This was a question asked by a reader of a recent post. It's a fair question that deserves an answer. I will try to be concise.
1. I am not selling anything associated with the sunshine/real estate Ponzi scheme, so I have no reason to lie to the boobs -- oops, potential customers from the Midwest or inland California about the true state of affairs in Arizona.
2. I am not one of the boobs from the Midwest or inland California who bought into what was billed as "a piece of unspoiled Sonoran Desert -- with championship golf!," only to find dreary suburbia in a frying pan set on high. And now I'm too embarrassed to admit I was a sucker but angry at anyone who implies it.
3. I am not a member of the Real Estate Industrial Complex or the Kookocracy. Therefore, I don't profit from either the booster growthgasm Kook-Aid, the ongoing destruction of the state or the constant inflaming of grievances against "guvment," brown people or columnists who speak truth to power.
4. I am a mean, mean man.