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October 18, 2010


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The history of public education was not taught in my public school. Is it taught there today?

One of today's public education challenges seems to be that of teaching the ESL kids and raising them up to be productive members of society. A big order. But it needs to be overlaid against the societal costs of creating an even more firmly imbedded underclass. Patrician Tom Horne never got it. Hopefully, Penny Kotterman will be given an opportunity. She's a career educator in the Carolyn Warner mode.

Nice article. Thank you. Your blog article was linked on the Kenilworth Facebook group page where I saw it. I went to Kenilworth from 1975-1980. I've always felt that the mix of students (different socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds) was the absolute best aspect about my experience at Kenilworth and what has made me a lifelong public school advocate

I attended Kenilworth in the early 1940's, through the fourth grade,so I understand how you feel. I hardly ever go by it any more but if I am in downtown Phoenix I go out my way to see it. It still has that wonderful warmth and charm. I grew up in the Willo district so those are lovely old homes to me. What is it? "You can't go back"! But I do a little when I drive by Kenilworth.

I attended the school in 1986 thru 1989 then again in 1991?. I don't know about you guys but going down the stairs to I would say the basement still gives me this crazy feeling of dizziness I could still feel if I think about the smell as you turned to head down the second set of steps. Gee do I miss that school and all the plays we had ,and Indian dances out front.

We lived across 7th Ave on Culver Street. I and my brothers and sisters attended this school until we moved in 1975. This was a great school. Its sad to see that the north side of the building is now nothing but a parking lot. There used to be a tree on the north west corner and on the north side teeter totters and black top for playing during recess. The front side (east side) was all lawn, a flag pole and a walk way leading to the entrance, that too has changed to asphalt. I hope they don't change it (for the worse) any further.

I went to Kenilworth K-8.. I was in Miss Metcalf's first grade class in 1953. I can still remember learning to read in her class. The students were ALL white then, and the teachers all spinsters. Miss Schmucker (Kindergarten), Miss Metcalf (1st), Miss Corbett (2nd), Miss Janeke (3rd), Miss Humphrey (4th), Miss Bast (5th), Miss Seburn (a new freshly out of college 6th grade teacher. So pretty and nice!) Mr. Malinsky ( middle-aged, 7th), and Miss McCrea (8th). MIss Fox wa the librarian. I loved the library. Yes, there was a lot of bullying going on. As a girl I wasn't a target, but as the only Jewish girl in the school, I was a target of anti-semitism. It was a beautiful school. I don't like the renovation they did with carpets in the hallways, etc. Very kitsch-y and not at all true to the simplicity of how it was. Thanks for your post.

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