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September 10, 2012


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There were not enough voting Hispanics in Pearce's district to make an election difference. Pearce lost because LDS elders needed to stay on track with their overall plans and Pearce was bringing to much unwanted attention.

I am glad to hear the French and others are hard on aliens wanting to come to their countries. As I recall the US got it's start as living abroad was hell.

Here's a little something from a stringer that lives down near Nogales.


Debunking of his "facts" con't...

"...Russell Pearce was the sponsor of SB 1070. Most of the text for SB 1070 was written by Kris Kobach, a law professor and important figurehead with the Federation of American Immigration Reform..."-Email to Rogue

"Important figurehead" of a known and widely viewed and labeled "Hate Group".. along with his very historically bigoted "other" hate groups Numbers USA, Center for Immigration Studies, and You don't speak for me..

This is directly out of Wiki about Kobach/Tantons known hate group..

"...FAIR, CIS and NumbersUSA are all part of a network of restrictionist organizations conceived and created by John Tanton, the “puppeteer” of the nativist movement and a man with deep racist roots...."

"... Russell Pearce was not voted out of office by the Mormons. He was voted out of office by the Hispanics who know he sponsored SB 1070...."-Email to Rogue

Lol.. Hispanics in ALL of Mesa are only a fraction of the Cities Population-26%.

This in fact, it is a highly conservative MORMON City, with the Temple having long standing roots and a large following..
Though the population is only 24%, they tend to vote more regularly, and thus it was this population along with Moderate GOP'ers, Independents, and Dems--and "Minorities" who voted the states largest bigoted figurehead out.. NOT just "Hispanics" by themselves...like your misinformed friend has it...

"...SB 1070 was written after James Krentz, a rancher in southern Arizona was killed on his own ranch by illegals..." Email to Rogue

Though you have "debunked" this quite well..Rogue

I will add; that due to this bigoted Hate Movement led by SB1070, that there was several hate crimes "downplayed" by local and National Journo's..and were attributed to the passage, along with preceding movement to pass this law..

The death of Juan Varela..

and 9yr old Brisinia Flores, who was killed by these same "Hate Groups" the author of your email seems to ignore..?

Both of these persons were US Citizens who just happen to be "Hispanic" and huge targets in the New Arizona... Thanks to those like the "author of this emails" ignorance..

Of course it was not just SB1070, it was the relentless attacks on Minorities ..
..like the
*Passage of the Voter ID Law

*Attacks on the Voting Rights Act

*Attacks on the Independent Redistricting Commission

*Attacks on Mexican Americans by passing HB2281. Singling out, and attacking this minority with full force, by targeting "Mexican American Studies"..

*Lawmakers allowed and encouraged to read "racist" letters on the State Capitol grounds during session..

*Of course "looking the other way" like your "email" friend, when Civil Rights of minorities were violated.....By Rogue Cops. who have been at the guise and direction of extremest GOP bigots...

Keep the minorities "down" is Arizona GOP motto..


"...Mexico has a 2 year prison term for illegal aliens for a first offense..."

What he refuses to say is, Mexico allows ANYONE who wishes to become a citizen to become one.. In fact, in some cases, you can have "Dual Citizenship" in Mexico.. conveniently left out of his "facts"..

I suspect I could "debunk" nearly ALL of this authors email, though it would in all likelihood not make a difference as he or she would not want to hear it, or for that matter even if they did, would still refuse to change their minds..

I won't bother wasting my time..


Doesn't sound like much of a "friend".

To the Kooks, antedotal evidence or myths are much more believeable than facts or root causes. Thinking is hard for them.

Reading this blog the word missionary kept jumping out at me. A second reading did not make the thought go away. Missionaries are the angels of death. Which begs the question will there be another Custer (Custer Died for Your Sins) to pay the price of decimating brown people looking for a better life.
When asked by an anthropologist what the Indians called America before the white man came, an Indian said simply, "Ours." –Vine Deloria, Jr.

Look up Argentina's immigration laws. Anyone who shows up and registers can immigrate and if your "friend" lived there, he should know this.

American citizens graduated from the California prison system make up the largest grouping of dangerous criminals that migrate into Arizona. Mexican nationals without papers are usually involved with minor theft or disorderly charges and have historically been deported without fanfare well before the white right drafted SB1070.

SB1070 is a political platform to gain white political support. Jan Brewer AKA Bruja Blanca is the George Wallace of the 21st century. You could replace your friend's reference to "Mexicans without papers" with "Blacks fleeing the Jim Crow laws" and the theme would remain the same.

