President Obama has chosen to continue endless war. Imagine if we had spent the $3 trillion to $6 trillion already down the drain in Iraq and Afghanistan on America.
We could have built high-speed rail, bolstered our fading research dollars, seeded 21st century industries to address climate change and energy sustainability. But, no. Military Keynesianism is part of our industrial policy.
Do you feel safer than on Sept. 11, 2001? I don't.
The media played their role in scaring the hell out of the American people. They didn't mention the issues of overpopulation and climate change helping drive the destabilization, much less how we ran through Pottery Barn with a sledgehammer.
These adventures are profitable for the Military Industrial Complex and the neo-con echo chamber. For the common good, not so much. Our economy, marked by financial hustles and new electronic distractions, is a mess. This will affect our ability to win the next real war, where real national interests are at stake.
The crips vs. bloods drama in the Middle East is not our national interest.
If ISIS really wanted to hurt the West, it would attack oil production and infrastructure — go after the oilfields in Saudi Arabia, which has done so much to enable extremism, from 9/11 to ISIS. Then, at least, it would violate the Carter Doctrine, giving us a reasonable casus belli.
As it stands, this is Europe's problem, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Iran's problem. We've got trouble at home.
All our airstrikes, drone attacks, killing civilians and torturing detainees that are held in perpetuity: These merely mint new terrorists, enhance America's image as a brutal imperium.
We're not even very effective imperialists. In 1884, confronted by a rebellion in Sudan, British Gen. "Chinese" Gordon led a force to Khartoum. The British lost and the Mahdi's forces killed Gordon and 10,000 soldiers and civilians. Gordon's head was presented to the Mahdi.
Queen Victoria's government took its time. Then, four years later, the British marched in and annihilated the rebel army (the Dervishes). The rebels lost 10,000 dead to 47 in the British force. A witness recorded, "It was not a battle, it was an execution." Churchill was there as a cavalryman and war corresponded, and he disapproved of the degree of the killing. But the "terrorists" were crushed. That was empire.
Excellent article Rogue. The latest US bombing raids show how badly our government is broken. Continual worthless war without tax increases which means reductions to Medicare, Social Security, infrastructure and all other federal programs to feed the war machine.
Posted by: jmav | September 11, 2014 at 04:52 PM
It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.
It just depends where you reside in the space/ time continuum.
Posted by: Ruben | September 11, 2014 at 05:21 PM
Prez: I want to help the unemployed.
Repubs: no
Prez: I want to help working families.
Repubs: no
Prez: I want to help immigrants.
Repubs: no
Prez: I want to help homeowners.
Repubs: no
Prez: I'm going to have to restart the Iraq war.
Repubs: WE'RE BEHIND YOU 100% MR. COMMANDER IN CHIEF !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Ruben | September 11, 2014 at 06:21 PM
Have we ever committed troops or air power that didn't lead to a bigger war?Lebanon and Somalia are the only ones I can think of.Looks like the only thing we got for 3 trillion dollars is an invitation to come back and do it again.Here's your sign.
Posted by: mike doughty | September 11, 2014 at 08:30 PM
In the early 80's the Reagan administration sensibly removed all US personnel from Lebanon after the US Embassy and Marine barracks were successfully car bombed. The Lebanese civil war continued between local combatants for 15 years before they found equilibrium.
The regional players in today's Middle East also need to slug it out on their own until an equilibrium is reached. It will be brutal with much human loss and tragedy. US military intervention only delays this necessary regional determination and puts American life and property at needless additional risk.
The educated Arabs use to say that the only one who could defeat Israel were the Israelis themselves. It looks like the US, the only current superpower, continues down the path of taking itself down by successive Midle East military adventures.
Posted by: Drifter | September 12, 2014 at 04:50 AM
Drifter said and I agree.
"It looks like the US, the only current superpower, continues down the path of taking itself down by successive Middle East military adventures."
