Back in school, when evolution was taught, we had the familiar chart on the wall of the science classroom showing our ancestors walking behind homo sapiens, the tallest and most advanced (homo erectus was always a favorite of we seventh-grade boys).
In their debates, the most recent one Wednesday night in Republican-heavy Planet Boulder, the Republican presidential candidates are moving in exactly the opposite direction. No substance. No serious policy proposals. No attention to the most pressing issues.
Consider: This is the party of the intellectual Theodore Roosevelt, the brilliant autodidact Abraham Lincoln, and the man who organized and prosecuted the liberation of Europe, Dwight Eisenhower, a task that required not only military but political and diplomatic genius. Even Barry Goldwater talked about issues. Nixon, despite his dark side, was a policy wonk. Reagan wrote extensively on political philosophy.
Not one of them could win a GOP school-board primary today. At this rate, especially if the Republicans lose the next election, the candidates for 2020 will resemble life from the primordial soup.
Not one is qualified to be president. None (including John Kasich) has shown the chops to be any office holder of quality outside of Dogpatch mayor, although our democracy offers slots for many mediocre place-holders. And yet it doesn't seem to matter.