President-elect McCain is giving a speech tonight, hoping to peel off disaffected Hillary voters (to whom I have two words: Supreme Court). He started by saying he was so glad to be "in New Orleans." Actually, he is out in the suburbs, in Kenner. This New Orleans 'burb is nearly 70 percent white and significantly richer than New Orleans. The relationship between the mostly poor, black city and the white suburbs was brought into sharp relief after Hurricane Katrina, when gun-toting suburban cops blocked evacuees from leaving the city. From this safe distance, he claims to feel Nola's pain...
This fits with McCain's tour of supposedly forgotten, poor areas, which somehow ended up playing to white exurban crowds, notably at Selma, Ala. To the extent that McCain is even a senator "from Arizona" -- refusing to do anything for his alleged home state -- he keeps his office in an exclusive part of Phoenix, and apparently found the tony north-central part of the city too, er, close to the barrio...?...for his Scottsdale-seeking residential tastes.
I give you the candidate of gated communities.
Plus, check out David Kurtz' on TPM about the latest McCain fib:
Still in Louisiana today, following his epic speech in Kenner last night, John McCain was asked by a local reporter why he had voted against creating a federal commission to investigate the Katrina disaster.
McCain's response? "I've supported every investigation and ways of finding out what caused the tragedy. . . ."
The problem is that's just not true. He voted against such a commission -- twice.