In retrospect, it was foolhardy of me to promise on Facebook that I would write about Phoenix's worst architectural disasters and ... could they be fixed? Then to ask for nominations by Facebook friends.
There's just too much bad architecture out there (and no, not only in Phoenix). Now it's too late, a promise is a promise, so here are my top (or bottom) three worst buildings in Phoenix.
1. Phoenix Police Headquarters. Check out the seamless intertwining of Brutalist architecture, 1960s fortress mentality, and everything from the sides of the building to the abundant, heat-radiating concrete surrounding the structure screaming "bleak!"
It is an almost perfect example of sterile, dehumanizing, soul-killing, boring hack-work. It even lacks the authority projected by the 1929 City Hall/County Courthouse. Instead, the taxpayers financed a block of ugly that has stood through some 45(!) years of indifference and civic malpractice.
2. The Arizona Executive Office Tower. Yes, this is Gov. Roscoe's aerie.
Built in 1974, only about four years after the building above, this mishap has the same dreary "pour boiling oil on the invaders" upper-story rampart as its cousin.
Yet its transgression goes further because it is attached to the charming territorial capitol building and addition. The top of the tower overpowers the modest copper dome of the capitol. The two buildings clash like a Chevy Vega front on a Rolls Royce.
3. The Wells Fargo Tower. All three of Arizona's home-based banks built new downtown skyscrapers in the early 1970s. This was the effort of First National Bank of Arizona.
Siblings of this brown International box were placed all over America but nowhere is it homelier than in downtown Phoenix. An added insult is that Wells Fargo sent most of its jobs to a Chandler office "park," rather than in new, perhaps better buildings downtown.
Someone nominated Chase Tower, which, as Valley Center, got the 1970s downtown building boom going. It is dead at street-level (that, along with the escalator-accessed interior, was done partly to dissuade bank robberies). But at least Valley Center has an interesting prism design.
4. The Sandra Day O'Connor Federal Courthouse. This was designed by the starchitect Richard Meier, who was entranced by the misters at Arizona Center. The result in the Sonoran Desert is a good approximation of hell.
My only solution for the first three is the bulldozer, sooner rather than later. "The Sandy" might be redeemed by abundant planting of mature cottonwoods, ashes, and other shade trees, as well as removing most of the concrete and replacing it with an Arizona Center-style garden.
Other nominations included the former Viad Tower on north Central (I think it is the only interesting newer tower in the city), the Vale in Tempe, the downtown Sheraton, the Scottsdale Galleria, Chase Field, the glass towers to replace Monti's, the Legislature wings of the Capitol complex, and University of Phoenix Stadium.
Phoenix was a small city during the glory days of American architecture. A few good bones remain (the Luhrs Building, Luhrs Tower, Orpheum Theater, City/County Building, Hotel Westward Ho, Kenilworth School, and Union Station). Others, most crushingly the Fox Theater, were lost.
The city was fortunate in many mid-century modern houses. Commercial buildings, not so much. One exception were the branches built by Valley National Bank.
Architecture speaks to our souls and aspirations. It is the most omnipresent visual manifestation of our civilization and civic life, especially when paired with good civic design.
Unfortunately, cities all over the country are seeing lookalike glass-skinned buildings erected. Lesser-depression Phoenix is less a victim here because fewer structures are going up, especially skyscrapers. But the egos of the architecture world, combined with the desire to build cheap, aren't likely to give way to a neo-Art-Deco movement. There are no new ideas, one definition of decadence.
It is not surprising that the one exception to the abysmal architecture was shepherded through by Walter Bimson (Valley National Bank). His art collection pretty much was the Phoenix Art Museum at first, and it is still my favorite part of what is now a much bigger cultural touchstone. I have a coffee table book of his collection that is signed by him and presented to an employee in 1974 as a work anniversary token of appreciation. I think it demonstrates Bimson's dedication to the arts back when we needed it most. Would that there were more people like him then and now.
Posted by: Colleen | June 08, 2015 at 01:33 PM
In "A Safeway in Arizona," I described the executive office tower -- which is effectively the state capitol -- as the ugliest in America and with the charm of a medical-dental plaza.
Yes, this is a #plug. Apologies.
Posted by: Tom Zoellner | June 08, 2015 at 03:00 PM
Hooray! Jon, this is one column with which I wholeheartedly agree! The original library/LIttle Theatre complex on the NE corner of McDowell and Central looked nice in their original salmon and white. You've undoubtedly commented on this already, but it does say something that our art museum itself is so ugly! Especially since it represents an awful redo of something that was previously okay. Where did they come up with that Creature-from-the-depths slimy green, anyway?
