Conversation starters:
Keystone XL's John Kerry connections.
The Census data that should terrify Republicans (at least for presidential elections).
What Darrell Issa really wants out of the Benghazi hearings.
The Renzi political corruption trial starts.
This one is fascinating and a must read:
Why has Iceland returned to the politicians who caused their crisis?
Posted by: Tommy 2-Hornes (Guilty as charged!) | May 09, 2013 at 06:26 PM
Do we have any volunteers to update Tommy Horne's wikipedia page? I notice the criminal's latest transgression haven't yet appeared.
Posted by: Tommy (hit and run) Horne's mistress | May 10, 2013 at 07:05 AM
So let me see if I got this right concerning AZ's Attorney General Tommy Horne:
•When he had his own investment company (bankrupted) on Wall Street he "received a lifetime trading ban from the Securities and Exchange Commission".
•"While AZ State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Horne was cited for criminal speeding in Scottsdale, Arizona. During a subsequent year-and-a-half period, Horne was cited for speeding six additional times, including once in a school zone.
(I just love that last one! It is just so Arizona.)
• While AZ State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tommy pushed thru the AIMS exam, now an epic failure and a classic waste of taxpayer money.
• As AZ Attorney General: "In October, 2012, after an FBI investigation, Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery concluded that Horne deliberately broke campaign finance laws during his 2010 election campaign by coordinating with an independent expenditure committee."
• And now... AZ Attorney General (aka "Fat Tommy") pleads "no contest" to hit and run, while in disguise with a mistress, (who he hired for a senior position on the taxpayer's dime despite her being unqualified).
One can only wonder what's next for this fat scofflaw immigrant from Canada? Surely we can all agree: he'd make a great AZ Governor. Tommy-2-Hornes has got the "right" stuff....
Posted by: See "Fat Tommy" run... | May 10, 2013 at 09:15 AM
Another sure sign of the apocalypse or continuing US imperialism:
Guided by values that have animated the career of Senator John McCain, the Institute is committed to:
-Sustaining America’s global leadership
-Upholding freedom, democracy, and human rights as universal human values
-Supporting humanitarian goals
-Maintaining a strong, smart national defense
-Serving causes greater than self-interest
Posted by: eclecticdog | May 13, 2013 at 09:34 AM
Posted by: eclecticdog | May 13, 2013 at 11:09 AM