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June 24, 2008


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Ha ha, again I say nobody cares what they call "Copper Square". It is only a portion of downtown. I've never heard anyone say "I'm going to Copper Square this evening". Maybe a new name will change that maybe it won't. One thing is for sure, it'll have no effect on the financing for Hotel Monroe. However, the completion of the light rail and the addition to the convention center may give them the boost they need to secure new financing. For Jackson St the state may step in with a "TIF". Read about that here: http://phoenix.bizjournals.com/phoenix/stories/2008/06/16/daily42.html?ana=yfcpc

It is really private capital's fault? No one in their right mind that is looking to make money (private capital) puts funding in to projects that lose money. Projects like this have a horrible history in Phoenix.

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