Kook Land, home of the original American non-thinker.

I'm profoundly suspicious of this email. It sounds like a White nativist (e.g., spouting propaganda while hiding behind claims of a Hispanic background and/or life in Hispanic countries in order to make the propaganda more palatable.) I've seen the same pattern so many times. Even the excessive use of exclaimation points fits.

These claims are wrong in so many particulars it's difficult to know where to start. I'll try to hit a few of them later, time permitting.

Myth: "Mexico has a 2 year prison term for illegal aliens for a first offense. Second offense is 10 year mandatory prison term."

Fact: Currently, undocumented immigration in Mexico is considered a minor offense punishable with fines.


The same 2011 news story notes that the Mexican Senate recently passed (by unanimous vote) a "newly modified Immigration Law to protect and guarantee the human rights of migrants in the country this past Friday. The approved legislation allows migrants in Mexico to access health and legal services and grants them the opportunity to regularize their immigration status. It is specifically aimed at decriminalizing immigration and removing penalties to prevent the rampant kidnapping and murder of migrants travelling through Mexico. . . The hope is that the new bill will decrease the vulnerability of migrants and prevent corrupt police and criminals from exploiting them."

The legislation is expected to pass Mexico's other congressional house, the Chamber of Deputies.

Some other things to consider: the right wing fears Hispanics because they are a rapidly growing demographic and are not attracted to right wing ideas. The politics of fear which was rolled out post 911 has exploited the fear of dangerous outsiders. The real travesty is the fascist "show me your papers" mentality that serves to keep said Hispanic population from asserting itself. And lastly the ridiculous belief by the ostriches among us that if you behave you won't be harassed by law enforcement. Media has been complicit in fostering these myths, such as failing to separate the illegal immigration problem from the violent drug activities. SB1070 serves the needs of the plutocracy quite well.

Myth: "It is far more dangerous to live here than it was 10, 20, 30, or 40 years ago."

Fact: Both in the United States as a whole and in Arizona, crime rates for both violent and property crimes have been dropping for decades.

In Arizona, during 1994-2005 when illegal immigration was at its highest levels, the rate for violent crimes in Arizona declined 27 percent, and declined 33 percent for property crimes, according to the Uniform Crime Report stats provided by Arizona's own law enforcement agencies (scroll down to the bottom half of the page):


Decreases in specific types of crimes can result from such things as changes in police techniques and advances in technology (e.g., car theft).

However, decades long overall national decreases in crime rates mirrored at the state level in most cases, can only be attributed to general social changes: the most obvious is a demographic change. In the 1960s and 1970s when the Baby Boomers were reaching the middle-teen and young adult years, crime rates rose substantially.

The decrease in crime rates is likely to be the result of the reverse process: as the Baby Boomer cohort ages, the average age of the population increases. Statistically, crime rates decrease with age.

Myth: "Phoenix is the kidnapping capital of the United States."

Nativists have changed the claim (which used to be that Phoenix had more kidnappings than any other world city except Mexico City) since it was debunked:


Fact: The FBI does not track local kidnapping rates in U.S. cities, only kidnappings that cross state lines.
There doesn't seem to be any source keeping such statistics, so there is no way to systematically compare Phoenix to other U.S. cities.

In any case, unless you're involved in the drug trade or are an illegal immigrant being smuggled into the United States, you're highly unlikely to experience kidnapping, in Phoenix or in other U.S. cities.


Sounds harsh, but it seems that there will be two great changes in the years ahead. The first is the huge wealth transfer from seniors to their children. The second is the likely reduction of societal hate and prejudice as these Golden Agers depart. Nobody's likely to change their attitudes because they're so deeply imbedded. But we all know this, right? (Opinion: Jon gave too much attention to this member of the Flat Earth Society)

"(Opinion: Jon gave too much attention to this member of the Flat Earth Society)\"

Even the toughest hombre can feel a loss when a friend jams you as did the E-mailer. And the problem here is that I think the e-mailers type are in the majority. You can toss facts and logic at them all day, makes no dif. It’s like watching a vampire horror show. Most the facts tossed out here in rebuttal have been available for a long time to almost anyone that can read.

I would like to believe that when my generation dies off, the earth will be a kinder gentle place. But I doubt it. There is a new crop out there. And they are as bigoted as you can get and believe their god is on their side.

