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January 11, 2008


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Talton is sorely missed in AZ.

Very good to hear from you Mr. Talton.
Too bad you are not around to gloat.
Everything you said would happen in Phoenix is happening.
Our economy built on building new houses is in deep trouble.
And we are in deep denial.

Jon is definitely missed in Phoenix - now the AZ Republic is just a mouthpiece for all the incompetent politicians and so-called business leaders. The economy is in a downward spiral and no one in a leadership position knows how to come up with any ideas to stop the spiral because they only know how to approve ridiculous real estate projects and promote jobs in the retail and service industries.

Good riddance to lousy columnists. I'm sure you didn't mind clearing half a million in profit when you sold your house.

Mr Talton:

I sincerely hope you are chortling at the mess Arizona has become; you warned 'em!

Schadenfreude is nothing to be ashamed of ;)

Mr Talton:

I sincerely hope you are chortling at the mess Arizona has become; you warned 'em!

Schadenfreude is nothing to be ashamed of ;)

Talton, you have done what many people do when they find themselvs losing an argument (or a job in this case) - you call the other side names. My quick scan of your post noted 10 different deragatory names directed at groups that disagree with you. As I tell my seven-year-old, name calling does nothing to support your cause. In addition, you paint opposing arguments in their worst possible light rather than painting them in their best possible light and responding to them as would a person truly concerned about finding the best solution.

Regardless of the merits of your arguments, you will always be more convincing if you stick to issues. Conversly, you will never convince the reasoned, thoughtful reader by name-calling.

I'm sure those who already subscribe to your opinions will cheer at your diatribe, but those of us who are willing to consider both sides of an issue and make a rational decision based on the facts will tune you out.

Sigh. We're screwed, aren't we Jon? It's not rocket science that a desert environment simply cannot sustain out-of-control growth (John Wesley Powell was on to this over a hundred years ago). Congratulations on your escape to Seattle. I'm thinking Bend, OR looks pretty good. (And I'm curious as to why the Mesa Republican George who is "tuning you out" is reading your blog?)

I am relatively new here, so didn't realize what we had until you were gone. Regarding Palo Verde, no you're not the only one. Biggest nuke plant in the nation with one of the worst safety records, and guess what, the largest escape routes from Phoenix (I-8 and I-10) head right past it. And I-17 North is not big enough, meaning we're all heading out down I-10 to Tucson....

A few years ago, I wanted to take a bus from Sky Harbor to my apartment. My apartment is within 400' of the PV Mall "Transit Center". According to the bus company at the time, there was no express bus from "Transit Center" to the Airport, and no bus at all unless I was willing to take two hours and two transfers (three buses) to do it.

It's shameful that in the hottest city in the US, the bus stops were not covered UNTIL we got rail. The reason for this is obvious of course, the bus system is not meant for "real people" but for our maids. It's the rail that's meant for our lawyer, journalist, business elite.

Best wishes in Seattle. Wish I could join you, but the "Marriage of Burgess" has me out here.

Hah! The editors at the Repulsive would have never let you write this, but the stuff you wrote was pretty good considering.

Light rail that avoids Sky Harbor... brilliant.

And to Mesa George, you call Talton a "name-caller." That's just silly, no?

Mr. Talton
I have missed your articles. Even though you are far away, please keep in touch!

Miss seeing you Sun mornings at the Good Egg and of course, your columns.

It's too bad that the waste of a newspaper that you used to work for lacks the fire and imagination to actually give it purpose because it's so lacking.

It's not just you pulling's everyone pulling punches which is why we get Real Estate lackeys like Mayor Phil, the consistently worst state legislature imaginable and everyone's least favorite clown, Sheriff Joe.

Thank you for the kind words on John F. Long. Your detailed account of his contributions to Phoenis is wonderful. Hopefully the local press will pick up on this opportunity and write a feature on Mr. Long's life. It is a shame the newer residents of the Valley don't even know Mr. Long. A friend of mine is writing a book on the history of Maryvale Golf Course, and attempted to interview Mr. Long earlier this year. A spokesman for Mr. Long indicated he was not feeling up to it. So, his passing was not a surprise, but non the less a big loss.

To Mesa Republican George,

I have a nick-name for you..."Jawboner". I sense your new to the respected Talton's work. It's types like you that Jawbone and judge the delivery of communication, quite possibly to get your way, or for deflection of the real issues. I know Talton's work for years in AZ. And I repeat..You're a Jawboner. Advice to you - Stick to the issue, stay on task.


I'm 32, an Arizona native who attended college in the state, and now a resident of Denver. I moved away several years ago when I found it impossible to land a decent-paying job that didn't involve taking orders and bringing snobs their foie gras.
I now live in Denver -- far enough away from Arizona to appreciate where I've come, but close enough to observe the trainwreck that Phoenix is about to become.
You were so right in your criticisms of Arizona. Too bad others couldn't pause for just a moment and consider what you had to say.

While there are some minor points of disagreement here (the reality of politics, some of the snarkiness), by and large, I agree with you Jon. Some comments --

As a early Napolitano supporter, I am still dazed and unforgiving about her choice to ditch the state to position herself nationally. For those of us from certain vantage points, this became blatant near the end of the first term and even more so during the second. If the economy had been in better shape, I'd have wished her godspeed; it's not, and now the state is in the hands of poorly educated leaders at a time of unprecedented crisis.

Phil Gordon is emerging as a tougher leader than in previous years. He has chosen to take on Joe Arpaio -- publically. No matter how you feel about his real estate ties, I've seen some real spine from Phil (at great political risk) during the past year. This should be acknowledged and endorsed.

As regards what we're facing down here, there is always good that comes from bad. When people begin to experience loss of services in their daily lives (What? No trash pickup this week? The library's not open? My kid can't have healthcare even though I worked for years before the lay-off?), they get active.

Obama is right about America needing to get real. Perhaps the reality will sink in for those Arizona idealogues as they face the coming wrath of heretofore unengaged citizens.

Every place has problems. You like Seattle -- I say Phoenix is way better. I bought my home 10 years ago and wasn't concerned when the price fell in 2008 from triple to double what we paid for it. The average home price in Phoenix is now $136,000, compared to Seattle's $393,000. More than twice as much money to buy a decent home, and I'll bet they don't throw in free rainjackets. Phoenix rules and whiners drool!

Your rundown of the state's demographic archetypes is depressing in its accuracy.

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