One must wonder what Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer's main constituency thinks about her junket to SOCIALIST Europe, to Germany and to France, whose new president is nominally a SOCIALIST. One must wonder what the Germans and French think of Brewer, the head of an American state that continues to up the bar not just on craziness (See Bennett, Ken) but violent craziness. Gun deaths in Arizona now exceed automobile fatalities. The extremism was loud enough to call for a New York Times essay from Timothy Egan: "We interrupt reality to bring you Arizona..."
According to the newspapers, Brewer's trade mission "includes leaders of the Arizona Commerce Authority and Arizona Office of Tourism." Just who these mammals are — as in, name names — is unclear. (The Republic's Yvonne Wingett Sanchez got at least a partial list of the entourage, but the governor's office declined to give the budget). The purpose of the trip is also murky. Stories mention that the EU imported $770 million in Arizona products in 2011. Germany is the state's sixth-largest trade partner, France No. 10. These are meaningless numbers because Arizona exports are distorted by the huge footprint of Intel semiconductors and, to a lesser degree, Boeing and Raytheon defense products. Arizona is not a conscious player in the export world.
As for tourism — forget it. Germans who want American sun go to Miami. Unless the state could lure or underwrite direct flights to Germany and France, it will never be a big player in this field.
The opportunity is for foreign direct investment. In the 2000s, this accounted for about 65,000 jobs in the state, so there's plenty of room to grow. South Carolina, which pursued an aggressive push in this area in the 1990s, boasted about 134,000 jobs and a BMW assembly plant.
There are a few problems. First, the eurozone is in an existential crisis, so this might not be the best time to be seeking business ties. And other states are way ahead of you. Second, South Carolina adopted a very focused strategy, targeting a specific company with lavish incentives that in-state employers didn't receive, and at a time when foreign automakers were establishing transplant factories. South Carolina used the same toolbox to win a 787 assembly line from Boeing. For all this, much of the state remains economically devastated by China and its sucking away the textile and apparel industries.
I don't get the sense Arizona even understands the Southern economic-development strategy. Instead, Brewer is "pitching its business-friendly atmosphere, and fiscal-turnaround — a reference to the state's currently balanced budget." Huh? Every state is required to have a balanced budget. And the "business-friendly atmosphere" may make a nice right-wing talking point, but genuine competitiveness doesn't come from low taxes and "light" regulations. Otherwise, Somalia (and Mississippi) would be Hong Kong. It requires public investment in universities, public schools, logistics and transportation, and helping seed leading-edge industries. None of that came out of the latest, ideologically driven, Legislature session.
I wonder, too, if Brewer gets the irony of "touting" the state to the solar-power moguls of Germany. The solar industry was founded in Phoenix in the 1950s, and we let it get away precisely because of a lack of public investment, leadership and focus. Sunshine and Randian rhetoric are not an economic-development strategy.
It is perhaps salutary to get out a bit. Germany and France enjoy universal health care, high-speed trains, cutting-edge research, top universities and — hello — vibrant capitalist economies, whether the party in power is conservative or social democratic. Such strengths will allow the two to weather the crisis, whatever the damage to the rest of Europe. Maybe. Still, I expect Brewer to return home from this holiday full of condemnation and confusion over SOCIALISM. Speaking of getting out, what about a "trade mission" to Mexico, Arizona's largest trade partner. Awkward.
I still wonder about this "public-private" Arizona Commerce Authority that replaced the state Commerce Department. Who is behind this, besides Kookocracy politics, and who will use public money for private profits at the expense of the common good (as in the charter schools racket)? Does this entity face the auditory microscope of an independent inspector general? It smells like the next alt-fuels scandal, but maybe I am too skeptical. Heaven knows, Arizona hasn't given me reason to be.
Re: Arizona Commerce Authority, I'd say yes,it will hopefully be revealed someday as the boondoggle for AZ biz fat-cats that it is, but surely not by the current AZ Attorney General.
Posted by: Steve | May 29, 2012 at 02:37 PM
Is it just possible that some worldliness will penetrate the Gov's permafrost? Near as I can tell, the Kooks don't get out in the world much unless it is to attend political events and ALEC conferences with birds of their feather.
Posted by: morecleanair | May 29, 2012 at 04:58 PM
I understand she went to the Berlin Wall and signed her name with the word "Freedom." Yet she wants to build a wall along our border, not tear one down.
Posted by: WJ Andres | May 29, 2012 at 05:12 PM
Great column, Jon.