I did this for a three reasons.

First, because this person represents certainly the loudest and dominant opinion driving state policy -- and perhaps one held by the majority of Anglos. This is not a stupid person. I know others who hold these views.

Second, we rarely get extreme opposition posted in the comments. I don't know why they're afraid. But they don't post. So I wanted to throw this out.

Third, and most important, thanks to our commenters (and I hope me) this entire email has been deconstructed and corrected with actual facts. This never happens in the media now. It's he-said/she-said, "post factual." So thanks to all of you, we have a definitive explanation of the real motivations behind SB1070 and factual answers to the propaganda of the measures' supporters, in one place.

Forgive my naivete, but don't real friends disagree without all the vitriol? This dude's post seemed to exude dyspepsia. Jon's definitely a better person than me; I wouldn't have wasted my time trying to impose logic atop delusion.

(Opinion: Jon gave too much attention to this member of the Flat Earth Society)

But fact:

It sure brought out the critical thinking best in his commentariat.

Unfortunately, one of the most prescient "truths" written here was the last sentence. "Nothing I write can persuade them otherwise."

RC, your friend is willfully stupid. I'm not so old that I can't learn or have the truth revealed.

For example, a piece from a not-stupid-Kook:


thx electicdog
excellenr article

"dog": Could be that (in your flexibility) you are unique among those in your demographic? But I remember my 80 year old Mom who finally came to accept gays after getting acquainted with some of my business friends at a series of Christmas parties.

Just had a long phone conversation with a couple who I've known for 40 years. They're pretty evangelical conservatives but we tend to focus on our common ground like kids and divorces and grandkids and good wine and how best to cook salmon on the barbie. Our arguments about stuff like "I've got mine" are usually pretty good natured . . and we work to keep them that way. We've a similar give and take with our 40-ish next door neighbors who have great fundamental values mixed among their Midwestern myopia. The bottom line, I guess, is that we try and respect each others' differences.

"Interestingly, SB 1070 has not resulted in the criminal prosecution of any major employers. Do that, and you would have stopped the problem cold."

Unfortunately too many liberals have aligned themselves with greedy business owners and are convinced that employer sanctions are the worst thing evah.

Meanwhile, Arizona's reputation for bigotry and know-nothingness leaves it ill-positioned to benefit from the rise of Mexico's middle class:


The Mexican Consulate in Seattle is in the same block as my condo downtown. Every day it's packed with people getting consular IDs. What I have never seen is an angry Anglo protesting out front.

Per Lindsay Graham: 92% of today's Republicans are white.
2% of their convention

delegates were Black. How can this party NOT be in the throes of disappearing up its own tailpipe?
(cal indicates that when this generation of xenophobic seniors passes, there will be more to take their place. I wonder!)

If it were simple demographics, I might agree with Morecleanair. But the oligarchs takeover is so complete that it doesn't matter if the old white GORers die off. Can/will younger people retake power? And how many baby boomers are brainwashed by Fox, talk radio and ignorance? A lot.

Study your history and u will find that every dictator used the same tactics of the "Big Lie"I am sure that many Germans were deconstructing Hitler's lies while he marched inexorably toward power.Instead of supporting their Democracy,they tried to out-politic him and lost.I haven't studied Italy,but I'm guessing the same thing happened there.

Ten of the smartest people are in a room. Nine males and one female. All the males are thinking is how to get into the females panties.

Human nature.

Ten of the smartest people are in a room. Nine are white. One is a minority. The whites are suspicious because the minority is different. The minority is suspicious because he is outnumbered.

Human nature.

Ten of the smartest people are in a room. All are male. The alpha male will soon appear, regardless of the efforts of all the others.

Human nature.

Most of you on this blog discount human nature in all that you think and say. Doom on you.

You're living in a dream world and the real world is out there waiting to gobble you up.

Republicans tap into the energy/anger/ruthlessness of the real world.

Deomcrats hide behind their mommies playing with their dolls.

Step out into the real world and confront the bullies.

That TomDispatch article was moving, e-dog. Thanks for putting up the link.

Step out into the real world and confront the bullies.
Well, AZRebel - amongst and amidst all of the maudlin "Never Forget" eagle 'n' flag 9/11 memorial posts on Facebook today, I declared a "National Scab-Picking Day." Does that qualify? :)


It's a start.

AZREBel, I have obtained you a years subscription to ADBUSTER magazine.
It will instruct you on how to revolt and watch for paid informants looking to take you down.

