, etc. Who is going to walk to Cooperstown at night along 3 blocks of offices who shut their lights at 5pm?

There hasn't been ANY retail-type establishments opened in the District; the kind that help make an area alive throughout all hours of the day. Bentley Projects down-sized, the McGinnis factory which housed a furniture craftsman was bought by a Church...

Phx economic director, Christine Mackay, was quoted in an article within the last year saying she had just been the District for the first time recently. How can someone with so little knowledge of the area's history properly plan its future? Why would she respect properties she has no attachment to - or knowledge of?

Attracting creative businesses, again, should be one part of the plan. But, acknowledging its multicultural past should be, as well - ASU, now located on 7th St/Grant could lead the way toward a project that celebrates the Hispanic and Chinese cultures who once were the economic backbone of the District: a Museum, art gallery, library, and affordable housing perhaps. And, they could work with the GWCarver Museum to extend its hours and make it a true attraction.

Encouraging an active street life on Jackson should be another priority. Adding infrastructure like sidewalks and lighting throughout should be another. Housing beyond luxury condos and SROs is needed.

Lobbying for a light rail stop between Jefferson and Lincoln should be another. Lincoln is way too far to appropriately service the heart of the District. Why not build underground platforms beneath the overpasses with elevators up to a transit center, park-n-ride, and affordable housing development?

This doesn't even begin to touch Union Station. The County destroyed the potential of that part of the District when they moved in and it's a damn shame.

This is great, even though I moved to Phoenix much later on 74, I recall many of the companies with names painted in the sides of the buildings. I expected to see the Goettle warehouse (I am clueless on the spelling) which I can recall passing on south 7th St and you crossing over the bridge. Maybe the company had not started up or located to that part of town when the images were taken.
I would love to know some history about all the businesses that abandoned their facilities which then sat for years. On the west side I came across a very large industrial building maybe the largest I had seen, I was impressed anyway. I was told it had been an Alcoa plant. Further out there was a dog track that looked to be in good condition but it just sat year and after year. In 1974-77 when I moved to Denver, there were dog tracks on the Apache Trail as well as near the airport and Horse Racing off the 17 north of the city. Did they all close at about the same time? Did it have anything to do with the end of the Snowbird exodus that used to took the East Valley over come October? I love your stories

Sir, Thanks for writing about an area I had a familial connection to. My grandfather and two of his sons (one of whom was my late father and the other is my 99 1/2 yr old uncle) owned J. H. Clark and Sons Produce Co. at 334 E. Jackson St. until after a fire in Jan. of '64. They then moved to E. of 3rd St on Madison.
We moved here in early '52 and never left. I have many memories of the area commonly referred to as the Duce (not Duece) short for pro(Duce) district. I am also a model railroader and am looking for any photos of the rear of what was called the Central Wholesale Terminal which was located between 3rd and 4th Sts. and Madison and Jackson. In my research I have acquired a very few photos of the rear of the CWT and would like to find more. I did notice that the photo shown above of Farmers Produce at 3rd and Madison (I.D.ed as such would be the NW corner of the CWT) is in reality the SE corner because I believe the photo is reversed. I would enjoy any other photos of the rear of the CWT that you may have or know of. I would like to communicate with you for some of the other buildings I'm interested in in the Duce also. I do love old buildings. Thanks for your column. John Clark

Some of these photos I've seen before, but Jon hit it out of the park with posting the photo shot from across Jefferson Street.

But I need some help identifying a couple of the buildings. The first is the white building directly to the left (east) of Crystal Ice. Some sort of furniture warehouse, but I'd like to know the entire business name.

The other is on the far left of the photo. Light colored building, with nine windows and two rows of skylights. Does anybody know the name of the business occupying this building post-WW2?

Great work as always, Jon.

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