Posted by: cal Lash | September 12, 2014 at 10:21 AM
Too bad that equilibrium means:
Equal parts US arms
Equal parts Russian arm
Equal parts Chinese arms
Posted by: Ruben | September 12, 2014 at 10:31 AM
Cal, you sent an email ordering us to make comments so that you wouldn't be the only one commenting. Do we still have to continue or can we stand down?
Out of words in Show Low.
Posted by: Ruben | September 12, 2014 at 12:21 PM
Smoke something will come to you. like
Posted by: cal Lash | September 12, 2014 at 01:04 PM
Another reason to not be Black in Amerika.
Rube U going to that whites only Sholow country club tonite, I heard they denied the Presidents request to shoot a few there?
Posted by: cal Lash | September 12, 2014 at 02:26 PM
why ISIS or ISIL will fail and Saddam's Baathist's will be back.
Posted by: cal Lash | September 12, 2014 at 02:32 PM
From Ted Rall:
Don't bother with the video (its not high-def and questionable as to what is claimed).
Posted by: Jerry McKenzie | September 12, 2014 at 03:19 PM
Wesley Clark interview (transcript and/or a link to YouTube) on Democracy Now back in July:
Posted by: Jerry McKenzie | September 12, 2014 at 03:20 PM
^^^Make that July 2007!
Posted by: Jerry McKenzie | September 12, 2014 at 03:25 PM
Jerry, the 2007 interview was interesting. And it does not surprise me. I have not watched television in some time, so I was interested to see if Wesley Clark had anything more recent to add.
I found an article where he blames the Saudis for ISIS (or ISIL or if you don't want to be at war with Islam, it's SIS.). I agree and I think Rogue was saying something very similar recently when he said something like, The Saudis are our friends, except when they are not.
Posted by: Suzanne | September 12, 2014 at 08:17 PM
Jon and Suzzane
Wahhabi's have no American friends unless they are part of the Wahhabi movement in America. To become a Wahhabi you can sign up at one of the 2000 Muslim temples now established in the United States.
Every since old man Bush, George SR was in the CIA the Wahhabi's have been using the males in the family. (Not Barbara, she's OK in my book. Probably would have been a better president than the other two.)
The friendly hook up.
You know kinda like the Bushes hooked up with the Chases.
Posted by: cal Lash | September 12, 2014 at 09:34 PM
cal, I had forgotten about the Saudi/Bush relationship.
I am not aware of a hook-up with Chase.
Posted by: Suzanne | September 13, 2014 at 10:30 AM
Two bios on the Bushes
and chatter about their Chase connection
think $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
I may be confusing the Walker family with the Chases but I will have to dig out the Bush bio books. In the meantime follow the money.
Including the financial connection between Bin Laden and the Bushes. And dont forget their family once supported Hiltler.
Meet the really smart Bush. will he be smart enough to not run for president.
Bush and the world trade center and the middle east connection.
Posted by: cal Lash | September 13, 2014 at 11:40 AM
Posted by: cal Lash | September 13, 2014 at 11:44 AM
Why there will once again be young americans dying in foreign places.
2016 presidential race line up.
Mitt Romney and John McCain, with Sahara Palin as secretary of state
Democrats, Hillary Clinton (US most hawkish democrat) and Bill(doesnt understand war) but hopefully Elizabeth Warren who understands most everything.
Posted by: cal Lash | September 13, 2014 at 11:49 AM
The privatized war in the Middle East is in High Gear.
Read the Daily Beast article on Private contractors gear up for the next war.
Posted by: cal Lash | September 13, 2014 at 04:41 PM
Theodore Dalrymple on “Brave New World” and “1984” in his essay “The Dystopian Imagination”:
…both Huxley and Orwell were by nature radicals: Huxley was a socialist at Oxford, flirted with fascism in the 1930s, and then became a West Coast guru; Orwell was a socialist from an early age and a lifelong enemy of the status quo. Both implicitly realized as they contemplated the future that preservation was as important as change in human life: that the past was as important as the present and the future.