Posted by: Rob Bohannan | June 08, 2015 at 04:01 PM
Haha, "2. The Arizona Executive Office Tower."
Easter Island.
Posted by: Petro | June 08, 2015 at 04:49 PM
I’ll plug Tom Wolfe’s book “From Bauhaus to Our House” for a brief history of the god-awful “international style” architecture. Like a lot of bad ideas, it came out of Europe. As RC said, this is not just a Phoenix thing; it’s infected just about the whole planet. There’s a chapter titled “The Apostates” dealing with non-international style architects of the era. These included F. L. Wright, Eero Saarinen and Atlanta’s John Portman.
I will say things have improved since around 2000 or so; not nearly as good as the pre-war American style building, but better than the standard glass or concrete box. Even the butcher Richard Meier deigned to use something besides a flat roof for a portion The Sandy; and columns that are almost decorative! Must have given him an ulcer to do that. Still a lot of monumentally bad buildings being built by “world class” architects e.g. the new Whitney in NYC.
There are rays of hope:
Re “But the egos of the architecture world, combined with the desire to build cheap...” The tragic this is, many of the buildings were not cheap; they just look cheap.
Re “There are no new ideas, one definition of decadence.” There’s no assurance that new ideas will be any better than the old ones. The International Style was a new idea once. Then there is a new-new idea, the “pile-of-junk” style of Frank Geary (Spelling?) e.g. the Disney Center in L.A.
Another benefit of the “low-rise” city: eye-sores can only louse up their own immediate vicinity.
Posted by: wkg_in_bham | June 08, 2015 at 05:08 PM
Every time I walked by the Executive Tower/House & Senate Buildings, I used to wonder if they got the plans in a cultural swap with the USSR.
Posted by: Diane D'Angelo | June 08, 2015 at 05:19 PM
I'm sorry, but Arizona don't want no culture. Never has, never will.
Dance hall girls is it. Anything above that is throwing good money away.
Posted by: Ruben Perez | June 08, 2015 at 05:42 PM
When I worked there, my young daughter used to call the Arizona Executive Office Tower "The Tower of Terror." Although her reference was the Disneyland attraction of the same name, I thought her characterization of the building was perfect on so many levels.
Posted by: Jennifer Boucek | June 08, 2015 at 07:07 PM
Actually, police headquarters is the fortress that the police want. They are always ready to be attacked by the public. They can defend themselves through the slit windows and escape through the helipad on top. The House and Senate building is the worst in my view. Just ugly public space which is very unfriendly to the public they serve.
Posted by: mike | June 08, 2015 at 07:55 PM
Re: “Phoenix Police Headquarters. Check out the seamless intertwining of Brutalist architecture, 1960s fortress mentality…” I’ve noticed a trend in governmental architecture in recent times. They are, in fact, fortresses. Notice the curb-side concrete structures and planters in front of the Executive Office Building. These are to deter car bombers. At least it’s obvious where the front door is – something you can’t say about a lot of governmental structures.
Note the Sandy building. It apparently sits down in a hole. This is to serve as a dry moat around the building. Assuming this is “the front” of the building, it’s not obvious as to where the door is – and you can be sure there’s only one – with a security check-point including scanners, armed guards, etc. The whole point is to say “don’t come here”.
Posted by: wkg_in_bham | June 08, 2015 at 08:25 PM
My father used to say "These are the conditions, how do I make them work to my advantage?". I have developed a nice little collection pulling from estate sales, library sales (where I got the Bimson book), etc. because, as you say, this is Arizona and for years you couldn't give away stuff that commanded top dollar in LA. I have a sweet 3k ft. custom midcentury modern ranch style house (original tile!) on an acre of Eden that I could not have afforded in my wildest dreams anywhere in CA, because for some inexplicable reason "Tuscan" shopping mall style houses are big here now. As Diane said, many of our public buildings do look like the plans were mail ordered from a bleak cold war iron curtain architecture mill, but there is a certain advantage to having a freak's perspective among philistines. Bimson and Goldwater and any number of other people threw a great deal of good money at culture here and I am grateful they did. John Waddell got a lot of popular support here from regular people despite being a transcendent creator of some of the most beautiful statuary I have ever seen. The Dance was stunning when it graced PHX City Plaza and was back lit by a fountain. I just wish there were more people like them then and now. Perhaps, like a lot of old people, I look back to the halcyon days of my youth with the blindness of nostalgia, but I think that thirty years ago Phoenicians whose last names weren't Kierland or Herberger supported an artistic sensibility that made it easier for people like the Herbergers and the Kierlands to build beautiful public space. Kierland Commons looks the way it does because that is what the people who are willing to drop a couple of hundred bucks in 15 minutes at a Teava or a couple of thousand bucks in 15 minutes at Crate & Barrel now want it to look like. Business caters to the preferences of the market, particularly the fast turn over, high mark up, market. In the end, some people wanted "culture" then and some want it now. It just seems to me that there used to be more popular support for it then than there is now. I am appalled by much of the built environment here, but I am very grateful, indeed, to be able to easily make my midcentury modern mortgage on a teacher's salary. Sadly, those two things go together.
