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June 27, 2008


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I wish we could depend on the same Justices to defend both 2nd amendment rights and also little things like Habeas Corpus. Luckily there are people on both left and right who do both, but they get shut out of much mainstream media because they complicate the ridiculous binary political view they rely on to keep things simple for themselves.

You might call the NRA "extreme" but if they had been left alone to do their huntin' shootin' fishin' in peace they would never have felt the need to become an overt political force. What they are asking for is respect and they move to whatever political position is necessary to achieve that respect.

On a somewhat related issue, I can't help thinking about the ongoing elections in Zimbabwe without wondering how that country would be different if the majority of the population owned rifles. You can call the NRA extreme if you like, but there are worse things in this world and a government turning against its own people is one of them.

Holmes set up a straw man with his "fire" analogy; the case he was commenting on was the right of women and men to -merely- speak against a military draft in World War One.
In no way was that analogous to "falsely shouting fire in a crowded theater."
His gung-ho jingoism dealt a serious blow to free political speech in America.

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