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December 31, 2015


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Thanks for all of the great articles, Jon. Best wishes to all for the year to come.

Thank you. May 2016 bring us new Mapstone mysteries and stimulating posts.

Jon thought I would let you know that to ring in the new year Hitachi has predicted that by 2020, 55 percent of the world's population will be Urban (more Wilderness? Not likely!) and that by 2025 there will be 35 megacities. More light rail?
Also it seems that by 2025 water resources are expected to fall short of demand by 35 percent. More desert? I bought my grandkids Dune Still Suits for Christmas.

PS don't drink water from Flint.

Came across this yesterday:


Sites/writers don’t come more conservative than City Journal/Theodore Dalrymple – yet the take on cities sounds remarkable rougish.

High speed rail between Phoenix and Southern California would bring about many benefits for the Phoenix Metropolitan area.

There would be increased educational and employment opportunities for it's citizens. Businesses in California would have an incentive to move their operating facilities to Arizona to benefit from lower costs of operation without having to relocate the more critical elements of their workforce.

There would be increased incentives for individual residents of southern California to buy a home in the Phoenix Metropolitan area to benefit from much lower home prices. They would take the high speed rail to commute to southern California.

Furthermore it would increase home prices and wages in the Phoenix metropolitan area as the economics both regions equalize.

Cultural conflicts may arise between the primarily "rural/Midwestern" culture of the Phoenix Metropolitan area and the culture of Southern California but, hopefully, in time, these conflicts will abate.

I believe a hyperloop between the Phoenix metropolitan area and southern california would be beneficial:


The estimated travel time between Phoenix and L.A. would be about 45 minutes - that is well within what most people would consider to be an acceptable commute time.

Some may posit, why not build a hyperloop between Tucson and Phoenix First and then, maybe between Phoenix and L.A.? Well, given that it may be one of the first hyperloop systems built, much time and money may be spent addressing technical and construction problems, there may be time and cost overruns.

Looking at it in terms of costs and benefits, I don't think that the economic benefits of connecting Tucson to Phoenix would make up for the potential cost overruns. While connecting Phoenix to L.A. would bring many economic benefits that could make up for the potential cost overruns.

Put your regional/cultural/ethnic/racial pride aside and think rationally.

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