Regarding my concern about to many people. A video scientifically alleging over population is a myth.


My friend wrote the following. I have urged this person to post a comment but I don't know if it will happen. So out of fairness, I will post this person's response to the blog and comments so far:

"Applying for US citizenship is actually quite easy. All anyone has to do is go online under US citizenship and apply. Our laws are not meant to punish children who were brought here by their parents. The applicant must be at least 18 years of age, have lived in this country for 5 years, have proof of school records for 3 to 5 years or military records of at least one year. The person must also be able to speak English, and have been in this country prior to the age of 16. This applies to young people between the ages of 18 and 30. They must also have a clean record. The laws vary somewhat for older people living in this country already. It really is not that hard to become a US citizen. Nor is it difficult to apply for immigration status for any one desiring to immigrate legally. Our forefathers were immigrants.

"Your readers have assumed that I am 100% white, and hate minority groups. Nothing could be further from the truth. My children are 1/2 Hispanic. My brother and Father are marrried to Hispanic women and my stepson ‘s wife is from Haiti. They also assume that I am against immigration, which I am not. I am against Illegal immigration because it fosters suffering and exploitation. As a health care worker, I have seen first hand, what entering this country illegally can mean to those who are left behind in the desert and suffer from heat exhaustion, malnutrition, and or death. No one wants that.

"Although the drug trafficking and kidnapping may have slowed down, it has by no means completely resolved. Thousands of people from all around the world immigrate to the US every year, legally. Many have been on waiting lists, have scrimped and saved to come here legally. I have worked with people who have immigrated to the US from Haiti, Kenya, Ghana, Vietnam, Cambodia, Nigeria, Iraq, Iran and Turkey to name a few. Immigration and Naturalization laws offer protection and prevent exploitation, as well as, a guarantee of standard wages to everyone.

"SB 1070 offers more severe punishment to those who hire and transport illegals. No one entering this country should have to live in a substandard environment, or exist on substandard wages. Entering any country illegally is never a good idea. And American citizens deserve the right to open it’s arms to prospective citizens with clean records without a criminal history.

"The point I was trying to make is that all countries have laws regarding legal entry and consequences for illegal entry. The rules for application of citizenship may vary greatly from one country to the next, but they still must be obeyed. Application for immigration status is so easy in the US. So simple, you can do it in the privacy of your own home, online and upload whatever paperwork is necessary. Is it then, no wonder, that American’s are suspicious of those entering this country illegally, when it is so easy to enter legally?"

Interesting naivety, particularly from someone involved in social services. Personally I thought the writer was Hispanic when I first read the initial blog. Turns out that’s the case. I know a lot of Hispanics that supported SB 1070. Most are over 60 and have done well in America. But when you talk to them you find a large number of these have parents or grandparents that “snuck” into the US.
I think the writer is confusing illegal entry into the US with bigotry. Most folks don’t support illegal entry but there are a lot of us that don’t support racists and racist legislation.

With regard to prosecution of people that hire illegal’s, that’s a joke, right.

With regard to a reduction in the drug problems. That’s just not true. The numbers are googable there are more drugs coming into the US now than ever before and are cheaper. I would suggest your e-mail pal try, http://fronteralist.org/

Interesting is, that an initial reading of the first entry suggests the reader is a conservative supporter of folks like Russell Pearce. But the last response sounds like an idealistic liberal social worker that is supportive of Russell Pearce?

Here is a comment from a friend,that is on top of whats happening in the illegal drug world.

"the arithmetic increase of agents on the border has led to exponential corruption because of the money. for example, you can't go from 4000 BP to 20000 BP in ten years, have cheaper drugs more available and of the drugs have higher quality and not have serious corruption."

"Blowing Holes" in his reply con't...

"..Applying for US citizenship is actually quite easy..." email to Rogue

So easy---in fact, that there is absolutely NO reason whatsoever for Comprehensive Immigration reform (CIR)..

There is NO immigration issues with the "population" cast out to the permanent "underground class" by the bigoted GOP majority..

No need for that pesky "Dream Act" that covers the requirements that this anonymous email author has posted..

Sorry about the "sarcasm" ..

but.... Really..?

Has this person been buried in a cave, and refused to acknowledge the reality of what is the Immigrant Community is, and has been going through all these years..?

Not to mention those who "look like immigrants" in Az..