Posted by: cal Lash | May 29, 2012 at 05:25 PM
Its about her run for US senator
Posted by: cal Lash | May 29, 2012 at 06:45 PM
Side note: replies to AZRebel and koreyel in the previous thread. I'm behind on time so will look at the current one tomorrow.
Posted by: Emil Pulsifer | May 29, 2012 at 08:51 PM
There are many MD helicopters in Europe, so many parts sales from here to there.
Posted by: eclecticdog | May 29, 2012 at 11:38 PM
Maybe she'll bring a Kookoo clock factory back with her.
Posted by: eclecticdog | May 29, 2012 at 11:49 PM
C'mon. "Brewer" It's not a great leap.
Nor is, Arizona...mein kampf.
Posted by: Skittles Carnage | May 30, 2012 at 04:16 AM
Disagree on the German tourism. Now, take this from a first-generation German-American - Germans love Arizona, western kitsch, the Grand Canyon and Cruise America campers. They don't get that in Miami. At one point, there were Lufthansa flights to Sky Harbor from Frankfurt. Germans tend to arrive at other hubs, though, and drive their way into Arizona.
This does not mean Brewer's kook status is revoked, or that her trip is anything more than a junket!
Posted by: Wandering Justin | May 30, 2012 at 07:56 AM
Wandering Justin is absolutely correct about German tourism in Arizona. They LOVE the state & its heat; perhaps, even the state's kooks.
Posted by: terese dudas | May 30, 2012 at 09:05 AM
It is true that Germans have a love of the American West, going back to the novels of Karl May. But you have to get the direct flights. As for them loving Kookocracy, no. The Germans have direct experience of where extremism leads.
Posted by: Rogue Columnist | May 30, 2012 at 09:22 AM
Jon I spoke with you briefly at the Biltmore book signing to let you know that I appreciated and look forward to your posts. You find the words and sense of comprehension for what is going on with the wing nuts that are controlling this state. Great column. Please keep them coming.
Posted by: James Hannon | May 30, 2012 at 05:17 PM
This is just a nice way for a bunch of republicans to get a free vacation to europe. Have a good time and declare the trip a success and you have a free vacation. Very simple really!
Posted by: m | May 30, 2012 at 06:16 PM
Ein Bier bitte.
Posted by: Something Cleverless | May 30, 2012 at 06:45 PM
You can count on no real transparency. Last year Brewer claimed the China mission cost the tax payers 24k. In realty ACA spent more than 40k alone on an outside contractor to plan and set up the trip. The Commerce Authority is now just an easy place to hide cost.
Posted by: azcitizen01 | May 31, 2012 at 09:58 AM
Brewer does not appear to generate much interest.
Posted by: cal Lash | May 31, 2012 at 10:32 AM
"The Commerce Authority is now just an easy place to hide cost."
Correction: ARIZONA is an easy place to hide cost. This is THE fundamental truth of Arizona. The costs can only be briefly hidden. The cloak unravels.
Posted by: Shruken Cipher | May 31, 2012 at 11:16 AM
Since the mid 1800's the white supremacists have been siphoning the gold out of Arizona.
And that gold will be a huge factor in the race for president.
Posted by: cal Lash | May 31, 2012 at 12:27 PM
Great column. Mr. Talton wrote in part:
"Speaking of getting out, what about a "trade mission" to Mexico, Arizona's largest trade partner. Awkward."
Though it makes far more sense from the standpoint of economic trade, a trip to Mexico is not the same as a trip to Europe, is it? Brewer got to see the Eiffel Tower and the Brandenburg Gate at taxpayer expense, instead of inhaling the smog of Mexico City and enjoying tacos from a street vendor.
No doubt the little provincial governor was dazzled by the sights and the savoir-faire; and of course the Europeans are old hands at foreign diplomacy: they know how to charm while promising nothing of substance. With a multi-course meal at a three-star (Michelin) restaurant, and plenty of (good) wine at every stage, "success" is a state of mind.
Posted by: Emil Pulsifer | May 31, 2012 at 12:57 PM
My top 4 reasons:
1) She wants to chew Angela Merkel out on the tarmac and build her kook creds for another book deal.
2) She wants a German firearms maker to open a factory in AZ, arguing that we have plenty of cheap, non-unionized, Nazi-tattooed labor.
3) She is advocating for major German companies to locate their call centers in Phoenix. (Although, since every German she meets speaks better English than she does, I suspect she won't have much luck).