Enjoy the “Phoenix 101” and such (like the “Flood”) postings.
Posted by: wkg in bham | September 15, 2014 at 02:36 AM
despite the size and decor of our caves we are still cavemen an women.
more than ever we are looting and killing the earth and its inhabitants.
Ludite Wrenched
Posted by: cal lash | September 15, 2014 at 03:46 PM
I'm going to assume this thread is about Isis the Egyptian goddess.
My question for the goddesses on this blog:
Would you please explain why thousands of women wear a jersey and support the players who are accused of domestic violence? If you "wimmins" is out there supporting the guy who beats your fellow sisters, I don't see much progress being made in stopping the abuse.
I would propose that if you cannot come together to deal with this issue, then I would suggest you go ahead and shut down the Democratic Diva blog. You've lost the battle and the war.
Posted by: Ruben | September 15, 2014 at 05:23 PM
We are now living Gilliam's "Brazil." These breathless conversations in the media about American wannabe's joining the fight for the "Caliphate" is a warm-up to seeing why our interactions are being recorded and stored, and why we have so glibly militarized Sheriff Andy and Deputy Barney.
Eco-"terrorism" was a little exotic for Joe Sixpack, but he'll understand the "problem" with those dark and swarthy American traitors.
Posted by: Petro | September 15, 2014 at 05:26 PM
Petro it took tbe feds years but they managed to put a couple of PETA ECO Terroists people in prison, thanks to NSA,DEA, FBI and a host of other gubetment agencies. So now we can dress those boys in leather that we R going to send off to die in the burning sands of the middle east.
Posted by: cal lash | September 15, 2014 at 06:58 PM
Petro, I like foggy Brasil not smoggy Brazil.
Brasil's Sam should have got himself a Max PI lobotomy.
Posted by: cal Lash | September 15, 2014 at 07:12 PM
We're not sending troops anymore - that's so 20th Century. We're just playing with our joysticks and oopsing our way through mass murder.
And we are giving them a reason to hate us.
Posted by: Petro | September 15, 2014 at 07:17 PM
Petro based on statistical breeding numbers we will all be muslims soon.
Before then I think we should have a Jon party with film showings of Brazil, 1984, Solyent Green and PI for starters and we could hire a psychic and conjure up the spirits of Timothy Leary, Hunter Thompson, Aldous Huxely and maybe good ole Ed Abbey from his grave somewhere in the great Sonoran desert, whats left of it.
Posted by: cal Lash | September 15, 2014 at 10:28 PM
U gotta love Pearce, every time that bigoted idiot opens his mouth the democrats gain ten votes. I am surprised the boys in Salt lake have not moved him to Shortcreek.
Posted by: cal Lash | September 15, 2014 at 11:20 PM
meanwhile in the stupid 80 year war on drugs in the US.
and Obama should fire the head of DEA and transfer half the agents to FDA. to check our vegetables.
Cal Lash retired Narc
Posted by: cal Lash | September 15, 2014 at 11:28 PM
The pollsters have decide its vote for Mitt or Hillary. I wouldn't vote for Mitt if the Angel Moroni appeared in my motor home with a pound of weed and I wouldn't vote for Hillary if she appeared in my motor home naked.
I would vote for Arianna Huffington and Elizabeth Warren and donate a Sahuaro for the white house lawn.
Posted by: cal Lash | September 15, 2014 at 11:43 PM
Posted by: cal Lash | September 15, 2014 at 11:53 PM
Man cal, that FB video showed a million bucks going up in flame and I'm not sure there was anything they were shooting at. Once we piss someone off enough, ISIS will have surface-to-air missiles and our airpower strategy will be down the tubes, literally.
I would never vote for Arianna after that screwin' she gave all the bloggers and writers that literally slaved for her.
Now if Sinema showed up at yer motorhome what would you do?
Posted by: Jerry McKenzie | September 16, 2014 at 11:12 AM