Yep the official targets of the GOP bigots the "Hispanics or Mexican American population", as mentioned in my first response... though Native Americans, African Americans, and Asian Americans all fall into the "target" zone.. Courtesy of those who run Az now..

"...All anyone has to do is go online under US citizenship and apply...."

Gee it was that simple all along.. Why in the world have the immigrant community not gotten wind of this..?

I will be sure to "spread" the word and let all 12 million know.. easy as pie, go online and you are done.

Sorry once again for the sarcasm...

I believe he really believes his own bunk... Just not sure how to address this person anymore..?

"...Our laws are not meant to punish children who were brought here by their parents. The applicant must be at least 18 years of age, have lived in this country for 5 years, have proof of school records for 3 to 5 years or military records of at least one year. The person must also be able to speak English, and have been in this country prior to the age of 16. This applies to young people between the ages of 18 and 30. They must also have a clean record...." email to Rogue

Surely you jest... "anonymous email author"..?

You post the requirements of the "Dream Act" which indeed is just that,... a Dream.

If you recall in Dec 2010, The Dems had the majority vote in both the House and Senate to pass this "Dream Act Bill", yet they did not have enough to keep the GOP from filibustering it. As most ALL of the GOP members voted against it.(save for a small few who sided with the Dems)

Today thanks to President Obama, these "same" requirements give legal status to those who fall into the same requirements you have put forth... Far from being "legal", it only provides this group of immigrants a reprieve from deportation..NOT citizenship as you so clearly believe..

"...It really is not that hard to become a US citizen. Nor is it difficult to apply for immigration status for any one desiring to immigrate legally..."

Like I said... If it were that easy, it would NOT be an issue..

Are you for real...?

"..."SB 1070 offers more severe punishment to those who hire and transport illegals..."

It offers NONE repeat NONE to those who transport.. I am beginning to believe you have NOT read SB1070 at all..?

If you are referring to Senate Bill 1372, This Bill is infamously known as the Human Smuggling Law, pushed by then Bigoted Representative Russel Pearce (pre-Senate), and signed by Gov Napolitano, in 2005.

This law is the same law used and abused by Thomas and Arpaio to abuse Civil Rights of "Hispanics" who have more than one person in their vehicle.

They also, went on to (successfully I might add, in the New Bigoted Arizona), arrest and prosecute immigrants guilty of "smuggling themselves".... Imagine that..? Only in Arizona..

There is one "Truth" to your reply..

"... No one entering this country should have to live in a substandard environment, or exist on substandard wages. .."

Agreed... which is why person such as yourself should open your eyes and mind, to the "Truth" once in while--and maybe Arizona would not considered a backward "Bull Conner" State..

I will not bother wasting my time anymore on "blowing holes" in your "friends" baseless "hearsay and FOX News conjecture" commentary...Rogue.

Thanks for posting his reply..

The system needs to be addressed and fixed.. and it starts with "educating and enlightening" those like you..


Jon: Wish we could hear from an immigration attorney on this.

Good post (as usual) TRUTH.
Hope Ur OK, sounds like your gaskets were bout ready to pop.

Jon, U need friends like this, U already got enough enemies?

Thank you Cal, and I have asked a couple of Attorneys to "chime into" this thread when they can..

Sorry about the "gaskets" couldn't help myself....lol


"I'm part Hispanic and/or have Hispanic relatives/in-laws" is another typical ploy of the White nativist. It's usually one of the first things they claim when writing blog comments or letters to the editor. This ploy attempts to "disarm" opponents (who would otherwise be more likely to dismiss anti-immigrant propaganda out of hand).

That isn't to say that the writer is anything other than what he represents himself as being. However, anyone can claim to be anything, in email, and it's just one more typifying indicator.

I'll try to get to some of his latest false claims if I have online time this session (else later).

With regard to Hispanic support for SB 1070, as reported in July 2010 "a poll conducted by ASU researchers indicates that 81 percent of registered Latino voters oppose SB 1070 either strongly or somewhat..."



"A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll found that almost 70 percent of Americans, and 90 percent of Hispanics, supported Obama's plan to allow unauthorized foreigners brought as children to the US to register for protection from deportation."


But here's an ominous development:

"The Hispanic vote may be smaller in 2012 than in 2008 despite the increased number of Hispanic residents. Almost 12 million Hispanics were registered to vote in 2008, half of the 20 million who were could have registered. By contrast, two-thirds of eligible whites and Blacks were registered in 2008.