Posted by: Colleen | June 08, 2015 at 09:06 PM
For "great" and magnificently obscene architecture I suggest you look at religious structures built on the backs of suffering peasants (thst live in one story adobe hovels) for con men of the cloth to live in splendor and imbibe in good food, wine and stalking sex of the innocent in the dark dungeons of god.
WKGINBHAM American Roman senator's have for 60 years have engaged in their conquering of the world in the name of Democracies. When in fact it was really about the pillage (by neocons) of the universe for the 5000 people called bankers. (U and I R commodities). It is these Roman Senatorial whores that have brought the enemy to our door step, once unlocked and open to all. Now we live in a fortress world. So take your socks off so I can ensure your toe nails are not dangerous weapons.
Mike, I worked at 620 west and it's not much of a fortrest. Its just ugly. It does have a couple of unique features that I can't elaborate about but otherwise it's obsolete. Best to move the command staff and administrative sections to citu hall. The rest could move near Deer Valley airport where a number of PD departments are located and be near the new FBI facility.
Posted by: cal Lash | June 08, 2015 at 09:17 PM
Part of me wants to defend the artifacts of modernism while another part just wants to shuck the entire project. I personally know architects who revel in trailblazers like Mies van der Rohe. Arizona's Al Beadle was often called a Miesean. In Portland, there was Pietro Belluschi who is revered by the cognoscenti and despised by everyone else. It's an argument that lives in my own brain and one I doubt will never be fully settled.
I think the "modermism" architecture attempted to advance was related to technological advances like steel fram construction, glass skin, high-speed elevators, and the exhaustion of historicism. I cannot imagine any vital culture simply continuing the beaux-arts tradition. It would have been both cloying and completely false. Yet if the artifacts of pre-modern archtitecture are so beloved, why can't we emulate them? Why not go back at least part way?
Economically, beaux-arts buildings would be simply unfeasible. There are no longer the quarries of limestone and granite let alone the craftsmen who could sculpt them for the facades. More importantly, there is no longer a marketplace for such quaintness. Whatever else World War II did, it ended that Greco-Roman fantasia once and for all.
People who drive cars, which we pretty much all do now, don't look at buildings in order to savor our relationship with noble gestures. We have moved - very fast - to something else entirely. Now we appraise our buildings through windshields going around 40 mph. We don't care if the buildings assuage the human spirit with any kind of gestures other than Let's Make a Deal. Bigger, Taller, Faster, Cheaper. Those are our cultural touchstones.
Phoenix drives like no other city except its model LA. One key difference: Phoenix was never as prosperous, so its modernism seems much more cut-rate. Still, there are a few pleasures to be seen like the exuberant WA Sarmiento tower and pavillions at the NEC of Central & Osborn. Sarmiento was from St Louis, so this points out another regrettable aspect of modernism: architects were often not local. Most of downtown's towers have architects we never heard of so there's often not a reinforcing style or aesthetic we can point to. This explains why Phoenix modernists revere Al Beadle as the quintessential local architect. Today, Will Bruder fills that position although he's really more a sculptor than an architect.
The Viad Building was designed by a team of Texas architects and appears as if it were airlifted in from Dallas in order to reign oppressively over Willo. It's completely out of scale to its location. Still, I guess Phoenix being Phoenix, it's something to talk about. It contributes absolutely nothing to Central Avenue's street activity, so it's 28 floors are largely a waste where it really matters.
