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October 08, 2015


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I totally appreciate what you do.

What Michael said.

What's the question?

By the way, I agree with Michael and Petro.

You produce a prodigious amount of work, Jon. I appreciate it all.

Just an amateur's gaze, but the trending results seem to say don't change a damned thing.

Yes, thanks! The Front Page!!

Ditto all the above. I don’t know how you do it. I struggle and fret over a simple comment. To think that you turn this out as a “hobby” or “labor of love” is ________ (I can’t find the word). Thanks.

Thanks also to the frequent commenters. Even when you exasperate me, I find them useful.

I find it ironic that we can't have your kind of analysis done by anybody here in Phoenix.Self examination is crucial and we here in the valley are definitely living the unexamined life.

I appreciate the time and effort you take to maintain this blog.


LOVE the Front Page! What a resource!

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