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August 16, 2014


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Well said sir. We are clearly still a divided nation. My governor was charged with a felony on Friday. He couldn't give two shits about a grand jury or any laws he's accused of breaking.

Regadless, I young man is dead and a community is suffering. We're suffering as a nation.

And so the "have nots" begin to stomp and rage...

Of course what is happening in Ferguson is sourced to a lack of economic and political equality. Sated and secure people do not throw brickbats at 1 am.


The half dozen bullet holes in young Mr. Brown functioned as a spark to this seething, rotting mass of human anger.

And sure:

We now begin to see the percolation of this idea of economic inequality coming to the fore. There is Mr. Talton's take here. And check out the house editorial of the NYT: http://nyti.ms/1p3RBt9

Expect more of that.

But if you really want to make things happen.
If you really want to shake things up...
If you really want to fug with America's big dumb fugging brain...

I suggest:

Hand out free semi-automatics to these Ferguson folks.
(Because: Guns good. More guns, more better.)
And then put them on busses and drive them to where the 1% live.

I am sure Congressman Steve Stockman will applaud such largeness in your gun largesse:


And I am sure Joe the pandering Plumber will applaud too. After all, he said the other day that the reason we have guns is because we have politicians.

Ha ha.
Chortle chortle.
Giggle giggle.
Elbow nudge, elbow nudge.
Snort, snort.
Scratch, scratch.
Dingleberry tug, dingleberry tug.

So I am sure Joe won't mind me saying quid pro quo:

The reason we have guns is because we have billionaires.

Arm them and transport them...
And let's have some fun.

When each and everyone of us have a gun we will all be safe?
Is this really the NRA platform?



Ferguson:Regardless of your opinions the following is an interesting read passed on to me by a retired Major City Police Chief.

VEry good column.
I will add this graphic to the conversation: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/rethinking-rockwell-time-ferguson-180952485/?no-ist

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