Phoenix has a midcentury tradition that's largely unknown to most of its citizens, which is really unfortunate. I hesitate to say this, but at one time Phoenix was, in an eye-squinting sort of way, hip. We were what Palm Springs still is - a sensuous and lively outpost of modernists. Today, Phoenix is more like Lubbock on steroids. Nonetheless, for the very few people who care about this kind of thing, Phoenix is worth more than most people realize.
I like to tell people that if you can find something small and beautiful, your faith in the human project will be restored. That Phoenix is mostly alien and ugly is less important than the fact that there are still hopeful portents here and there. I wish there were more but you don't get to dictate the terms of your own surrender. The best anyone can do is resist the horror of drive-by architecture and create an intimate treasure that flouts the reigning contempt for beauty and pleasure.
Posted by: soleri | June 09, 2015 at 09:52 AM
The "Sandy" aka the world's largest solar hot dog cooker.
620 west is even uglier inside.
Posted by: Ramjet | June 09, 2015 at 10:16 AM
This is a wonderful little video about what makes cities attractive. Warning: Phoenix is compared unfavorably to Barcelona.
Posted by: soleri | June 09, 2015 at 12:53 PM
Excellent perspective, Soleri. Thank you.
Posted by: Rogue Columnist | June 09, 2015 at 01:32 PM
Soleri- Bellushi's federal reserve building at SW 9 th and Stark is so elegant and classy. One of my favorite Portland buildings. The bank has relocated. Pictures don't do it justice.
Posted by: Dawgzy | June 09, 2015 at 01:51 PM
Dawgzy, I know the building, and I agree. It is classy.
Belluschi's Commonwealth Building, a short distance away, was the first building in North America with a sheer glass curtain facade. It's more interesting as a "first" than anything else. When Belluschi came to Portland in the 1920s, he worked for the then-leading architect in town, AE Doyle. Doyle was a traditionalist and responsible for some of Portland's most-loved buildings, including the public library downtown. His works are the kind that give Portland it's fairy-tale prettiness. Say what you will, modernism has had a difficult time engaging the street either with retail or lively public spaces.
There were a couple of old buildings downtown that if they were still standing might have made Portland the most necessary tourist destination in America. The first was The Portland Hotel, designed by McKim, Mead, and White, and located where Pioneer Square is today. It had a flavor that might be called Salzburg Glühwein. The other was the old Oregonian building a block away with its faux campanile that looked like something from Florence.
Portland, like most American cities, gave away a king's ransom in exquisite old buildings but it still has enough to make it interesting, including the largest cache of cast-iron buildings outside New York City. Phoenix, a small city prior to WWII, was much less richly endowed. The struggle to create magic in downtown Phoenix results directly from this sad fact. It means that there's a kind of schizophrenia about the past resulting in cartoon-scapes like Chateaux on Central or the horrifying neo-Victoriana in Arcadia.
Just to be clear: I find Belluschi's work invigorating and and handsome. But I can't help but notice the magic in Portland springs more from old bricks that bracing geometries.
Posted by: soleri | June 09, 2015 at 02:51 PM
Modernism has a problem with scaling. Almost all preceding styles would reveal more levels of detailing as one neared a building. Note The Sandy. What you see is what you get. Nothing is going to be revealed as you near it; just boring sheets of glass. One can only assume it’s as boring on the inside as the out. Compare with an art-deco building; distinctive detailing down to the lighting switch plates, door knobs, elevator cars and tiling of the public areas.
I don’t think you need to go full Monty on the beaux-arts design. But I think you can use their ideas on detailing, proportion and gravitas. I think it is the only fitting style for certain governmental buildings. The structure says “We think this is important”. Again, note The Sandy; there’s nothing that says “I’m a court house”. It could just as easily be an office building, hospital or hotel.
Posted by: wkg_in_bham | June 09, 2015 at 03:38 PM
Re “But I can't help but notice the magic in Portland springs more from old bricks that bracing geometries. (Solari)” I read this interesting article about a “new” building in Chicago (I think-it’s been a while). A developer wanted to tear down a nice old building (a department store, I think) and put up a high rise, glass box condo building. He was allowed to do this – except for one thing. He had to carefully remove the first four stories of the existing building’s façade and reapply it to the new building; down to the last detail, including show windows, doors, etc. There may have also been a requirement for first floor retail.
And it works. It looks a little odd at first. But who walks down the street and looks at anything but the first story or two of a building.
Posted by: wkg_in_bham | June 09, 2015 at 04:10 PM
It's soleri.