4) Germany is just an excuse. On the way back she is going to drop in on the Bahamas for a face lift.
Posted by: koreyel | May 31, 2012 at 03:27 PM
Allow me to echo James Hannon's praise.
Rogue Columnist has certainly changed the way I view the news. A few years ago I wouldn't have paid much attention to a brief Business section blurb about Warren Buffett's recent address to shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway, though the latter is arguably the nation's most prestigious stock. Here's what Buffett had to say about railroads (Berkshire owns BNSF Railway), a subject near and dear to Mr. Talton's heart:
"Economics are on our side, because we can move a ton of products 500 miles on a gallon of diesel.… In terms of congestion and emissions, railroads are all advantage. Some $3.9 billion will be spent this year to expand and improve railroad infrastructure, and the country will be better off."
This, from a fellow who says "Thanks, but no thanks" to Apple and Google:
"We steer clear of companies where we don't have a reasonable idea about how the industry will develop within five to 10 years. Consider Apple and Google: Both are extraordinary companies. They may well be worth a lot more 10 years from now, but we would not want to own them -- or bet against them."
This seems to say a lot about the future of rail. Calling it an "all-in wager on the economic future of the United States", Berkshire bought the entire stock of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corporation, the parent company of BNSF Railway, the largest acquisition in Berkshire Hathaway history.
Berkshire Hathaway has been around for 44 years. Buffett has a long-term investment philosophy based on fundamentals that does not always please the speculators. That said, it seems to have served the company well: Berkshire stock returned 76 percent from 2000 through 2009 versus the S&P 500's negative 24 percent. Going back to 1977, Berkshire has returned annual gains of 27.7% versus 8.8% for the S&P 500.
Please pardon the digression.
Posted by: Emil Pulsifer | May 31, 2012 at 03:59 PM
BNSF - Big, Noisy, Slow, F@(!in' Railway
Posted by: Smokey Choo-choo | June 01, 2012 at 05:57 AM
Smokey Dhoo-doo
Normally it is not smart to text from a Stupid Urban Vehicle (SUV), but in the above case, since you were embedded in freeway gridlock with car-skank watering your eyes, your uninspired blat should be forgiven, at least from the public safety point of view...
One more thing:
Haven't the kooks in AZ passed (or tried to pass) some sort of internet ordinance banning free speech in regards to profanity next to their holy names? Aye. And isn't it wonderful that they have played their thin-skin cards so noisily? Aye.
Which is all to suggest that the new national intellectual sport should be the creative insulting of AZ Republicans. Sharpen your word-swords ladies and gentleman -- and when they next expose their rectums (like clockwork)-- plunge it in to the hilt.
Posted by: koreyel | June 01, 2012 at 06:31 AM
Right on Koreyel
More of that good singing
Posted by: cal Lash | June 01, 2012 at 01:39 PM
I totally disagree about German Tourists- they land en masse in Las Vegas and populate quite a bit of the tourist destinations of Northern Az- I used to cater to them extensively when I worked up in Williams. Route 66 is big in Germany, along with cowboys and indians. Las Vegas is a far better flight coming in from overseas than Phoenix- this place is too far south for the Grand Canyon and Glitter Gulch.
Phoenix is the problem with your tourist cred- it just has almost no pull for summer vacations. Winter time it fights with much shorter jaunts to Miami and the Islands from Europe.
Face it, you can't move the Canyon South, and the blue hairs don't want Vegas here, which means we are pretty blah.
As for the young hip Snotsdale crowd, they are just here for the cheap LA vibe.
I flew the direct Lufthansa flight, and coming back here through the laughable SkyHarbor customs setup was a Royal Pain in the You know What! I had some items that they would not allow me through the terminal with (pre9/11), and to get my bags I literally had to corner the poor manager (in German) to get him to finish getting 10 people's bags across to the counters. After a very long flight, finding our airport stupidity was not high on my list of ever doing it again.
It is one dang long haul to Europe from Phoenix, and you can't supplement the scrawny business stuff with enough tourists to matter.
We have a giant airport, but we don't have real trade.
PS- My Dad's cousins always had relatives fly in to Vegas, and met up with them.
Posted by: Citizen AllenM | June 02, 2012 at 01:26 PM
"Citizen AllenM" can you pls email me. Thank you. ref. "Egbert and Yogini Christie"
Posted by: A.Young | November 12, 2012 at 01:54 PM