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July 01, 2010


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Funny that the ideology of the Goldwater Institute and it's sock puppet on the "Information Center" Bob Robb have decisively failed - and it's Robb who keeps his job and Talton who was pushed out. AZ Republic mea culpa? Yeah right.

I'd love to see a direct debate (or more likely, a dismantling) with Jon and Robb. However futile it is at this late hour, at least maybe it would help expose the culprits in the crimes against Arizona.

Now THIS is the Jon Talton I know and love: ferociously honest, marshaling facts and arguments with compelling lucidity into a series of powerful punches like Joe Louis that, almost inevitably, place his opponent on the canvas. After reading this, I feel like a hurricane just blew past me -- and I like it!

Like Kevin, I've pondered the irony of a newspaper firing its truthteller while keeping the trained seal that passes for a pundit. What level of pain will it take to finally rouse Arizonans from the stupor of bromides and groupthink? As a college student in Germany back in the 70s, I recall with a little horror the excuses Germans made for themselves about the hell they unleashed a few decades earlier. People don't give up their illusions easily, even in their own ruin.

I'm up in Vancouver at the moment and the contrast with Arizona is depressingly stark. This is a world-class city with a degree of diversity and multiculturalism that would make Mesa's collective head explode. Yesterday was Canada Day and the low-key but obvious patriotism was alive in the faces of ethnic Asians who make up about half the population here. Arizona screams STOP! at the tide of history while Canada deftly surfs its waves.

Exceptionalism used to be the theory of our grace. Now its the mental prison we can't escape.

"(here come more migrants, Arizona)"

Climate change may be an accelerant, but the real culprit will be the rapidly declining production of Mexico's Cantarell oil field and the trouble that spells for Mexico's economy.

Thanks for again quoting all instances of the term "growth". How about throwing in a few of my favorite terms e.g., 'bloat', 'bulge', 'balloon', 'swell', and 'fatten'? Unquoted, of course.

What we all know: AZ and the Valley are in the cross-hairs when it comes to climate change. Jon has written at some length about the long term implications which can drive people OUT of the state. For the present, the leading political figures are totally focused on their navels and their re elections. Their environmental voting records are consistently abysmal and none of their campaign rhetoric deals with even a snippet about public health issues like bad air. God help us!

Here's a hilarious sight-gag courtesy of the Arizona Democratic Party: "Brewer's Jobs Plan":


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