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October 19, 2009


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Sadly, tax cuts and lax regulation will continue in Arizona, so long as Kooks like Andy Biggs, Russell Pearce and Sam "I don't believe in honoring contracts" Crump are running the show at the State House.

I know I've mentioned it here before but when I asked Dr. William Harris, head of the Science Foundation why its corporate partners such as Intel and APS were constantly down at the legislature demanding tax cuts while bemoaning the sweeping of funds from the Foundation, I got a snippy response by him. Sadly, the good Doctor has drunk the supply side koolaid too. The problem isn't just the anti-gubmint kooks or even the Goldwater dolts. The bigger problem is predatory corporate culture and the massive sense of entitlement that the wealthy have. They want their science foundations and mass transit projects and whatnot but they'll be damned if they'll help pay for them.

One more thing:

"So, what must government do well?"

Duh, lock people up! Arizona is #2 in the nation in prison spending.

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