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October 09, 2009


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According to a recent article in the non-paper, "Japan opened its first bullet-train line in the 1960s, followed by France about 15 years later. Until 2004, China had the smallest system, but today boasts the largest one, with more high-speed track than Europe. It also features the fastest trains in the world and is investing $300 billion to add 16,000 miles by 2020."

By contrast, "No true high-speed system exists in the United States" (defined by the U.S. government as "an intercity system on which trains routinely travel faster than 125 mph. Such systems are designed for business travelers and tourists making trips of 200 to 500 miles").


Mr. Talton wrote:

"...Read Jeff Sharlet's The Family and David Wessel's In Fed We Trust (and throw in Maggie Mahar's Money Driven Medicine) and you begin to see the financialized theocracy we have become. One facing unsustainability on every front, including in a military whose quiet evangelization by the Christian right should raise alarms never before heard in America (were it covered by the media)."

This is the second time recently that Mr. Talton has alluded to the possibility of sedition if not treason from within the government.

Does anyone know, offhand, who might replace National Security Advisor James L. Jones if he were to die in an accident, either officially or in terms of influence, especially in matters of domestic policy? And does John O. Brennan (George J. Tenet's good buddy, and currently Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism) fit into the general scheme of things? My view where sedition is concerned is, always be suspicious of the guy sitting in the middle of the State security spiderweb...


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