It's an E, not an A.
Posted by: Ruben Perez | June 09, 2015 at 08:45 PM
You mention a few architectural jewels in your article but did not mention the Grunow Medical Clinic across McDowell from Good Sam. I noticed it for the first time a few weeks ago. It is a beautiful building that has served the community for more than 80 years and appears to still be in pristine condition.
Posted by: Alex B | June 09, 2015 at 08:47 PM
Grunow Clinic: In 1959 I assisted in re-plastering the exterior and some individual interior rooms which were finished in white coat plaster and troweled to perfection by the folks I worked with. I do not recall if this was for Ora Hopper or Coty Reberger plastering and dry wall companies. For Coty I blew the stucco on the outside of the Catholic Church at 24 Street and Campbell. I also blew the undercoating on the old Telephone building on Central, now gone for a long time.
Posted by: Cal Lash | June 09, 2015 at 09:09 PM
Correct me if I am wrong but I once heard the first truss joist to be made and transported to a home construction site was in Phoenix?
Posted by: Cal Lash | June 09, 2015 at 09:14 PM
The cheese grater hotel building on 1st and Monroe that changes brands every couple years deserves a mention. Might be a dumpy Eenaissance at present.
Posted by: Chris Thomas | June 09, 2015 at 09:33 PM
Chris, the tragedy of the cheese grater is that it replaced the historic Hotel Adams. Imagine if that building had been preserved and restored as a historic hotel?
Posted by: Rogue Columnist | June 10, 2015 at 07:49 AM
Great post, I love learning as much as possible about the architecture of the city. Took a tour of Taliesin West a year or two ago and learned quite a bit. FLW, as do I, find the gigantic power lines running through there oppressive. Reminds of a trilogy on "The Tripods" that I read many years ago...large machines astride the earth. I always think of that when I see those massive high tension power lines.
Posted by: Mark in Scottsdale | June 10, 2015 at 08:05 AM
I don’t think you need to go full Monty on the beaux-arts design. But I think you can use their ideas on detailing, proportion and gravitas.
wkg, even here you will run into problems. American architecture was chastened into this proposition over 30 years ago during the "postmodern" period. Indeed, Portland helped lead the way with the construction of The Portland Building by Michael Graves. It unleashed a national movement that resulted in buildings with neo-classical proportions but coupled with the same cheap post-war materials. Portland's downtown is littered with these Lego toy-style buildings and none is more loathed than Graves' trailblazing prototype. It will require an eye-popping $300 million make-over due to structural deficiencies, terrible light, and ridiculously cheap ornamentation.
Graves died recently, but he was a starchitect with huge crossover appeal. He designed kitchenware for Target, for example. In Denver, his public library was much more successful although it is not universally admired. Imagine film director Wes Anderson as an architect and you can catch a sense of his whimsy.
In Phoenix, probably The Bank of America tower in The Collier Center comes closest to this style. I would be interested to read what other people have to say about it. It's probably my least favorite post-war building downtown except for the atrocious Sheraton Hotel (which was designed by Arquitectonica, a firm that specialized in postmodern designs). A competing design by local firm, Cornoyer Hedrick, was much, much better - a midcentury homage that really sang.
Another post-modern practitioner was Cesar Pelli, who has designed the neo-deco Bank of America headquarters in Charlotte with a new downtown library in Minneapolis and one of its iconic towers, the Wells Fargo Center. . Pelli's designs are often effective but he couldn't bridge the gap between the music and its execution.
In Chicago, the Harold Washington Library is perhaps the worst offender of this school. From a medium distance, the building looms in the south Loop with the provocative grandeur of the Paris Opera. Up close and inside, the cheapness of the materials along with weak public spaces overwhelm everything else.
Architecture can be no better than our social, economic, and political values. In the throwaway, drive-everywhere America of 2015, that will mean buildings that mirror our flaccid civic impulses. I wish there was another way to suggest we ennoble our cities with beautiful buildings, but it might be better simply to accept this destiny with equanimity.
Irony is the new black.
Posted by: soleri | June 10, 2015 at 08:21 AM
Way to complicated.
I prefer a structure that does not require Otis to be involved.
With wide doors and windows that actually open.
