Much of the pushback I received over the previous post on Hillary Clinton took place on Facebook. The pushers were fervent Bernie Sanders fans who argued I wasn't taking him seriously as a candidate. So I hope we can continue the debate here where many more thousands of readers will see it.
I get it. I love the way Sanders talks about the oligarchy that has taken over our politics, the inequality that has destroyed the middle class, the financialization that has wrecked the economy. He's right about all this.
I just don't see how he's electable.
My concerns were similar in 2004 with John Kerry. The Democratic establishment saw him as the "electable" candidate, even though a Democrat from the Northeast, from Massachusetts no less, had not won the presidency since 1960. And John F. Kennedy probably didn't honestly win that one.
Kerry was properly "swift boated" as an anti-war traitor by members of the vast right-wing infrastructure who had sat out the Vietnam War on repeated deferments. And we got another four years of the worst president since James Buchanan.