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October 09, 2015


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A friend sent me these links to some delicious TV from the 1960s: two Route 66 episodes filmed in Phoenix.

The first one might make you cry since it shows a still-vital downtown at night and a neighborhood at 3rd St & Moreland later taken out by the 1-10 freeway. http://www.shoutfactorytv.com/route-66/shoulder-the-sky-my-lad/53cd481569702d27d3c91900

That link may require you to disable your Adblock. Here's another one to the same show but abbreviated. It's on You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eH0DuFn-aZY

The second episode shows uptown Phoenix during its early boom. It's mostly inside the Guaranty Bank building but shows through the window the Del Webb Building due north during its construction. There's also a bit of Scottsdale, too, the Executive House hotel where the shows protagonists were staying. I think this was a bit north of Camelback on Scottsdale Rd. http://www.shoutfactorytv.com/route-66/you-never-had-it-so-good/53cd481569702d27d3d71800 Here's the abbreviated You Tube document: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZafBjNr3oUg

These episodes were apparently filmed during the same period in early 1963.

For you bowlers out there, the old 300 Bowl at 1900 W Bethany has had a complete inside make over. However if you went there in the 50's you will feel at home. The outside architecture remains.

Bob's restaurant on the SE Corner is gone as is the Mary Coyle ice-cream shop just north. I forgot to see if the old Wineburger owned by a classmate still exists.

And for you Urban campers: http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/10/05/naked-cities

Thank you Jon for this column. I'm the reverse-snowbird that wrote you about Tovrea.

The landmarks of my formative years continue to be scraped off the map. Alas.

300 Bowl is site of my best line ever. An older brother and I went in on a whim; between us we had enough for 5 frames or so. Several strikes later, I needed to finish, we ran out somewhere, scrounged enough to finish. I returned and stayed in the groove, finished the game with pennies to spare.
Was there a Mary Coyle's at 15th ave and Thomas? That's the one I remember. My go-to ice cream, though, was Lily, when I could get it. MacAlpines on 7th served and sold it.
Two of the state's 4 Cs got in your nose sometimes- the sweet citrus blossoms in the Spring, and the stockyards when the wind came in from the East.
My wedding took place in a spot similar to Tovrea estate- Rockefeller Lodge in San Pablo, Cal. Word was that John D had it built for duck hunting near the huge refinery and tanker depot in Richmond, probably surrounded by marshes at the time. It was eventually converted to an events space. San Pablo's a strange little town.

The second Mary Coyle ice cream palor was just north of Bethany Home Road on the east side of the street. I believe there was a cleaners and then The Wineburger owned by Jo Ann Pote, a Washington High School Home Coming Queen.
Tovera ' s or Cudahy: Before I was a cop I was Mrs. Cudahay ' s paperboy. And also for Jay Rockefeller and old man Gosnell and Bob Goldwater and Nancy Reagan ' s parents. Mrs. Cudahay gave me huge meat tray for Xmas.
The good years.

Good new comment on the Westward Ho column.

1.Phoenix suffered extreme growthgasim. Most of it was built between 1945 and 2000 – a period noted for its crappy architecture; everywhere, not just Phoenix.
2.Better to be a backwater city like Portland or Birmingham. Most of the pre-war buildings survived. I fact more than survived; conversion to lofts and apartments wildly popular.

Time moves on and tastes change. The mansion didn’t have a patron with the resources to support such an edifice; couldn’t make it as an “event center”. The train station couldn’t make it as a train station when people don’t ride trains; but at least it survived as a phone switching center. Be happy; it could be worse.

A cool article on a neighborhood in Dallas. Repurposing of crappy commercial buildings:


Ugh. I remember my first semester at ASU, living in Saguaro Hall (which has gone the way of the Electric Banana - don't look for it, it's not there anymore) when the wind was from the west, wafting the stench of the stockyards into my room.

This thread seems to have died, so I don’t feel like I’m jacking it.

I was at Barnes and Noble the other night - my home away from home. Forbes, like U.S. News and World Report, has a college ranking issue.
Some of the numbers:
From Forbes College Guide

Az. State numbers
Total annual cost $39,977
In state tuition and fees: $10,157
Students on financial aid: 91%
Students on loans: 42%
Avg. annual loan $6,306
Admit rate: 80%
6 year grad rate: 59%

In-state tuition and fees of neighbors
U of New Mexico $6,846
U of Utah $7,835
U of Nevada $6,610
Arizona State U $10,157
U of Colorado $10,789
U of California – Berkley $12,972

U of Oregon: $9,918
U of Washington: $12,394
Stanford: $45,195
UA Birmingham: $7,510
U of Florida: $6,313

Perceived ranking of quality (large research universities)
U Cal-Berkley: #35
U of Florida: #41
U of Utah: #86
U of Colorado: #114
Az. SU: #124
U of New Mexico #152
U of Nevada: #173


Colleges, boards of trustees, and a handful of other bad actors have created a pricing system for higher education (cloaked in the guise of the "common good") that is beyond lunacy.

You'll have a better chance of figuring out the Internal Revenue Code.

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