"The number of Hispanics registered to vote has dropped to 10 million in 2012, even though 22 million Hispanics are eligible to register. There are several reasons for the drop in registrations, including the fact that some Hispanics moved and failed to re-register. About 10 million of the Hispanics eligible to vote live in California and Texas, states expected to vote for Obama and Romney, respectively."

Myth: "It really is not that hard to become a US citizen... Nor is it difficult to apply for immigration status for any one desiring to immigrate legally. Our forefathers were immigrants."

Fact: "In general, to be eligible to apply for an immigrant visa, a foreign citizen must be sponsored by a U.S. citizen relative(s), U.S. lawful permanent resident, or by a prospective employer, and be the beneficiary of an approved petition filed with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)."


There are virtually no employer sponsors for would-be Mexican immigrants except in rare cases of high-skill specialist workers.

In other words, there is currently no way for Mexicans who simply wish to apply for U.S. citizenship, or even just live and work here as permanent residents, to do so, without being sponsored by family members already here. It isn't like the old days when industrious individuals or families "yearning to breath free" could simply apply for admission without sponsorship.

Also unlike the days of "our forefathers", there is a LONG wait just for immigration visas (never mind the additional five year period before permanent residents can apply for citizenship status, or the additional wait period before their application is considered and acted upon). Here are the basic categories and backlog times for Mexicans applying for an immigration visa:

(F1) Unmarried Sons and Daughters of U.S. Citizens: April 8, 1993 (18 year wait)

(F2A) Spouses and Children of Permanent Residents: February 8, 2009 (almost 3 year wait)

(F2B) Unmarried Sons and Daughters (21 years of age or older) of Permanent Residents: Nov. 22, 1992 (19 year wait)

(F3) Married Sons and Daughters of U.S. Citizens: Dec. 15, 1992 (19 year wait)

(F4) Brothers and Sisters of Adult U.S. Citizens: May 1, 1996 (15 year wait)


So, except for children and spouses of those already granted permanent resident status, the wait is 15-20 years.

The main reason that there are such long backlogs for Mexican immigrant applications is that the quotas are set absurdly low.

There is an annual quota for worldwide immigration (family sponsored) of 226,000. Immigration from a single country is limited to seven percent of this cap. That's about 16,000.

The exception to the worldwide quota and the seven-percent rule are F2A applicants(spouses and children of permanent residents), which is why the wait time for that group seeking immigration visas is "only" three years.

P.S. I cut-and-paste the wait times from something I wrote earlier this year. So (for example) applications in the F1 category from April, 1993 being considered now would entail a 19 year wait, not an 18 year wait as I wrote above.

Note that according to the U.S. State Department, only 22,000 family-sponsored immigration visas were issued to Mexican immigrants in 2010. Nearly all (18,000) were in the F2A "exempt" category (spouses and children of permanent residents). See page 5:


Over lines in the sand
the blood spatter never ends.

from planet earth

I wrote earlier:

"The number of Hispanics registered to vote has dropped to 10 million in 2012, even though 22 million Hispanics are eligible to register. There are several reasons for the drop in registrations, including the fact that some Hispanics moved and failed to re-register. About 10 million of the Hispanics eligible to vote live in California and Texas, states expected to vote for Obama and Romney, respectively."

Now, consider this: the President is elected by Electoral College vote, not popular vote, and Electors generally (though not always) cast votes according to which candidate is expected to carry a majority of the votes cast by state residents. If Texas is expected to vote for Romney, then the large numbers of eligible Hispanics clustered in Texas are essentially wasted votes that don't matter.

Charles Bowden's article in the New Times (sorry I've forgotten his co-author's name) was enlightening on this. Mexicans, especially journalists, fleeing the violence, pin it on the Mexican Government, not the cartels. Naturally, their chances of getting refugee status in the US are nil to low. Obama can waste three Muslims meeting, for whatever we deem it -- tea or terrorism -- with a drone, but he can't stop the heroin trade in Afghanistan!? I'm starting to think cal may be onto something.

Nice posts Emil and Truth.

"And American citizens deserve the right to open it’s arms to prospective citizens with clean records without a criminal history." Why, when we've criminalized so many US citizens and tarred and feathered so many others because they are different?

Moloy Molloy

Good research, Emil! Thank you.

Hard to know where and how folks get their "information" about how easy it is to clear the immigration regulations. My daughter is a longtime inner city high school teacher with first hand knowledge of the almost-insurmountable difficulties faced by her students and their families.

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