Posted by: cal Lash | June 10, 2015 at 09:09 AM
Re the Portland Building: Looks pretty clumsy. Seemed more of a play on art-deco than beaux-arts. That Phillip Johnson was on the selection committee says something. Didn’t stop the AIA from awarding it honor award though! As of 2011 it’s on the National Register of Historic Places! Is there a category for historically ugly? That the building has had no end of problems should come as no surprise; Graves had never built anything of significance before. He was a theory-guy and writer. He won the Brunner Memorial Prize for Architecture in 1980 – for drawing pictures of buildings that were never actually built. That the main lobby and food court needed a total redo only eight years after completion is telling.
As an aside, cheap materials are all modernist will use; it’s a badge of honor. Using anything else would result in their most serious insult: “How very bourgeois”. Quality materials, craftsmanship, detailing and ornamentation are not in most big-time architects’ playbook.
Re Bank of America Building: About the best I can say is that it’s better than a glass box. Seems to engage the street well from what I can see.
Re Chicago Library: I like the building up to the eaves. The roof structure is god-awful clumsy. I actually like the interior public spaces.
Posted by: wkg_in_bham | June 10, 2015 at 01:56 PM
I neglected the Arizona Attorney General's building -- I have heard it was designed by a company that does prisons.
The other (real) back story is that this drab slab was meant to be half as long as it is, and was planned for another agency. When the state gave it to the AG instead, more space was required. So they doubled its length.
One must walk the entire length of the building depending on whom you are seeing, or for those working there. An amazingly bad building.
Posted by: Rogue Columnist | June 10, 2015 at 05:12 PM
a moving walkway is scheduled.
Posted by: cal Lash | June 10, 2015 at 05:25 PM
There is no accounting for good taste - the Harold Washington Library, in Chicago, is one of the most good-awful buildings I ever saw. So glad Soleri mentioned it.
In contrast to the old Paris Opera bldg., the Washington bldg leaps out at you in it's awfulness - it doesn't fit into the Chicago tradition of ground breaking design excellence & innovation that Chicago is known for. The Washington library bldg. is truly a "prize-winner", of the lowest common denominator - so sayeth a Chicago native, now resettled in AZ.
Posted by: Terry Dudas | June 10, 2015 at 08:19 PM
Great to hear you on KJZZ today- With none other than Grady Gammage!
Listen here:
Posted by: D | June 10, 2015 at 10:56 PM
D, thanks for the link.
Posted by: Anon | June 11, 2015 at 03:29 AM
If U were not at the Poison Pen Book store last night, you missed a rousing conversation wit Jon and his publisher and owner of the book store. The crowd got involved also.
Jon talked about his new Mapstone Mystery book among other good issues. Thank you Jon and Susan for all your efforts and your caring for Phoenix and Arizona.
Posted by: cal Lash | June 11, 2015 at 08:58 AM
The new FBI building is not a very inviting building. It looks like a fortress although it sits at the end of the Deer Valley Airport...
Posted by: mike | June 11, 2015 at 04:41 PM
Posted by: Rogue Columnist | June 12, 2015 at 11:07 PM
I think the Cardinal stadium is one of the most ridiculous pieces of architecture. It looks like it fell out of the sky. Closest thing I have seen to a UFO.
Posted by: S Stack | June 13, 2015 at 03:00 PM
S Stack, sometimes I hear it referred to as "the UFO" or "the spaceship in the desert" or other similar nicknames referenced now and then by television broadcast crews.
Supposedly it's a barrel cactus...but the futuristic look, sheeny slate gray just doesn't go well with that. I just don't really see it unless I really look for it.
Posted by: Mark in Scottsdale | June 17, 2015 at 10:31 AM
Jon Kammen of the Republic did an excellent story on the boondoggle that was The Sandy.
Posted by: Tom Zoellner | August 29, 2017 at 09:04 PM
The Arizona Executive Office Tower is a masterpiece of Soviet architecture.
Posted by: Fareed Abou-Haidar | February 26, 2021 at 12:26 PM
The Phoenix Police Headquarters building would have looked great in Bashar Al-Assad’s Damascus, perhaps as his Gestapo’s home or a prison. Or maybe Putin’s Moscow. The good news is that it was just announced that Phoenix Police is planning to move to a new HQ and the monstrosity is going to be replaced with transit-oriented residential development. A bulldozer won’t do; this thing is going to need a giant wreaking ball.
The interior is just as bad. I went there to be fingerprinted for a passport application (not sure why there). I seem to remember going up a long, narrow staircase between solid walls that looked Iike it belonged in a dungeon.
Posted by: Fareed Abou-Haidar | December 17, 2024 at 09:31 PM